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Author: Kate Stellman
Date: September 12, 2024

two-roads-two-choicesFeel Good Project day 38

A career aptitude test I took in high school suggested I become a chicken farmer.

TRUE story.

Even then it was funny. NOW I find it ridiculous.

I believe that conclusion was based off of my answers of loving animals and being outdoors or something. At least give me some more credit! Marine biologist perhaps?

In all seriousness, I couldn’t help but laugh today as this memory surfaced after many moons.

What triggered it was an awesome interview today with Jackie Dumaine from In our awesome, inspiring conversation this morning, we touched on the idea that just because we are good at something-or even TOLD we are gifted or talented in something-does NOT necessarily mean that it’s the right path for us to take.

Often other people’s suggestions or visions for our lives are just that. It’s THEIRS, not ours.

This is something I have come to realize lately that unfortunately has robbed me of many years of doing something that is better suited for me.

I have actually tried quitting my job FOUR times before-no joke!

Reminds me of that Friends episode when Chandler tries to quit the gym and it’s near impossible-remember that one?

Well, seriously that’s how I have been feeling all of these years. I psych myself up, tell the salon owners of my plan to step away, and then am immediately sucked back into staying too long by the beautifully crafted slew of compliments thrown my way.

“But WHY would you want to do THAT? You are so GREAT at it.”

“There is NO other job that you can make this much money in a day-I can’t believe you’d THROW it all away.”

“Wow, that’s pretty gutsy in such a bad economy. Are you SURE?”

And I wonder why I second guess myself with others’ opinions weighing in so heavy, crushing what little I have left to stand on right from under me.

It’s my own fault though that I have overstayed my job, while pushing off my true purpose.

It’s like anything else though-at some point nothing can stay the same. I am encouraged today that I am STILL on the right path as I continue to head in my new direction. The interview today with Jackie was so encouraging to see such transparency and REAL risk happening in such a healthy way. I was reminded of the beauty of simplifying, and not letting others put me in a box.

P.S, By the way, I threw away the test “results” 🙂

FEEL GOOD MOMENT OF THE DAY : Upon going to bed last night, I repeated the phrase EXPECT MIRACLES over and over and over as I nodded off. I REALLY trusted that, and would you know today was JUST that? Everything that happened today was nothing short of a miracle….and I am thanking God!!! We made rent ONE more time and still have food on the table. MIRACLE.


Kate Stellman

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Career, Feel Good Project

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