Stop Colds & Flus with These Proven Tips 

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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
January 27, 2013

Click play below to hear our lively interview with nutrition researcher Robert von Sarbacher.

No more detox side effects from protocols…strength that you FEEL internally, perfect strengthening of the heart, removal of calcifications, cancer fighter bar none… endless testimonials from all corner of the earth on all of this as well as panic attacks ceasing and ADD ADHD disappearing or lessening…NOOOO MORE pain from sore hips or knees… or extreme lessening of either of those… much stronger bones, and eyes and …. Sigh, I’ll be here forever.. see for yourself below after the intro and the directions.

DO NOT XRAY EVER – it will kill the electrolytes! This refers to traveling by plane! Not via mail… but if you’re ever worried about the mail… if it has XRAYS – only if sending to a gov’t building or security building or to any foreign country in the world.. then wrap in Aluminum foil or just wrap it just in case!!!

Since all Magnesium Oils are made by use of seawater in some way or another that is diluted and desalinated to an extent, I thought what would happen if we used ACE – the super Great Salt Lake desalinated water = takes 13 to 18 months to make one batch and has 1,000,000 times more flavanoids than even Concentrace, the de-salinated Great Salt Lake mineral product… with 7 to 10 times their electrolytes, what would happen if I used this one instead for making of Magnesium OIL instead of just adding Magnesium Chloride to Distilled water (or in the case of Ancient Minerals version, adding it to spring water)…. Wow has this version of ACE Mag Oil been working, and working faster, not just better… pain disappearing soo much faster from knees and hips as well as mind regaining it’s youthful powers and awareness and SOUNDNESS for some… regardless, I could go on forever on this but remember that this Magnesium is one of the 4 major pillers of all nutrition and without it we’re in serious trouble since no Vitamin nor Mineral/Element/Trace Elements nor enzymes will work without it (in general, not alllll enzymes are dependent on Mag ) !! Are you getting some perspective yet??? Want testimonials on the freakish power of Magnesium Oils that are weaker than ACE – from all over the earth… see those links right below and … then … even lower about 2 pages later, is a lottttt more information on testimonials and science uses and on and on and on! Scary powerful stuff! Wow…

Magnesium is purely body building, it may detox you to the extreme but you will NEVERRR know it, b/c it is sooooo building of the body and useful to all the body systems and building materials of the body… people will often use this product for 4 to 8 weeks and then do regular detoxes and have NOOOO detox side effects from them like they did before, no herxheimer reactions!!!!

These links will give an UNBELIEVABLE amount of information on all things Magnesium oil… scary scarryyyy power of this stuff is amazing to say the least!!! What it is capable of is just WOW… go to these links afterwards, not now – skip it for now and look at everything below first…

Dr. Mark Sircus: Cancer

Removal of calcifications, effects on cancer, heart disease, anxiety and panic attacks and ADD, ADHD

Tthe articles on shirleys go ON forever… wow, endless testimonials too

Here is some its amazing history to get you started…

Luckily, Mg oil is a one time thing, won’t need another bottle for maybe a couple years if lucky but even if you do need it sooner the next bottle will last about 10 years after that… b/c you won’t need to do the protocol at all again – just need to keep up at 2x/week:: of putting it all over your body only 2x/week for rest of life to have incredible and perfect Mg levels in body always…

