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It seems fitting that I’m writing this during “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” aka Pinktober (I really need to do a deep dive into the $cam that is) but I felt called to.

If the Susan G. Komen campaign actually did their job I wouldn’t have to be writing this article about how to prevent breast cancer at all.

And by “doing their job” I mean using more than 21% of their donations to actually find a cure for breast cancer. That means 79% of their donations go to running their operations and/or funding pharmaceutical companies who don’t want to cure you.

With all their “cancer research” and funding they’ve only managed to improve death rates by 5% since 1950. Yet the War on Cancer initiated in 1971 by then president Nixon rages on with no end in sight.

Just the way they like it.


I’m going to embed a video below that I’d recommend you watch about the Susan G Komen foundation and what it’s really about. I have no idea how long it’ll stay up but in case it doesn’t, it’s called Pink Ribbons Inc. I would also read the book called Pink Ribbon Blues to dive even deeper. Just a warning, the implications are pretty dark.


About four months ago the famous Hollywood actress Shannen Doherty died from breast cancer (or was it the chemotherapy?) and it makes me sad that people don’t know the information I’m going to share in this article.

In fact if you search Google for “how to prevent breast cancer” you’re going to get the same garbage results that give “lip service” to prevention and diet but ultimately funnel you into “talking with your doctor” (as if they’re a safe source of unbiased information with your best interests at hand) which most times doesn’t end well.

The Cure Is In The Cause

It’s important to note that when we stop participating in the cause, then the dis-ease will go away because there’s no need for it. Makes sense right? When you stop banging your head against the wall, the headache magically disappears.

The great thing is that we know what causes breast cancers. We have that list. It may not be an exhaustive list but even if it’s a partial list, you should know what some of the causes of breast cancer are.

Think about it, let’s say there were 20 actual causes of breast cancer and we have a “partial” list of 17 of them, how would that affect your healing if you stopped participating in all 17 causes?

The fact is there are hundreds of causes of cancers and diseases that we know about. We can’t avoid them all so why not avoid what we can to give the body energy to heal?

Doesn’t that make sense? How do you prevent breast cancer?

Stop participating in what causes it.

Let’s dive in…

How To Prevent Breast Cancer

It’s important to note, that we all have cancer cells growing in our bodies every day. It’s normal and natural. The problem with this is two fold. If we live in such a way as to prevent our body from creating enough energy to regulate those fast growing cells. One could say that a lack of energy is the cause of all dis-ease.

If you are exposed to toxins, chemicals and xenoestrogens daily, those cells are going to grow unhindered. The other issue is that if you get a mammogram during this time, you’re going to be diagnosed with breast cancer.

According to my friend Dr. Richard Massey MD, every person has three or four major “bouts” with cancer in their lives and they don’t even know it. Their immune system simply gets on top of it and it all happens without us even knowing. It might present has feeling run down for a few months or some other way.

More testing = more diagnosis’. This is why they want you to test test and keep testing.

They’re hoping to find something.

In reality they’re digging for gold. As the testing “improves” (meaning their instruments can detect smaller and smaller particles) there will be more women being diagnosed which means more profit for them.

A test is a snapshot in time. Always remember that.

It’s only showing what was possibly happening in your body at that exact time of the test, nothing more.

Remember we are verbs, we’re not nouns. The body is changing every second of every day based on your thoughts and your feelings.

When you turn a verb (cancering) into a noun (cancer) you have no control. It is solidified and there’s nothing you can do. But if you turn it back into a verb, you have full control.

Instead of saying….”I have the C-word” it would be much more empowering to say, “how am I cancering my body today and what can I do to stop doing it?”

You have much more control than they tell you.

With that said here’s how to prevent breast cancer.

1. Avoid Blue Light

If you are exposed to blue light at night you are depleting melatonin, (which is your #1 anticancer hormone your body makes…it’s not just for sleep!) which helps your body prevent cancer cells from growing. The number one thing you can do to prevent breast cancer is to avoid blue light exposure at night time. I share how to do it here.

One way to avoid blue light from devices is to install Iris Tech and wear these blue blocking glasses.

