Too Many Experts! Why Listening To Your Body Is Better Than Listening To Others, Getting Rid of Root Canals, Listener Questions & More! – Extreme Health Radio

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Too Many Experts! Why Listening To Your Body Is Better Than Listening To Others, Getting Rid of Root Canals, Listener Questions & More!

Tahoe-FacebookI’m not sure if you guys feel like this but we do. It feels as though sometimes there’s just so much mental noise and chatter from all the different people out there doesn’t it?

On one hand you have David Wolfe saying the raw food diet is best, on the other hand you have Dr. Jack Kruse saying the paleo diet is best. Then there’s Daniel Vitalis advocating spring water as opposed to Andrew Norton Webber speaking about the benefits of distilled water.

It’s enough to make you go mad isn’t it? Well in today’s episode Kate and I discuss how we get around these issues. As you can imagine I hear lots of things. Just this week Dr. Robert O. Young was talking about how the acid alkaline levels in our body needs to be perfectly balanced and I shared a link in our forum about a video where a scientist says otherwise.

In this episode Kate and I discuss applied kinesiology or muscle testing as it’s often called. What a great tool to give into the hands of the people. Muscle testing is a way for you to tap into what your body wants or doesn’t want on an energetic level. You see we are all frequency. We are all vibration. When you hold a food or supplement close to your heart in your hands you bring the vibration and frequency into your own field. The cells in your body immediately will respond either negatively or positively to whatever you’re holding.

The way we have been using muscle testing lately is called the sway method. You hold an item close to your heart and stand straight up while closing your eyes. Eventually you’ll either lean forward or backward. If you lean forward your body wants that particular item. If your body falls backward your body is rejecting that item.

I know it sounds weird but after having read lots of books on quantum mechanics and realizing we really are vibration, this makes complete sense.

This is extremely helpful because it puts you back in the driver’s seat of your health. No longer do you need to listen to a “health expert” tell you what you should be taking, your body will tell you itself.

So often in our culture we’re trained to respect authority and listen to people who seemingly know more than we do about a particular subject. We’re taught to suppress our own desires and instincts because some other person knows how our bodies work better than we do.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Only we know how our bodies will react to a particular food or supplement. Many of you might be thinking that it’s too hard to listen to ourselves. But if we keep practicing muscle testing I believe the results will become more and more accurate and clear to us.

We hope you enjoy and please continue the discussions in our forums.

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Show Date:

Friday 3/21/2014

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Free For All Friday

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Muscle testing, listening to our bodies, detoxification, cleansing, toxic root canals, Dr. Stuart Nunnally, Rife Machines

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