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I first learned about homeopathy in 2004 when I got into my failed 7 year raw food veganism experiment. I’ve often thought that homeopathy doesn’t really work.

I believed in it on an intellectual level, I just didn’t have any success with it experientially. Since that time I have tried a number of different homeopathic remedies that have worked really well.

Now I’m a believer.

The trick with homeopathy is finding the right remedy for you in your unique and particular situation. This is the main challenge. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

If you find the right remedy, it’s mind blowing how effective it is.

I’m going to share with you 3 homeopathic headache remedies that work for me. I hope they help you as well.

But first….

Understanding Headaches &Their Causes

Headaches can be caused by a number of different things so it’s important to pinpoint what you think the cause is for you, and to avoid it.

Many headaches are caused by food allergies so that would be the place I would start. If you’re allergic to fish, for example there’s no use trying a million different homeopathic remedies for your headache if you keep eating fish.

Other causes of headaches could be dehydration (I recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces per day of high quality filtered water with added minerals), stress (this is a huge cause), hormone dysregulation and even heavy metal accumulation.

The first and easiest place I would focus on is food allergies. I know it sounds strange but food allergies can cause many health issues and headaches are certainly one of them.

The 4 main types of headaches are cluster headaches (intense, piercing, stabbing, excruciating, debilitating, recurrent), migraine headaches (throbbing, pulsating, nauseating, debilitating, chronic, severe.), sinus headaches (pressure, throbbing, congested, aching, facial, tender.) and tension headaches (dull, aching, tight, pressing, persistent, mild).

Since there are many types of headaches, it’s important to treat the cause and find a homeopathic remedy for the exact type of headache you have.

If you take an aspirin (the safest of all pharmaceutical based over the counter products), or even a Tylenol or Excedrin (these are the main ones I used to take) you run the risk of not having it be tailored to your unique type of headache and causing long term liver and colon damage.

If you don’t know much about the power of homeopathy you should listen to the radio show below with Dr. Bruce Shelton.

Remedy 1: Belladonna

The Go-To Remedy for Throbbing Pain

Belladonna ia staple in our home. Its “scientific” name is Atropa belladonna. Sometimes people refer to it as Deadly Nightshade, Devil’s Cherry or Witches’ Berry.

Belladonna is a highly toxic plant that pretty much grows in Europe, western Asia, North Africa, and North America. The plant does really well in chalky type soils in the woods and wastelands.

When they make it, they take the entire plant including the roots during the flowering season. Then they grind it up into a pulp and extract the “juice” or liquid from the plant. Then they filter it and add alcohol to it. At that point they “succuss” it hundreds of times to get the final product.

It was developed by Samuel Hahnemann all the way back in 1799.

How does belladona help with headaches?

Belladonna contains really potent alkaloids like atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine, which influence our nervous system, causing symptoms like dryness, restlessness, and convulsions. But since it’s diluted to the point where just the energy is left, it’s 100% safe for humans and powerful too.

It has been known for centuries to be the premier homeopathic remedy for headaches. It’s where I always start and it seems to always work for me.

Remedy 2: Nux Vomica

The Solution for Stress and Hangover-Related Headaches

I will admit, I did have a hangover once and when I did I had some Nux Vomica at home and it worked really well on that headache. I have used it other times when I had run out of belladona and it didn’t work.

I think I must have had the wrong headache type (sometimes I can’t tell) for it to be a match.

The scientific name for Nux Vomica is Strychnos nux-vomica. Other names for it are Poison-nut tree, Quaker buttons, Vomit weed​.

Doesn’t sound too appealing does it? Lol

Nux Vomica oddly enough comes from the seeds of the Strychnos nux-vomica tree. These tress are unique to Southeast Asia, including India, Burma, Thailand, and China. It likes sandy soils and dry forest beds.