There’s a paper titled “Putting cancer to sleep at night

It has been postulated that in industrialized societies, light at night, by suppressing melatonin production, poses a new risk for the development of breast cancer and, perhaps, other cancers as well. Dietary melatonin supplementation working in concert with the endogenous melatonin signal has the potential to be a new preventive/therapeutic strategy to optimize the host/cancer balance in favor of host survival and quality of life.

And there’s a paper called “Bright Lights, Big Cancer

“Light at night is now clearly a risk factor for breast cancer,” Blask says. “Breast tumors are awake during the day, and melatonin puts them to sleep at night.” Add artificial light to the night environment, and “cancer cells become insomniacs,” he says.

Breast cancer may be likelier to spread to bone with nighttime dim-light exposure

“….exposure to dim light at night induces circadian disruption, which then increases the formation of bone metastatic breast cancer……X-ray images showed that mice exposed to a light/dim light cycle had much larger tumors and increased bone damage compared with mice kept in a standard light/dark cycle” – Source

Adverse Health Effects of Nighttime Lighting

…nighttime electric light can disrupt circadian rhythms in humans and documents the rapidly advancing understanding from basic science of how disruption of circadian rhythmicity affects aspects of physiology with direct links to human health, such as cell cycle regulation, DNA damage response, and metabolism. The human evidence is also accumulating, with the strongest epidemiologic support for a link of circadian disruption from light at night to breast cancer. – Source

Lights should support circadian rhythms: evidence-based scientific consensus

There is now sufficient evidence to support the widespread introduction of circadian lighting that adjusts light intensity and blue content across day and night to maintain robust circadian entrainment and health”. This conclusion was supported by consensus on 24 other specific statements about the disruptive effects of light at night, and the lack of adequate light during the day, on circadian rhythms and health.

“Approximately 90% of our time is now spent indoors under electric light, that is, typically 100 times dimmer during the day than natural daylight and 100 times brighter after dusk than even the brightest moonlight”

“…a large number of studies have linked circadian disruption caused by inadequate exposure to light during daytime hours and exposure to electric light at night to a wide range of health disorders, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, reproductive and psychiatric disorders and certain endocrine-sensitive cancers, such as breast cancer

By 2007, there was sufficient evidence for the World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (Straif et al., 2007) to classify night shift work with circadian disruption as a probable (group 2 A) human carcinogen.

Exposure to blue-rich light in the evening and night hours raises significant health issues because there is a more than five-fold variation in nocturnal melatonin suppression between different LED light sources at the same lux intensity depending on the 440–495 nm μW/cm2 blue irradiance of each LED light source (Moore-Ede 2021). Even small amounts of blue irradiance in visible light during nocturnal hours can cause circadian disruption and increase the risk of health disorders (Rahman et al., 2011; Vethe et al., 2021; Vethe et al., 2022; Balserak et al., 2022; Cain et al., 2020; Schöllhorn et al., 2023).

blue-enriched (460–495 nm) light in the evening (during the 3 hours before bedtime) disrupts nocturnal sleep, phase delays the circadian system and disrupts circadian rhythms more than blue-depleted light at the same intensity. – Source

Total darkness at night key to success of breast cancer therapy, study shows

“High melatonin levels at night put breast cancer cells to ‘sleep’ by turning off key growth mechanisms. These cells are vulnerable to tamoxifen. But when the lights are on and melatonin is suppressed, breast cancer cells ‘wake up’ and ignore tamoxifen,” – Source

As you can see from these studies there’s a clear association between breast tumors and exposure to light at night.

2. Get Sun on Them Daily

Despite what your doctor says, sunlight helps prevent cancer. If I had breast cancer, I would get my breasts in the sun daily for at least 30 minutes. Not medical advice but simply what I would do.

Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Breast Cancer Risk

We observed a decreased risk of breast cancer for individuals spending ≥1⁢h⁡/d in the sun during summer months over a lifetime or usual adulthood compared with <1⁢h⁡/d [pooled relative risk (RR)=0.84; 95% CI: 0.77, 0.91]. Spending ≥2⁢h⁡/d in the sun had a similar protective effect as 1 to <2⁢h⁡/d when compared with <1⁢h⁡/d (RR=0.83; 95% CI: 0.75, 0.93 vs. 0.83; 95% CI: 0.78, 0.89). Exposure during adolescence was suggestive of a lower risk of breast cancer than exposure later in life – Source

Vitamin D and Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Case-Control Study

“In this study, we found strong evidence to support the hypothesis that vitamin D could help to prevent breast cancer. We also found that exposures during adolescence, a critical period in breast development, were the most consistently related to breast cancer. Conclusion: We found strong evidence to support the hypothesis that vitamin D could help prevent breast cancer. However, our results suggest that exposure earlier in life, particularly during breast development, maybe most relevant.” – Source

Reread that last sentence.

It means GETTING, not avoiding the sun when you are a child and growing is crucial to prevent the dysfunction in your biology that allows cancer to grow.

Here’s something unexpected: Sunbathers live longer

Surprising, right? But that’s the conclusion of a new study that compared the life spans of many people with varying amounts of sun exposure. They found that among nearly 30,000 women in Sweden, who were each monitored for about 20 years, those who spent more time in the sun actually lived longer and had less heart disease and fewer non-cancer deaths than those who reported less sun exposure. – Source & Source

3. Avoid Bras

Wearing bras are unhealthy for two reasons. Number one, they restrict lymphatic flow in and around your breasts. Number two, most times they have metal underwires on them that attract radiation from wifi, smart meters, dirty electricity and other signals. All metal attracts radiation.

To learn more about this we did a show with Sidney Ross Singer author of Dressed to Kill that you can listen to below.

4. Avoid Hair Dyes

Do you have gray hair and get your hair dyed regularly? Maybe you’re younger and don’t have gray hair but you love going from blonde to brunette If you do, you are increasing your risk of breast cancer.

This national prospective cohort study, conducted with 46,709 women from the Sister Study, examined the link between hair dye and chemical straightener use and breast cancer risk, particularly focusing on ethnic differences. Results showed a 45% increased breast cancer risk in Black women using permanent hair dye, compared to 7% in White women, and a higher risk with personal straightener use in all participants. The study concluded that chemicals in these hair products may play a role in breast cancer development, especially in Black women.

5. Avoid Seed Oils

I’m not a fan of seed oils. In fact right now I take Vitamin E daily in order to counteract the lifetime of PUFAs I consumed from childhood.

Here are some studies below you might find interesting. Do you eat seed oils or vegetable oils? You may want to reconsider.

A 2005 study titled “Omega–6/Omega–3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Ratio and Breast Cancer” was conducted by Bougnoux and colleagues, which analyzed the impact of seed oils rich in omega-6 on breast cancer risk. It suggested that a higher ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, commonly found in seed oils, could increase breast cancer risk. The study concluded that balancing these fatty acids is crucial for reducing breast cancer risk. – Source

A 2015 meta-analysis titled “Vegetable Oil Intake and Breast Cancer Risk,” conducted in China by Xin and colleagues, reviewed multiple studies on vegetable oil consumption, including seed oils like corn oil, and its link to breast cancer. The analysis found a correlation between high vegetable oil intake and increased breast cancer risk. The study recommended cautious intake of vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids. – Source

In 2009, a study titled “Dietary Intakes of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and the Risk of Breast Cancer” was conducted by Thiébaut and colleagues across multiple countries. This epidemiological study found that high omega-6 PUFA intake, typically from seed oils, was associated with increased breast cancer risk. The study suggested dietary modifications to lower omega-6 PUFA intake as a preventive measure. – Source

Below I’ll share an Interview I did with Atom Bergstrom where we talked about yellow fat disease aka lipofuscin.

6. Phone Location!

Whenever I’m on a walk or when I used to go to the gym, I’d always see women exercising with their cell phones in their bra strap. They’d put it there because their yoga pants or shorts had no pockets so they’d put their cell phone right next to their breast. I always shook my head in disbelief but it’s not my job to stop them and let them know the dangers of that.

