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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
September 23, 2023

liana-werner-gray-bio-pic-newLiana Werner Gray joined us today all the way from New York City! Just a couple of days before we got to meet her at the I Can Do it Conference in Pasadena California.

For those that don’t know she’s the author of the newly released The Earth Diet.

We talked with her previously (link below) and so it was so much fun to meet her in person this time and to have her on again to share everything that she’s been up to since we last talked which was 2 years ago!

For those that don’t know Liana Werner Gray was diagnosed with precancerous throat tumors and one of which was the size of a golf ball in her early twenties.

Can you imagine that? What would you do in that dire situation?

Liana is a true warrior and she is a real testament to the power of living a natural lifestyle. I can’t imagine what she must have gone through telling people about her natural health protocols when her doctors, friends and family were all probably encouraging her to take chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

What people also don’t realize is all the prescription medications that go along with the aforementioned above. It’s a chemical cocktail so not wonder why their “cure” rate is so low!

Like she said in the show, how can a chemical or pill that damages the body, restore your health? It’s just not possible.

It was so much fun to reconnect with Liana Werner-Gray after 2 years and we really hope you enjoyed this fun conversation we all had. She was inspirational, motivating and very powerful.

I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as we did. If you enjoyed it please share the love with your friends by clicking “like” and “share” on this page!

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Show Date:

Thursday 10/30/2014

Show Guest:

Liana Werner-Gray

Guest Info:

Liana Werner-Gray is a sought-after speaker and advocate for natural healing using a healthy diet and lifestyle. After healing herself of many negative health conditions including a pre-cancerous tumor, digestive issues and disorderly eating through embracing a natural lifestyle, Werner-Gray began lecturing and teaching about The Earth Diet internationally. Liana has visited 33 countries to date. Check out her new book tour.

Hay House published Liana’s new book “The Earth Diet” October 28th 2014. Werner-Gray is the founder and owner of The Earth Diet, where she directs a team that helps people all over the world find recipes that work for them. Through her company, she has helped thousands of people improve, and in some cases even entirely heal, conditions such as cancer, diabetes, addictions, depression, acne, heart disease, obesity, and more.

Show Topic:

Digestion, cancer, tumors, natural healing, cleansing, detoxification, mindset

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Justin Stellman

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Cleansing, Colonics, Enemas, Liana Werner Gray

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