Hannah Crum – How To Make Kombucha & The Role Of Bacteria For Our Health – Extreme Health Radio

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Hannah Crum – How To Make Kombucha & The Role Of Bacteria For Our Health

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Hannah Crum joined us today from KombuchaKamp.com. What a fun show this was. It’s was such a joy to speak with someone who is as passionate about their work as I am. Kate really enjoyed her too.

Hannah came on the show to talk about the importance of eating bacteria rich foods. She’s a huge fan of making kefir, sauerkraut but she’s most passionate about brewing and teaching people how to ferment kombucha.

She shared with Kate and I how she got started making this wonderful drink. She now runs an entire business making videos, selling products like continuous brew kits, scobys (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), teas and warming strips and so much more. She also works with people one on one and she also runs a thriving community on her website to give support on making this amazing beverage.

She gives some wonderful tips on how to make kombucha fizzy with lots of carbonation and bubbles. What fruits tends to produce the most amount of fizz. She also talks about why bacteria is so important.

In my opinion, one of the reasons why people often come down with colds, skin rashes, flus, and even major diseases is because they don’t have enough beneficial micro flora in their intestines.

The seat of our immune system (some say as much as 80%!) is the bacteria in our guts. Have a wide variety of healthy microbes in our intestinal tract not only provides us with a way to fight off sickness and disease but these little critters actually digest our food for us too.

What the metabolize is what gets passed through the villi on the inside of our colon walls that actually passes into our blood stream. So not having good bacteria in our bodies is going to be very harmful to us in the long term.

These bacteria are absolutely critical for life to exist on this planet. The problem is that we as a culture eat foods that feed bad bacteria (think: sugar, white flour, pastas, breads etc) and the delicate balance becomes out of harmony and all kinds of health problems arise as a result.

So it’s critical you eat lots of fermented foods like sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir (water and milk), miso and other types of fermented vegetables.

Drinking kombucha ever single day can literally change your life. It is THAT powerful of a food. So make sure to start small and slowly over time increase your dose daily. It will clean you out!

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We discuss the following and so much more:

  • How she got started working with kombucha
  • What kinds of tea she uses
  • What kinds of sugar mediums are best
  • How to make kombucha
  • Her wild theories about bacteria & how they play a role in our lives
  • Why making your own is better than drinking store bought kombucha
  • Brewing tips
  • How to make kombucha fizzy with specific fruits during the 2nd fermentation
  • And so much more!

Hannah Crum explains how to make kombucha and why it’s one of the healthiest drinks you could ever consume… – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Wednesday 4/10/2013
Show Guest: Hannah Crum
Guest Info: I’m Hannah Crum, The Kombucha Mamma. Since 2004 I have been brewing Kombucha and educating others about its benefits. What began as hobby has evolved into my passion and lifestyle. From homebrew hobbiest, to educator, to Master Brewer, I have grown my business organically as my experience has deepened. I am committed to providing the most accurate and up-to-date information to Kombucha lovers and homebrewers at any stage in their experience.

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Topic: All things kombucha
Guest Website(s): http://www.kombuchakamp.com/

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Other: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahcrumla

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See her store here: http://store.kombuchakamp.com
Items Mentioned: Suzanne Lee: Kombucha clothes
Terence McKenna – Mushrooms are an Extraterrestrial Probe?

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Duration/Size: 01:05:34 / 61.64 MB
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