This case series reports on four young women, aged 21 to 39, who developed multifocal invasive breast cancer in areas directly beneath where they regularly carried their smartphones against their breasts for extended periods. None had a family history of breast cancer or genetic predispositions, and all showed similar hormone-positive tumors in the same locations. The study raises concerns about the potential link between prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields from cellular phones and breast cancer, highlighting the need for more safety data. – Source

7. Improve Lymphatic Flow

Some time ago I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Perry Nickelston (see my interview below) and we discussed how important the lymphatic system is for our health and to prevent diseases like breast cancer.

To improve your lymphatic system you can do the Big Six (see below) before bed. You could also invest in a rebounder or vibration plate.

A study titled “Obesity and Cancer Rehabilitation for Functional Recovery and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Comprehensive Review” (L Lippi, A de Sire et al., Cancers, 2024) explores how impairments in the lymphatic system, often linked to obesity or other factors, can contribute to the development of conditions such as breast cancer. It emphasizes that dysfunction in the lymphatic drainage system is associated with complications in cancer care, highlighting the link between impaired lymphatic flow and cancer progression. You can access the full text here.

8. Fix Root Canals

According to Dr. Bob Dowling all cancers can be traced back to the mouth. If you have dental infections like root canals, cavitations from tooth extractions, or mercury fillings this could be the primary physical cause of breast cancer. So it stands to reason that if you learn how to prevent breast cancer by fixing your oral health, then the cancer has a better chance of being consumed by your immune system over time.

We do know that there is a definite connection between heavy metals (mercury fillings are loaded with them) and breast cancer so it would make sense to make sure you take charge of your oral health.

Dr. Dowling mentioned once that in screening images he could see lines going directly from an infected tooth to a tumor in the breast. This is what the entire documentary called Root Cause is all about.

I bet your dentist or oncologist has never brought these issues up to you have they?

One study, titled “Root Canal Treatment of Compromised Teeth as Alternative Treatment for Patients Receiving Bisphosphonates,” was conducted by Pelliccioni et al. in 2021 on patients with metastatic breast cancer. This 60-month prospective clinical study evaluated 59 patients who had root canal treatments. The study concluded that compromised dental health, including root canals, may require careful management in breast cancer patients. – Source

A 2019 pilot study titled “Association Between Breast Cancer Chemotherapy, Oral Health, and Chronic Dental Infections” by Willershausen et al. examined 200 women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Over the study period, it found that patients with root canals and chronic dental infections exhibited worsened outcomes in cancer recovery. The study suggested that oral health issues, like root canals, might complicate cancer treatment. – Source

I’ll post an interview we did with my favorite biological dentist Dr. Stuart Nunnally below that you might find interesting.

9. Estrogen Dominance

Excess estrogen can stimulate the growth of certain types of breast cancer. This is because some breast cancers have estrogen receptors, which means they can receive signals from estrogen that could promote their growth.

This is also true for other types of cancers like prostate, colon, lung, and pancreatic cancer. So balancing estrogen levels is important in preventing these types of cancers. Two natural remedies recommended for this are sea kelp and cruciferous vegetables, as they are natural, have no side effects, and can help balance estrogen.

10. Supplements

There are many nutrients, minerals, vitamins and herbs that “may” help to prevent breast cancer. Melatonin is one of them. None of the supplements below cure cancer (I’m forced to say that even though I wish I wasn’t!) so talk with your doctor about them.

Here are some that I would take..



I’m going to share some interesting studies below that you might find interesting.

Melatonin drives apoptosis in head and neck cancer by increasing mitochondrial ROS generated via reverse electron transport

Melatonin may play a role in cancer prevention. Melatonin has been shown to have antioxidant, antimitotic, and antiangiogenic effects, meaning it can help protect cells from damage, inhibit abnormal cell growth, and prevent the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow. Melatonin also interacts with receptors in cells and may regulate tumor growth. It has been particularly studied in relation to breast, lung, esophageal squamous cell, and colorectal cancers. – Source

Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of cancer

Melatonin could be an excellent candidate for the prevention and treatment of several cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer. – Source

Iodine metabolism and breast cancer

Dr. Bernard Eskin of Temple University Medical School found that iodine (not iodide) may help prevent hyperplasia and dysplasia, cellular changes that are early steps in the development of breast cancer and quite often influenced by estrogen.