Now think about it this way, it’s cheaper and faster by far to put this Mg oil on your body 2x/day for one month to have perfect Mg levels; however, most people with their messed up damaged skin will be able to notice that damaged skin in seconds using Mg oil (the itchy annoyance of it in certain places of damaged skin – it will find it and heal it in no time, always < 2 weeks of applying it 2x/day) however that damaged skin will be usually 100% repaired in about 2 weeks (if not just 4 days) so then itching is not an issue...(damaged skin just needs more Mag Oil) … but… just apply olive oil on top to stop the itching and wherever you applied olive oil, when you shower later, make sure you exfoliate to remove 100% of the olive oil you put on earlier, so that next application of it goes thru skin and is not blocked by the Olive Oil now previously there. That is, remove all the olive oil before you apply another batch of Mag Oil and Olive Oil. Why mention it?? Few people will go thru that annoyance of itchy skin for 2 weeks with this version of ACE Magnesium Oil (except for chest area) despite the fact that it’s just so much less itchier than others … probably b/c of the ACE it’s much less itchy at first… but those that do have itchiness, sometimes say they would rather use it in bath water for 30 min soaks 2x/day for 8 weeks instead taking twice as long and using about 4 times as much of the Mag Oil! But this will use up a LOTTTT more of the Mg and take twice as long, never mind the worse annoyance of staying in the bath tub 2x/day for 30 mins MINIMUM… so I found a way around this problem of extra money spent for no reason and fact that NO ONE will do 2 soaks for 30 minutes, 2x/day anyway! And that is - to put it all over body and then put Olive oil over the sections that itch (which is usually around the chest area, sometimes abs too, for newbies to this protocol …. Around that area has the worst most damaged skin, I wonder why?) Anyway, Wow! Now it works like magic! No more itching and in 2 weeks you don't have to use the Olive oil anymore! Drawback: you feel oily for 2 weeks, day and night, because of the Olive Oil, yuck, but it's not itchy painful or what not, nor does it require the almost super human patience of 2, 30 min soaks in a bathtub a day! So, perfection almost, and saved money b/c now no longer need another qt or 1/2 gallon of it - only need to tolerate yucky oily feeling when wearing clothes for 2 weeks, sigh, oh well!!!! This is the best method that works the most easily and for saving money that I have found. I do not recommend ever putting this on the genitals but for the face this requires some precautions… so, no to genital areas and the face requires a test… that is, take some Magnesium oil and place it under your armpit… a little ways down on the inside of the arm in between the armpit and elbow… about ½ way and test it out well over this area often…, it’s soft like face skin… and able to test it’s affect on the face here more easily! If it is making it a little inflamed you need to dilute this… heck I would dilute it anyway for the face!!!! That’s why there is a dispensing bottle sent with it for you to dilute it with… some people will dilute it a lot for the face not apply it at all… Dilution is the key sometimes for those areas, however, I see no logic or sanity in the use of Perfect ACE version of Magnesium Oil on face unless applying Olive Oil on top anyway… and even then only if diluted… Ok this is how to apply the oil easily… Soooo DIRECTIONS:

This is powerful stuff not like regular magnesium oils, use the dispenser bottle it comes with so that can apply it and DILUTE IT if needed… though to be fair, most need some dilution depending on the person’s skin, this is the most HEATING MAG OIL I’ve ever seen…. It’s just so freakishly powerful… dilute it if/when necessary.

To be applied 2x/day everyyyy day, morning and night AFTER you dry off out of the shower… put some Mag Oil from the dispensing bottle into your hand and apply by just rubbing it on with your hands. Put on Olive oil over any place that itches and face whether it itches or not (if you put any Mag Oil on the face that is)… feel free to skip putting this Mag oil over face if you want, though I always put it on face with Olive oil.. up to you, I do it now 2x/week…now that I’m way past the 4 weeks mark, I put it on face once a week now with olive oil on top or 2x/day…. It’s totally unnecessary for perfect Mag levels in a few weeks though! Shoulders down is more than enough to give 100% perfect bodily Mag levels in 4 weeks without having to put it on face, to make that ultra clear.

For first 3 days apply it from knees down to bottom of feet. Then for 3 days apply from waist down to bottom of feet Then from kidneys to bottom of feet and from shoulders to bottom of feet for 3 days. Then from shoulders and arms to bottom of feet and from kidneys to bottom of the feet…

Ok, built up properly with noooo trouble catching breath this whole time, then don’t need to take it slower, just make sure you do not apply it to your back EXCEPT to the kidney areas, b/c your body needs to BREATH thru the skin, and if cover it all up then there’s a problem….

Ok, application to whole body starts now and it lasts for 30 days then you’re done for life, except for minor maintanence amount of 2x/week instead, like Thurs and Mon mornings only or whatever you decide on, can even be 2 days in a row…

I personally apply it to my face and neck as well when doing this but ONLY at night do I do that also… b/c to do it in day time would be quite… shiny… up to you… some people like that look….either way use Olive oil on top.

If you have extremely large calcifications over the whole body, or in area of hands or whatever, no problem, apply this ACE Mag oil like so: put Tbl ea of ACE Mag Oil and Olive Oil in your hand and rub together ( it will try to go everywhere, try to retain it) and apply to hands or knuckles or anywhere on body with extreme calcifications!…. see what happens to the size of the giant calcified knuckles in about 2 to 3 weeks or 4 weeks… let me know if they are still there? Or normal size yet please… keep applying until normal in size.

