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tony-pantalleresco-bio-picTony Pantalleresco has been somebody that has been on our radar for a long time. I’ve been familiar with his Youtube video for a long time and have learned a lot of interesting health tips from them.

After many listeners emailed me asking to have Tony on I had to invite him on and have a good conversation. You’ll notice that during the show we got cut off from Skype a couple of times but we managed to stick with it and hopefully provide you some health tips that can help you in your life.

We talked about geo-engineering and how that’s affecting the worldwide weather patterns that we see going on today. We also talked about HARP and and lots of interesting ideas surrounding his thoughts about geo-engineering.

Part of the geo-engineering plan and weather modification as it’s also called are chemtrails. I’ve heard both sides of the chemtrail debate for many years so I asked Tony what he thought about a popular argument from people who “debunk” (I hate that word) the idea of chemtrails.

Their claim is that the only reason there is what they just call “smoke” coming from the back of airplanes is because the plane changes altitude and this effects air pressure causing what we see as lines in the sky. You’ll want to hear Tony’s thoughts about that.

We discussed nano particles in depth. If you aren’t familiar with nano particles you’ll learn all about what they are, where they come from and most importantly how the affect our health in a negative way.

We also discussed Fukushima and the idea of the West coast of Northern America being exposed to higher amounts of toxic radiation.

You’ll also love what he has to say about organic food and what you should do to treat the food you do buy. Should you eat the skins of fruits? Is that dangerous? Do skins contain fluoride, chlorine or nanoparticles?

Find out what our new friend Tony Pantalleresco has to say about all these subjects and much more.

Do you like him? Should we invite him back on? Comment down below!

Also thank you to all of you amazing listeners for bookmarking our Amazon link and even buying from our store. You are too kind. Our shows are 100% free so your support by sharing our updates on Facebook and/or your donations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you all. We love you and enjoy this show with Tony Pantalleresco! 🙂


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Show Notes For This Episode:

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The Relax Far Infrared Sauna
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Activation Products – Ocean’s Alive & Magnesium

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Show Date:

Friday 12/28/2015

Show Guest:

Tony Pantalleresco

Guest Info:

He’s Just a Guy who knows Some stuff

Show Topic:

Nano particles, chemtrails and more

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Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Tony Pantalleresco

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  • Things were starting just fine, and then gays and pedopfiles… geeze luize… Stick to the issue of health and nanoparticles and what can we do… I still don’t know what to do except dont consume canola, and don’t eat and grains…

  • Wow you guys, I’ve been following this guy for a while now, and he’s great. It’s hard to figure him out at first, but if you’ve done your health research for the past 10 years or so, you know this guy is right. He looks at health from where it’s supposed to be looked at, from the periodic table. We are chemically made up, natural chemicals that is, and anything that deviates from this is not good. People are afraid to be outspoken like he is, probably why he’s living in Ontario, but again he’s right. He speaks fast as he’s been helping people for so long, he skips the leading into whatever he’s conveying. He thinks we know the basics. His web page has the 8 or so talk episodes with back in 2012 and 13, and he doesn’t deviate from what he said there. You need to get him back. We could learn so much from this guy.

    • Hi Jerry! How are you my friend? Yes we will be getting him back. He’s a very interesting person to say the least (but again just another voice). I love Tony! Thanks for listening and commenting and it’s great to hear from you!!

    • As I am learning more about nano this man has a lot of knowledge about nano dust n other nano particles and how to clean them. Now I understand what are some worms, some are in chem trails which can be nano particles spraying, also they use them as pesticide. Scary especially when they are in our bodies.

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