The way they make is by steeping the dried ripe seeds in alcohol for at least 5 days. Then they remove the seeds, filter the liquid and dilute it. After that’s all done they succuss it hundreds of times until it’s in a homeopathic or energetic state.

The plant alkaloids the seeds have are strychnine and brucine, which, in their raw form, affect the nervous system and muscles.

I find it so interesting how they first figured this stuff out, don’t you? I mean who was the first indigenous person to do all this and realize it’s a powerful homeopathic remedy for headaches?



When it’s homeopathically prepared, Nux Vomica becomes a really safe and effective remedy for digestive issues, headaches, and stress-related disorders​. If you have one of these types of headaches, this is a tried and true natural headache remedy that works  really well.

Remedy 3: Bryonia Alba

Relief for Motion-Triggered and Tension Headaches

I have used this homeopathic headache remedy 2 times, but only once with success. That’s a 50% success rate though! It’s not that Bryonia Alba wasn’t successful, it’s just that I had the wrong remedy for my headache.

People who say that homeopathy doesn’t work (that used to be me) haven’t taken the right remedy for the right condition. Imagine taking some Tums (an antacid for heartburn) if you had a headache and then claimed Tums doesn’t work. It does “work” but you took it for the wrong condition.

Same goes with homeopathy. I’d encourage you to be patient and keep trying to match your symptoms to the remedy as closely as possible.

Anyway the scientific name is the same, Bryonia alba. It also goes by White Bryony or Wild Hops​.

It comes from the bryonia alba plant that pretty much native to Europe and Northern Iran. It really likes to grow in hedges, woodlands, and chalky soils​.

Normally when they make it, they harvest the root of this plant before it flowers for the season. How they figured this out I’ll never know!

But they chop up the root then they macerate it and then soak it in alcohol then they dilute and success it until it’s potent and ready for use.

The root of this plant has really bitter resins and alkaloids, which contribute to its strong action on mucous membranes and serous tissues.  This is the main reason it is so potent for headaches.

It also is really great for conditions like dryness, inflammation, and sharp, stitching pains​. If you have kids with these conditions, it’s a great homeopathic remedy to have on hand in your medicine chest at home.

How to Choose the Right Homeopathic Remedy

This is the most tricky part of making homeopathic remedies work for you. We know that homeopathy uses the “like cures like” philosophy as its foundation.

When it comes to your pounding headache consider the type of pain, triggers, modalities (what makes your symptoms better or worse), and accompanying symptoms.

When reading the paperwork on these remedies really ask yourself what is the exact type of pain you’re feeling. What makes it worse? I like to do muscle testing when I purchase these remedies. It’s also called kinesiology.

This seems to work best on homeopathic remedies along with buying essential oils. I believe this is because these two types of natural remedies (although opposite from each other) vibrate at high frequencies so your body can more easily tell which remedy is going to be in alignment with your needs.

Try that out and see if it works for you! I’ll do an entire article on how to do muscle testing soon.

Getting back to headaches…..for acute headaches, I use remedies like Belladonna. For throbbing pain, I use Nux Vomica and for stress-induced headaches, and Bryonia Alba for motion-sensitive headaches may be effective for you.


I fully realize you might not believe in homeopathic headache remedies or in homeopathy at all. I completely understand. Like I mentioned before, it wasn’t until one actually worked for me did I change my mind.

Since we know that most over the counter drugs for headaches damage your liver (which has over 500 functions) and colon, I would never take them. It’s just too risky in my opinion.

Why take them when there are homeopathic headache remedies that really work. In another article I’ll also cover vitamins, minerals, herbs and other nutraceuticals that can work wonders for headaches. One powerful remedy is doing a coffee enema for a headache. I usually do things like that along with homeopathic remedies.

I hope some of these homeopathic headache remedies work for you. Let me know if they did or if some other natural remedy was even more effective!


  1. Have you ever tried homeopathy before?
  2. Did it work?
  3. What homeopathic headache remedies worked for you?

Comment below!

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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