What You Do For Others You Do For Yourself – Extreme Health Radio

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What You Do For Others You Do For Yourself

random-acts-of-kindnessYears ago I read something in a book (that I can’t remember now) that really stuck with me. It was something that I thought was quite unique, easy to do and could not only directly impact other people and places but it could directly impact me as well.

It doesn’t cost any money, takes very little time, almost no planning and makes you feel really great.

It’s interesting that in today’s society we tend to let the day happen to us. We don’t start the day with intention. We don’t set out with the idea that we’re going to carve our imprint into the day and make it our masterpiece.

Each day is a blank canvas. Each day is an untouched sculpture waiting to have your mark put on it. The only problem though is that that same blank canvas of your day is also accessible to every other person you come in contact with.

Some people might spill coke on it, some people might walk by and accidentally bump into it and knock it over as the paint is still drying. Some people might intentionally push it over because they’re upset (can you say road rage?).

The point is that most of us let our days happen to us. Whatever happens happens.

In another article I can talk about some things I do to make sure this isn’t the case.

But in this article I want to give you one tip where you actually put some intention into your day. You actually say, “you know what I’m going to paint this on my blank canvas and use red paint right in this spot here.”

So what am I talking about that costs no money, takes no time, requires no planning that can benefit you, others around you and the places you visit?

It’s simple, it’s the simple act of giving a gift to each person or place you come in contact with. You can give a gift to each person you come in contact with each day (that could be a lot of people) or you could put forth the intention of doing this for one person each day.

Some people call it a random act of kindness, “RAOK”

How does this not cost any money if I’m giving people all these gifts?

I’ll talk about that in one moment….

First I want to tell you about how this affects you.

You see in the Western world we’re taught that everything is separate. We’re taught that I am somehow different and separate than some guy across the street. And to us since it appears that way in our physical reality, we think that’s the way it really is.

But on the quantum level, things seem to operate just the opposite. If you study how particles and waves work at the super-string level you realize that we’re all connected somehow. Particles exist in two places at once. Particles have a consciousness. Even plants can anticipate and react to the potential of being cut with a knife.

It’s really quite amazing.

They’ve done so many studies proving the fact that we’re all one. So the guy across the street really is us in some alternate reality and even in this reality. We’re all the same, we’re all human and we’re all connected.

So what I do for or against one person I’m doing to myself.

If I’m angry towards someone and hold a grudge, I’m doing this to myself. If I decide to take a higher road and do something nice for someone that I’m doing that act of kindness to myself.

How Does This Affect My Health?

When you begin to see yourself in other people and break down the walls that we put up to separate us we start to have compassion for others. These walls we put up only serve to embolden our ego. Our ego and desire are the source of our suffering.

By treating people the way that God wants us to treat people, on an energetic level are improving our immune system, creating endorphin hormones that improve our health and happiness.

Jesus said that, “What you do to the least of my brethren you do unto me.” And also in the book of Hebrews it says that “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

Are these actual angels or other inter-dimensional beings or just ourselves in another reality/plane of existence?

Who knows but at the very least we know that by helping others and doing something kind for them that they don’t expect we can change not only our health during the day but our whole way of looking at the world.

Examples Of Giving Gifts To People

Having some easy gifts to give people doesn’t cost any money. Here are some practical examples of things you can give to people each time you see them. Now keep in mind they can be things (not even necessarily tangible) you give to friends or complete strangers (more fun).

  • Opening the car door for someone
  • Praying for them as you shake their hand
  • Letting that person in line behind you go in front of you
  • Paying for the car behind you when your on a toll road
  • Giving them flowers
  • Offering to pay for their meals
  • Picking up a piece of trash when you don’t have to
  • Offering to help somebody move
  • Helping someone cross the street

Thosw are some quick examples that can get you started in this idea of gifting people. Remember also that what you do for places counts also. Picking up a piece of trash or painting over some graffiti or doing something to make the physical location of where you are, somehow more beautiful.

Remember when you do these types of things for others, you do it for yourself as well.

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