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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
September 20, 2023

Dr. John Bergman joined us in studio for yet another amazing and informative discussion about how to lower blood pressure naturally without drugs or prescription medications.

As Dr. Bergman explains high blood pressure itself is not a disease. It’s just a warning sign that there are processes in your body that need to be taken care of.

High blood pressure is like a warning light in your car. When you see the warning light you don’t think about how you can stop that light from coming on.

The very fact that you see the warning light means there’s some other process in your body that might be a little off which makes the pressure in the blood raise.

We’ve heard the classic scenarious with high blood pressure. People have mentioned that an exposure to heavy metals might be an issue. Stress and lifestyle definitely play a role as well as sugar intake.

If we are going to heal our blood pressure naturally we need to take into considering a holistic and alternative approach that addresses the whole human, not just high blood pressure.

Dr. John Bergman makes a lot of sense in this episode.

I hope you enjoy it.

He’s got a great website that we talk about called which I highly recommend you check out if you want to lower your blood pressure naturally in a holistic way.

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Also because we are increasing the amount of shows per week we are no longer able to take show notes for you. So if you are listening and want some information that’s spoken during the podcast, you’ll have to write it down or remember it for later. I apologize for that. I figured you would rather have more shows to listen to than show notes and we want to do everything we can to make our website better for you. So more shows it is! 🙂

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Justin, Kate and Maggie

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Show Date:

Friday 5/20/2016

Show Guest:

Dr. John Bergman

Guest Info:

Dr Bergman was propelled into Chiropractic by a severe auto accident, with 2 broken legs, fractured skull and sternum along with several organ injuries. With great need and a passion for healing and regenerating Dr Bergman began studying the body’s recovery process.

Dr. Bergman obtained his degree in Doctor of Chiropractic at Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles (CCCLA), California. Dr. Bergman teaching at CCCLA: Human Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, and 4 Chiropractic techniques: Full Spine Specific (Palmer Method), Thompson, Diversified, and Extremity Adjusting. As a past Instructor Dr. Bergman has an extensive knowledge of human anatomy and human physiology that few can match. Dr. Bergman’s practice has continued to grow serving hundreds of families, focusing on corrective and wellness care and is dedicated to pediatric development and adult health care. With Dr. Bergman’s unique approach and direct experience of recovery from severe injury, many successes can be achieved in even with the most challenging cases.

In his spare time he enjoys, sailing, biking, camping and spending time with his 2 sons Michael and Danny. Dr. Bergman has been Serving Huntington Beach and its surrounding communities since May 1998. Dr. Bergman was born and raised in Burbank California. After graduating at 16 years old from John Burroughs High. School, he did his prerequisite studies in Santa Barbara, California.

Show Topic:

High blood pressure

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Justin Stellman

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Blood Pressure

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