Remember the rules for applying Olive Oil over Mag oil, make sure when you are in the shower to exfoliate the Olive Oil areas to remove it all so that next rub on of Mag Oil goes thru the skin… apply olive oil after putting on Mag Oil never before obviously…

Lot of people LOVE this for a deodorant but will tell you how to handle it: when taking it as a deodorant you will notice the first 1 to 2 weeks it feels like it’s congested in your armpit in your lymph or whatever in and under and around there… this is normal and after about 2 weeks of use, odor seems to disappear as well as the weird congested lymph system feeling under there as well!!

Just keep it up faithfully, it helps against wetness AND odor… give it a try… but just keep that in mind (this coming from me, an avid nutrition freak, whose been looking forever for something good to use as deodorant that ISN’T poisonous for a change ugh! Thank God for Magnesium Oil! Woo hoo!)


For those that wish to do the internal – ORAL – version of magnesium oil or that will do the IV form, – just contact me for a different version of Magnesium and I will show you how to do that, it’s quite amazing and was used to help the body get the nutrients it needed to heal itself of innumerable diseases back in the 1900’s early and up to the 50s –


Raul Vergini,MD Back in 1915, a French surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet,MD, was looking for a solution to cleanse wounds, because he had found out that the traditional antiseptic solutions actually mortified tissues and facilitated the infection instead of preventing it.

He tested several mineral solutions and discovered that a Magnesium Chloride solution was not only harmless for tissues, but it had also a great effect over leucocytic activity and phagocytosis; so it was perfect for external wounds treatment.

Dr.Delbet performed a lot of “in vitro” and “in vivo” experiments with this solution and he became aware that it was good not only for external applications, but it was also a powerful immuno-stimulant if taken by injections or even by mouth. He called this effect “cytophilaxis”. In some “in vivo” experiments it was able to increase phagocytosis rate up to 300%.

Dr.Delbet serendipitously discovered that this oral solution had also a tonic effect on many people and so became aware that the Magnesium Chloride had an effect on the whole organism. In a brief time, he received communications of very good therapeutics effects of this “therapy” from people that were taking Magnesium Chloride for its tonic properties and who were suffering from various ailments. Prof.Delbet began to closely study the subject and verified that the Magnesium Chloride solution was a very good therapy for a long list of diseases.

He obtained very good results in: colitis, angiocholitis and cholecystitis in the digestive apparatus; Parkinson’s Disease, senile tremors and muscular cramps in the nervous system; acne, eczema, psoriasis, warts, itch of various origins and chilblains in the skin.

There was a strengthening of hair and nails, a good effect on diseases typical of the aged (impotency, prostatic hypertrophy, cerebral and circulatory troubles), and on diseases of allergic origin (hay-fever, asthma, urticaria and anaphylactic reactions).

Then Prof.Delbet began to investigate the relationship between Magnesium and Cancer. After a lot of clinical and experimental studies, he found that Magnesium Chloride had a very good effect on prevention of cancer and that it was able to cure several precancerous conditions: leucoplasia, hyperkeratosis, chronic mastitis, etc. Epidemiological studies confirmed Delbet’s views and demonstrated that the regions with soil more rich in magnesium had less cancer incidence, and vice versa.

In experimental studies, the Magnesium Chloride solution was also able to slow down the course of cancer in laboratory animals. Prof. Delbet wrote two books, “Politique Preventive du Cancer” (1944) and “L’Agriculture et la Santé” (1945), in which he stated his ideas about cancer prevention and better living. The first is a well documented report of all his studies on Magnesium Chloride.

In 1943 another French doctor, A.Neveu,MD, used the Magnesium Chloride solution in a case of diphteria to reduce the risks of anaphylactic reaction due to the anti-diphteric serum that he was ready to administer. To his great surprise, when the next day the laboratory results confirmed the diagnosis of diphteria, the little girl was completely cured, before he could use the serum.

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He credited the immuno-stimulant activity to the solution for this result, and he tested it in some other diphteric patients. All the patients were cured in a very short time (24-48 hours), with no after-effects.

As Magnesium Chloride has no direct effect on bacteria ( is not an antibiotic ), Neveu thought that its action was aspecific, immuno-enhancing, so it could be useful, in the same manner, also against viral diseases. So he began to treat some cases of poliomyelitis, and had the same wonderful results.

