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Should you even do a liver gallbladder cleanse? It’s all I ever hear about in natural health circles these days. It seems like everybody is talking about cleansing your liver and why it’s so important.

So in this article I want to break down why you should consider detoxifying your liver and keeping it as healthy as you can.

Remember, your liver has 500 functions and does most of the heavy lifting in terms of keeping you alive.

You only have one liver for your entire life, so let’s keep it heathy AF 🙂

So let’s dive in…

Functions Of Your Liver

Many people (me included) will tell you that the most important organ in your body is your liver. There’s a reason it’s the only organ that can regenerate tissue and rebuild itself. In fact your liver has over 500 functions and it works all day everyday even while you’re sleeping.

I realize it’s hard to say the liver is more important than your brain but it’s up there. You couldn’t last a day without your brain and the same goes with your liver.

The main point to get across is that your liver is much more important than you think it is and yet it’s easy to neglect.

Your liver is one of those foundational organs. If you cleanse and detoxify your liver, most likely whatever health condition you have will heal. That could be anything from cancer to insomnia.

Picture your liver like a high tech air purifier. Every moment it’s filtering toxins we’re exposed to (and that’s a lot!). It’s also breaking down fats, managing your hormone levels, creating bile, converting inactive thyroid hormone T4 to T3, regulating blood sugar (think diabetes here) and the list goes on and on. I’ll put a list below that I think you’ll find interesting about all the major functions of your liver.

Here’s a short list of “some” of the most important jobs of your liver…

  • Filters toxins
  • Produces bile
  • Breaks down fats
  • Stores vitamins
  • Processes nutrients
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Detoxifies chemicals
  • Synthesizes proteins
  • Stores energy (glycogen)
  • Manages cholesterol
  • Produces hormones
  • Regulates blood clotting
  • Processes medications
  • Destroys old cells
  • Balances body fluids
  • Breaks down alcohol
  • Supports immune health
  • Removes bacteria
  • Neutralizes ammonia
  • Stores iron
  • Synthesizes enzymes
  • Aids digestion
  • Converts glucose
  • Synthesizes cholesterol
  • Builds hormones
  • Regulates bile flow
  • Manages blood detox
  • Recycles red cells
  • Stores Vitamin K
  • Clears metabolic waste
  • Supports circulation
  • Maintains blood pressure
  • Produces immune cells
  • Balances body pH

Why Do A Liver Gallbladder Cleanse?

If you do a liver gallbladder flush on a regular basis (once a year is a good place to start) it can be a complete game changer for your health. When you have a poorly functioning liver you’ll accumulate gallstones that can reduce bile flow which radically impairs digestion (know anybody with bloating or food sensitivities?).

Gallstone accumulation can also prevent the liver from squeezing and detoxifying toxins and metabolic waste that accumulates over the years. When you clear out gallstones the liver can function the way God intended it and you’ll notice more homeostasis in how your digestion functions. Your poop will be more regular and full. You’re energy and sleep may improve. Your overall outlook on life will be more hopeful (think depression and anxiety being eliminated) and so much more.

When you flush out gallstones by cleansing your liver, this also allows for your trillions of cells to get more oxygen and nutrients so that they can properly do their jobs. It’s a systemic detox protocol that can literally add years to your life. And maintaining liver health can add life to your years as well.

Take good care of your liver and you’ll radically improve ever aspect of your life.

Benefits of a Liver Gallbladder Cleanse

It’s not until you do a liver gallbladder cleanse that you really realize just how much better you feel than before doing one. You get used to feeling run down and sluggish. It’s just a part of normal every day life but we often chalk it up to aging.

“Well I’m slowing down and don’t have as much energy as I used to.” These are common words I hear. They’re just not true. You’re slowing down because your liver is not able to operate at full capacity.

When those gallstones are no longer there, you’ll feel amazingly better. Your circulation improves which means your red blood cells have more oxygen and can deliver nutrients to cells more effectively and the result is more energy production in your mitochondria.  And since your liver is working better, you can produce more bile, which means your digestion will be dramatically improved. I’ve seen this a number of time with people I’ve spoken to.

When people think digestion…they just think they can do a poop easier but digestion also includes better nutrient absorption which makes all of your cells healthier and live longer. Doing a liver gallbladder cleanse also helps your blood detoxify and carry more oxygen.

Nagging health concerns like acne, low libido, lack of energy, poor digestion, brain fog etc are all health issues that can go away when your liver is working at 100%.

We know that the liver is the organ of anger and resentment. There seems to be an energetic shift when those gallstones come out, you feel lighter and more emotionally connected to the world. It’s hard to put into words but it almost feels like you’re more connected to yourself, others and nature when your liver is cleaned out.

Look for signs of better emotional well being after doing a liver gallbladder cleanse.

How To Do A Liver Gallbladder Cleanse

A lot of what’s below is taken from a really great book I read years ago called The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Moritiz. We were in talks to do a radio show with him 2 weeks before we heard that he passed away. He left quite a legacy to be sure!

