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Author: Kate Stellman
Date: September 12, 2024


Feel Good Project day 112

Juice fast day 7 will be recapped tomorrow, as I need more energy to record the video-ha! Hey, I am all about trying my best to be REAL in this project, and that is how I am feeling so I am rolling with it!

I am finding it very interesting that this week, more than ever, I am constantly being faced with challenges that are specific to my project that I am working on behind the scenes.

My project involves many steps to help others though, and I am being refined in the fire myself with many of these very
situations. It’s all so timely it’s ridiculous!

I believe this is just all about making me truly OWN this work that I am creating. Although the past is ever behind me with it’s stories and set of life experiences to share and put forth into this work, there seems to be no more powerful a leader and reminder than the present.

Gratitude and surrender are what I am feeling today to wrap up the week.

Grateful for the teachers and wisdom that have been revealed to me, along with the reminder to let go of the outcomes and attachments to the outcome.

I feel as if there is a mighty force behind and in front of me, both leading an directing me all at the same time.

Nothing like feeling the presence in God.

FEEL GOOD MOMENT OF THE DAY: A wonderful cold storm blew in tonight which was LOVELY for a change, as our weather has been so hot lately here in southern California. Listening to the rain beat down while writing at my desk and also while taking a bath were majorly feel good moments.

Kate Stellman

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Feel Good Project

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