He was very excited and tried to divulge the therapy, but he ran into a wall of hostility and obstructionism from “Official Medicine”. Neither Neveu or Delbet (who was a member of the Academy of Medicine) was able to diffuse Neveu’s extraordinary results.

The opposition was total: Professors of Medicine, Medical Peer-Reviews, the Academy itself, all were against the two doctors. “Official Medicine” saw in Magnesium Chloride Therapy a threat to its new and growing business: vaccinations. Dr. Neveu wasn’t discouraged by this and continued to test this therapy in a wide range of diseases. He obtained very good results in: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, common cold, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, “children diseases” (whooping-cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever…), alimentary and professional poisonings, gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, erysipelas, whitlow, septic pricks (wounds), puerperal fever and osteomyelitis.

But the indications for Magnesium Chloride therapy don’t end here. In more recent years other physicians (and I among these) have verified many of Delbet’s and Neveu’s applications and have tried the therapy in other pathologies: asthmatic acute attack, shock, tetanus (for these the solution is administered by intravenous injection); herpes zoster, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, rheumatic diseases, many allergic diseases, spring- asthenia and Cronic Fatigue Syndrome (even in cancer it can be an useful adjuvant.

The preceding lists of ailments are by no means exhaustive; maybe other illnesses can be treated with this therapy but, as this is a relatively “young” treatment, we are pioneers, and we need the help of all physicians of good will to definitely establish all the true possibilities of this wonderful therapy.

From a practical standpoint, please remember that only Magnesium CHLORIDE has this “cytophilactic” activity, and no other magnesium salt; probably it’s a molecular, and not a merely ionic, matter.

The solution to be used is a 2.5% Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2-6H2O) solution (i.e.: 25 grams/1 liter of water). Dosages are as follows: – Adults and children over 5 years old………………125 cc – 4 year old children…………………………………….100 cc – 3 year old children…………………………………….80 cc – 1-2 year old children………………………………….60 cc – over 6 months old children…………………………. 30 cc – under 6 months old children…………………………15 cc

These doses must be administered BY MOUTH. The only controindication to Magnesium Chloride Therapy is a severe renal insufficiency*.

As the magnesium chloride has a mild laxative effect, diarrhea sometimes appears on the first days of therapy, expecially when high dosages (i.e. three doses a day) are taken; but this is not a reason to stop the therapy. The taste of the solution is not very good (it has a bitter-saltish flavor) so a little fruit juice (grapefruit, orange, lemon) can be added to the solution, or it can be even used in the place of water to make the solution itself. Grapefruit juice masks the bitter taste very well (expecially if cold).

For CHRONIC diseases the standard treatment is one dose morning and evening for a long period (several months at least, but it can be continued for years.

In ACUTE diseases the dose is administered every 6 hours (every 3 hours the first two doses if the case is serious); then space every 8 hours and then 12 hours as improvement goes on. After recovery it’s better going on with a dose every 12 hours for some days.

As a PREVENTIVE measure, and as a magnesium supplement, one dose a day can be taken indefinitely. Magnesium Chloride, even if it’s an inorganic salt, is very well absorbed and it’s a very good supplemental magnesium source. For INTRAVENOUS injection, the formula is: Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate………………….25 grams Distilled Water………………………………………….100 cc Make injections of 10-20cc (very slowly, over 10-20 minutes) once or twice a day. Of course the solution must be sterilized. This therapy gives very good results also in Veterinary Medicine, at the appropriate dosages depending upon the size and kind of animals.

Raul Vergini, MD – Italy – author of: “Curarsi con il Magnesio” Red Edizioni -Italy 1994 (book translated in french and spanish but not in english, sorry).

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*Dr. Raul Vergini says, that “this is true only for severe renal insufficiency,” where an obvious contraindication may exist; but this is also true for all minerals, that cannot be easily eliminated by a seriously impaired kidney. In all other cases, there are no risks. I never heard or read of any problem. The quantity of elemental magnesium contained in a 125 cc dose of the 2.5% solution is around 500 mg. That is not a large dose! Anyway, I think that it is a good precaution to advise people with problems to consult their physician.”


According to Raul Vergini, M.D., the 25% solution for IV injections is correct. Personally I never use it, I use only the oral way. But it was used over thirty years ago by some French doctors (5 grams in 20 ml of saline solution of distilled water) to treat tetanus and other less dangerous diseases (asthmatic attacks, choc, opthalmic herpes, herpes zoster, Quincke’s oedema, itching, etc.). It was injected very slowly (in 10-20 minutes), and the results were very good.