Preparation (6 Days Leading Up to the Cleanse)

Apple Juice

For six days before the cleanse, drink a liter (about 4 cups) of apple juice every day. Sip it throughout the day, between meals. The malic acid in apple juice softens up the stones in your liver, making them easier to pass. Avoid drinking it with meals so it doesn’t mess with digestion.

Dietary Adjustments

This part is easy but important. Avoid any cold foods and drinks; room temp is your friend here, as it “warms up” the liver, setting the stage for a more effective cleanse. Stick to light, plant-based meals without oils, fried foods, or animal products. Basically, eat simple and keep it clean.


Skip unnecessary medications or supplements if you can, as they can burden the liver and make it harder to cleanse.

Colon Cleanse

Ideally, you should do a colon cleanse (like colonic irrigation) before starting. It clears out your digestive tract so that any toxins released during the cleanse don’t linger and cause discomfort.

The Actual Cleanse Day

Diet for the Day

Eat lightly and avoid fats so the liver gets primed for the cleanse.


Something simple, like oatmeal (no sugar or oil).


Steamed veggies with plain white rice and a bit of unrefined salt. Avoid oils and proteins.

Stop Eating by 2 p.m.

No more food or drinks after 2 p.m. so your body can focus fully on the cleanse.

Evening Protocol

6:00 p.m.

Mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts in 3 cups of water. Drink the first serving (about 3/4 cup). The Epsom salts widen the bile ducts, making it easier for gallstones to pass.

8:00 p.m. Drink the second serving of Epsom salts.

9:45 p.m.: Prepare the Oil Mixture

Measure 3/4 cup of fresh grapefruit or lemon juice (about 6 ounces) and 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil (4 ounces). Pour both into a jar with a lid and shake it up until it’s watery. This mixing step is key—it makes the oil easier to digest and absorb.

10:00 p.m. – Drink the Mixture

Grab a wide smoothie straw (this helps it go straight to the back of your throat and avoid that gag reflex). Try to drink it in one go, and if the taste gets to you, hold your nose. It really helps with the taste and gets it down quicker.


Right after, take a digestive enzyme that’s high in lipase (enzymes that help break down fat). This can ease any queasiness from the olive oil and support digestion.

Go Straight to Bed

After drinking the mixture, head to bed and lie down immediately. Ideally, lie on your back with your head slightly elevated. Stay still for at least 20 minutes, focusing on the liver area. This helps the mixture work its way into the liver and get things moving.

The Morning After (Post-Cleanse)

6:00 – 6:30 a.m.

Drink your third dose of Epsom salts.

8:00 – 8:30 a.m.

Drink the fourth and final dose. This last step helps flush out any remaining stones.

Expect Some Action

Over the next few hours, you’ll likely see greenish or tan-colored stones in the toilet, varying in size. This is a sign the cleanse is working—your liver is finally getting rid of those old toxins and stones.

Start Eating Lightly Again

Once you feel up for it, begin with juices or fruits, and move slowly into light meals throughout the day. Avoid anything too heavy or processed.

After the Cleanse

Post-Cleanse Colon Cleanse

Within two to three days, do another colon cleanse to clear out any lingering stones or toxins. This will help prevent any of those released toxins from reabsorbing into your system.

Repeat If Needed

Many people find that they need multiple cleanses to get all the stones out. Ideally, you can do a liver cleanse every two to three weeks until you’re not passing stones anymore. Once you’re in the clear, a maintenance cleanse every six months can keep your liver functioning optimally.

Other Ways To Take Care of Your Liver

There are quite a few liver supporting herbs you can take like dandelion, milk thistle, Tudca, and beef liver. You could choose to do a much more mild liver cleanse that’s helpful as well. The concept of doing a full 7 day liver gallbladder cleanse might sound like too much to you, I get that.

Coffee enemas, rectal ozone insufflations and castor oil packs are all health practices you could do for your liver on a regular basis that can really help move the needle for you.


So let’s put it all together when it comes to how often you should do a liver gallbladder cleanse and how do you combine them with what I mentioned above. First I’d like to say that you’ll have to figure out what works best for you, your life and your schedule.

I can tell you what works for me. I like to do red light therapy and use the Sota Magnetic Pulser over my liver 4 days a week. When I go into my sauna I’ll usually apply a little bit of castor oil over my liver while I’m sweating. I do this four times per week.

Once a week I’ll do a ozone rectal insufflation and once per week I’ll do a coffee enema.

I take the above supplements most of the time. There are times when I run out so I may miss some days but generally I’m taking care of my liver daily, weekly monthly and yearly.

If you’d like a full detailed step by step Yearly Health Protocol I’d suggest you click here and take a look at a schedule you can follow every single year. It includes parasite cleansing, liver cleansing, colon cleaning, heavy meatal detoxification and more.


  1. Are you going to try a liver gallbladder cleanse?
  2. Have you ever tried one before? What were your results?
  3. If you do them, how often do you do them?

Comment below!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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