His animal studies show that iodine deficiency affects the anatomy of breasts (for the technically inclined, “mammary glands”). Eskin and his fellow researchers found that mammary gland cell hyperplasia (this is often a precancerous condition) in iodine-deficient rats could be improved with an amount of iodine equivalent to a five milligram daily dose for a one hundred ten pound woman. Eskin also demonstrated that the active form of iodine in breast tissue, and the form most effective in treating breast conditions, is iodine, not iodide, which concentrates in breast tissue more effectively than in the thyroid.

In June 2006, a group from the Sanjay Ghandi Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India reported that iodine is cytotoxic (kills cancer cells) to several human breast cancer cell lines. By contrast, when applied to human blood cells (monocytes), iodine inhibited growth and proliferation, but didn’t kill the cells.

In 2009, researchers from the same Mexican university reported that four weeks of iodine treatment given to previously carcinogen-treated rats significantly reduced the incidence and size of mammary cancers. They reported on “mechanisms of action” for killing cancer. (For the technically inclined, those mechanisms included “6-iodolactone formation” and “PPAR gamma induction.”) – Source

11. Avoid Mammograms

We know that mammograms don’t really help with overall outcome of women with breast cancer.

You might find this interesting…

Estimating Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis After Screening Mammography Among Older Women in the United States

“…mammograms in older women are doing more harm than good. Not only did mammography not increase survival, but the older the woman, the more likely she will suffer overdiagnosis and unnecessary surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Among women aged 85 and older, an estimated 54% of breast cancer was potentially over diagnosed as a result of breast ‘preventive’ breast screenings.” – Source

Post-radiation Atypical Vascular Proliferation Mimicking Angiosarcoma Eight Months Following Breast-conserving Therapy for Breast Carcinoma

Mammography and fine-needle aspiration, though often very useful in evaluating for breast carcinomas and cytological features, are often negative in early stages of angiosarcoma and difficult to interpret. – Source

I fully realize that many women are scared into getting mammograms without really given informed consent. Personally (and this is not medical advice) I would get a thermography before I’d get a mammogram.

We did a show years ago with a lady by the name of Lisa Kalison that you might like to listen to.

Taken from Canser Step Outside The Box, “According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine (2009), computed tomography (CT) scans cause at least 29,000 cases of cancer and 14,500 deaths in the USA every year.  In the study, researchers found that people may be exposed to four times as much radiation as estimated by earlier studies. Based on those higher measurements, a patient could get as much radiation from one CT scan as 74 mammograms or 442 chest X‐rays!”

“Mammograms increase the risk for developing breast cancer& raise the risk of spreading or metastasizing an existing growth.” – Dr. Charles B. Simone (Memorial Sloan Kettering radiation oncologist) 

In his book, The Politics of Cancer, Dr. Samuel Epstein states, “Regular mammography of younger women increases their cancer risks. Analysis of controlled trials over the last decade has shown consistent increases in breast cancer mortality within a few years of commencing screening. This confirms evidence of the high sensitivity of the premenopausal breast, and of cumulative carcinogenic effects of radiation.” (The Politics Of Cancer, p. 539)

12. No Brainers

Did you notice that diet is last on the list? That’s for a reason. Diet although extremely important, plays (in my opinion) a much smaller role in the formation and cause of breast cancer than the other causes like heavy metals, oral infections, blue light, nnEMF etc.

Avoiding processed foods and refined carbohydrates would be high on my list. I would follow a balanced diet that included meat as it’s base.


What really drives me is informed consent. For example, did your oncologist tell you that the 5 year survival rate of chemotherapy is only 2.3%? Probably not. They’ll constantly play up the results that chemotherapy and radiation can get while down playing proven substances like 2-methoxyestradiol because they cannot go against the standard of care otherwise they’ll lose their license.

Let’s face it, doctors are scared to speak out. They’ll lose their jobs. I get it, but it’s on you to do your own research and find natural remedies and alternative treatments if you’d like. We should live in a free country right?

Or do we?


  1. Do you have breast cancer? Do you know anybody that does?
  2. What treatments did they get? What were the results?
  3. Do you think we have medical freedom?

Comment below!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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