Releasing The Need To Try So Hard, Drinking Pee, Attachments, Letting Go of Fear, Template Ceremonies, Why Sulfur Is So Healing & Much More! – Extreme Health Radio

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Releasing The Need To Try So Hard, Drinking Pee, Attachments, Letting Go of Fear, Template Ceremonies, Why Sulfur Is So Healing & Much More!

FFAF-Show-New2Since moving to two shows per week it appears as though we had quite a lot to say in this particular episode of Extreme Health Radio.

For those that don’t know, we recently changed our radio show schedule from 4 days per week to just 2. We’re planning on having 1 interview show per week and one Free For All Friday. In reality we need to cut it down to 1 show per week but we didn’t want to have just 1 interview or just 1 FFAF show.

So that’s why we will have 2 shows per week. 🙂

We’ve been getting many emails from people saying they’re bummed out but understand. I really don’t want to go to just 2 shows per week but we have some really important products we are going to be creating that we need to release to the world.

In order to do that we need time. Producing the shows takes lots and lots of time, especially the Friday shows because of all the links we mention during the show

So thanks for sticking with us!

[spp-tweet “All disease begins in the gut – Hippocrates”]

With that said, this show was over 2 hours long! Maybe we’re making up for the lack of shows per week or the fact that next Friday our show isn’t going to be a FFAF show, because our chiropractor Dr. John Bergman will be joining us in the studio. I can’t wait for that one, it’s going to be so much fun!

In this FFAF show we talked about why it’s important to drink your own pee (aka urine therapy) as medicine. People freak out on that but if you do it with some Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, you won’t taste a thing. Trust me on that one.

We also talked about overcoming fear and remaining open enough to learn life lessons early in life so we don’t have to waste many years getting to the point where we can actually receive the teaching or message.

We also discussed the many healing benefits of sulfur and how to heal your gut so that you can improve your digestion. All disease begins in the colon so keeping your intestines working properly is of utmost importance if you would like to live a long healthy disease free life.

We talked about doing castor oil packs for healing as well as something Kate stumbled across called The Template Ceremonies.

Some good stuff in this one. We’ve put all the links below for ya! 🙂

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Show Date:

Friday 11/7/2014

Show Guest:

Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

urine therapy, Urophagia, pee, amaroli, hormones, sexual drive, sulfur, fear, manuka honey, templates, castor oil packs, natural cures, healing, nutrition, diet, Oxygen

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