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Mark-McAfee-Raw-Milk-Bio-PicWe talkd with Mark McAfee today from Organic Pastures here in California all about raw dairy products and the benefits they can have for your health.

Raw dairy consists mainly of raw milk, raw cheese, raw butter, raw cream and raw kefir. We don’t do a lot of dairy in our lives but we do like some raw butter and some cheese from time to time.

It’s very important that when getting raw milk that you know that the milk is clean and the cows are happy, grazing on grass, able to roam free in the pasture, they’re not locked up in cages or standing in their own excrement which is many times the case in conventional dairy farms.

It’s also important that the milk isn’t heated or treated by pasteurization or homogenization. Heat damage can cause protein molecules to be incredibly difficult to digest. Keeping the enzymes and bacteria alive is critical for being able to process and assimilate this raw food into your body.


We dispelled many of the concerns and myths people have about drinking raw milk and taking dairy products in general.

Some of the areas of concern people have that we covered are:

  • Lactose intolerance
  • The casein molecule
  • IGF 1 growth factor and it’s supposed “correlation” to cancer
  • Hormones
  • Parasites
  • Bacteria
  • Radiation from Fukushima
  • How humans are the only mammals to not wean off their mother’s milk
  • And much more!

Mark McAfee was a really great guest and a fireball of information. You can tell this man is passionate about his cows and the work he’s doing at his ranch.

He’s doing some great things and we hope you like this show. Pass it on to your friends please!!!

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Show Date:

Friday 2/6/2015

Show Guest:

Mark McAfee

Guest Info:

Founder of Organic Pastures Dairy, Mark is internationally recognized as an expert in raw milk safety and production. He has spoken in more than 25 states and three countries on the subject. In 2000, Mark brought together the team and systems that founded OPDC and then in the last 14 years grew the CA based company to include 65 employees, 24 delivery trucks, more than 600 retail stores, 15 farmers markets and 30 buyers clubs.

Mark founded the Raw Milk Institute.Org in 2011, to teach, research and create low risk raw milk production systems and practices for the humanitarian benefit of the emerging raw milk markets. In addition, he taught paramedic medicine at a local County Health Department and worked for sixteen years as an EMS paramedic responding to more than 15,000 calls.

Mark served on a STAR rescue team and airborne EMS services, while also serving as marketing director and operations manager for a $30 million dollar EMS company. He is pre-med trained, and is an experienced medical educator. Mark started flying at 15 and is an active clinic mission pilot for LIGA, “the flying doctors”. Mark flies all over California and the western USA meeting raw milk customers for much requested free “Share the Secret” presentations.

Show Topic:

Raw milk, dairy, enzymes, cows, grass fed, organic, whole milk, organic pastures, goat milk, cream, dairy, butter, kefir, fermentation, bacteria, cheese, fat, pasteurization, homogenization, sour milk

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Dairy, Mark McAfee, Raw Milk

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