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  • Phil Wilson Relax Sauna[include file=get-in-itunes.html]
    Phil Wilson joined us today to talk about all of the many benefits of sweating using the Relax FAR Infrared Sauna from Momentum98. I’ve known for many years how amazing it is to sweat out the toxins and the poisons from our bodies.

    Learn more about the Relax FAR Infrared Sauna here >>

    Did you know that sweating helps the body to detoxify heavy metals from the organs? It helps people to lose weight and get rid of pain. Living in today’s toxic world it’s absolutely imperative to get rid of these toxins from our blood and our organs. Unless you live in a pristine land like Alaska or Antarctica you’re being exposed to literally hundreds of poisons every single day.

    The FAR Infrared light rays actually penetrate 2 inches into the body causing the water molecules to literally vibrate and oscillate and brings this liquid to the outer dermis of our skin layer through the pores. They’ve actually done testing of the sweat in labs and have found all kinds of heavy metals and chemicals in the sweat itself.

    Kate and I use our Relax FAR Infrared Sauna each and every day for about 25 to 30 minutes. I actually sweat from my legs and the soles of my feet and even my palms of my hands. There are literally beads of sweat dripping down my chest and back after sitting in this sauna for only 10 minutes or so.

    When you get out your skin is red and flush which means your micro circulation has increased during the time of sweating dramatically.

    Phil also talked about the semi conductors in his sauna and how they are better than lots of other cheaper imitations that are on the market. Inside the sauna it’s threaded with silver which reflects the healing light of the sauna so it’s like you’re sitting in a room full of mirrors. The light literally bounces off all the walls of the sauna as you’re sitting inside which causes the heat to be distributed evenly inside the sauna.

    If you want to prevent disease (even sicknesses and illnesses like flus and colds), lose weight and detoxify the body of toxins, poisons, heavy metals and all other toxins just by sitting down for 30 minutes a day, then you’ll definitely want to listen to this interesting podcast interview with Phil Wilson.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Here are some of the things we talked about in this fascinating podcast with Mr. Phil Wilson!

    After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

    We discuss the following and so much more:

    • The difference between the Relax FAR Infrared Sauna vs others
    • How long the sauna lasts
    • Whether you should use the sauna if you’re pregnant
    • How wood saunas don’t reflect light?
    • The different spectrum of light like Near Infrared/FAR Infrared/Ultraviolet
    • How sweating improves sleep
    • Why sweating is important for heavy metal detoxification and cleansing
    • How sweating helps with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and weight loss
    • And so much more!

    Phil Wilson says sweating is critical for detoxifying chemicals, xeno estrogens & heavy metals… – Click to tweet this!

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    Show Date: Wednesday 4/3/2013
    Show Guest: Phil Wilson
    Guest Info: Hello. This is a little history of the advent of Massage Tools in the United States, beginning in 1980.

    I “accidentally” started selling Massage Tools in 1980. I had gone to some kind of local show with a friend of mine who happened to be a massage therapist. We ran across these two men (no one got hurt, we just met them at their booth) selling foot massagers at the show.

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    Topic: The benefits of sweating for detoxification and cleansing
    Guest Website(s): Social Links Below. Please Follow Them!)

    Guest Product(s):
    Click Below To Checkout The Products While Listening! 🙂
    The Relax FAR Infrared Sauna
    Items Mentioned: Detoxify or Die
    No Sweat? Know Sweat! The Definitive Guide to Reclaim Your Health
    Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call
    Survive!: A Family Guide to Thriving in a Toxic World (website)
    Dr. Christopher
    Dr. Hal Huggins
    Dr. Stuart Nunnaly
    L. Ron Hubbard
    Dr. Yu’s Detoxification Protocol- Niacin Flush
    The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
    Rational Fasting
    The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
    Relax Sauna Testimonial – Dr. Lionel
    Connect: Discuss This Episode With Others
    Duration/Size: 01:02:27 / 58.78 MB
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Phil Wilson

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