“Moreover also the Myers’ cocktail contains 2-5 ml of a 20% solution of magnesium chloride (along with other products that may contribute to make the solution more diluted). However, I think that if there are problems of ‘burning’ with the 25% concentration, it should be possible to use, with the same results, a 2.5% solution (the same used by mouth) by dissolving 5 grams of magnesium chloride in 200 ml of distilled water. The solution must be sterilized. “The intramuscular way is not used because the solution is painful.”

[In the United States, Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate can be purchased chemically pure (c.p.) from most chemical supply houses without a prescription: Ed.]

A similar pdf copy is here ( . posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday September 15 2005 updated on Tuesday September 27 2005

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Transdermal Magnesium is a great way to raise magnesium levels back to optimum for those whose skin absorption is functioning well. (The skin may not absorb the good stuff well if it has previously been exposed to things like mineral oil, which the body cannot use. In this example, the body’s response over time will be to slow down skin ‘permeability & transport’ in order to limit the absorption of a harmful product. The body creates a natural response that repels the mineral oil. The skin then becomes conditioned to repel everything. Trandermal Magnesium will take longer to work in this case and one would need to stop the use of mineral oil based products.

[note: I know this warning well, but let me explain a trick to get you over this hump quickly, esp. for our beautiful ladies out there who are using fake moisturizers (not that you can buy any other kind in a dept store but I digress) and other lotions on their skin that end up with this problem… to open the skin to make it eat oils and super foods THRU THE SKIN is an EASYYYYYY task : eat 10 apples per day added to your diet for 3 days… I’m not as much a fan of this one, but it will work, however, I prefer the much great power of this instead: … much much much more powerful but not as easy is to eat 3 good sized romaine lettuce and lots of tomatoes Salad 3x/day for at LEAST 1 week minimum… preferably longer but do not skip the 3 x/day as this is the key in performing this cycle! The Body must be inundated with the pure water/super phytochemicals from the lettuce nonstop for this to work, that means AM, noon, and PM… once that one week at least is accomplished the super phytochemicals will layer in the cells of the blood then in the skin and internally as well, and will open all the pores and make them eat food thru the skin once again, easily eat things thru the skin as they were meant to! The lymph will be OPEN, and once this 7 days minimum is accomplished you will see all these changes from this 7 days take place 13 to 14 days layer – which is the time it takes for these super nutrients to settle in your body and finally take root and clear you up… Take care]

Information to fill a house or two….delineated from some of the links above…

Mark Sircus in “Transdermal Magnesium Therapy” on pages 88 – 90 wrote –

“Dr Seeger and Dr Budwig in Germany have shown that cancer is mainly the result of a faulty energy metabolism in the powerhouses of the cells, the mitochondria. ATP and most of the enzymes involved in the production of energy require magnesium. A healthy cell has high magnesium and low calcium levels. The problem that comes with low magnesium levels is the calcium builds up inside the cells while energy production decreases as the mitochondria gradually calcify.

“Magnesium is critical for all of the energetics of the cells because it is absolutely required that the magnesium be bound (chelated) by ATP (adenosine triphosphate) , the central high energy compound of the body. ATP without bound magnesium cannot create the energy normally used by specific enzymes to make protein, DNA, RNA, transport sodium or potassium or calcium in and out of cells, nor to phosphorylate proteins in response to hormone signals, etc. In fact, ATP without enough magnesium is non-functional and leads to cell death.

“Bound magnesium holds the triphosphate in the correct stereochemical position so it can interact with ATP using enzymes. Magnesium also polarizes the phosphate backbone so that the “backside of the phosphorus” is more positive and susceptible to attack by nucleophilic agents such as hydroxide ions or other negatively charged compounds.

“Bottom line, magnesium at critical concentrations is critical to life.” Says Dr Boyd Haley, who also asserts strongly that “All detoxification mechanisms have as the bases of the energy required to remove a toxicant the need for magnesium and ATP to drive the process. There is nothing done in the body that does not use energy and without magnesium this energy can neither be made nor used.” Detoxification of carcinogenic chemical poisons is essential for people who want to avoid the ravages of cancer. The importance of magnesium should not continue being underestimated.

“The School of Public Health at the Kaohsiung Medical College in, Taiwan, found that magnesium also exerts a protective effect against gastric cancer, but only for the group with the highest levels. (Yang CY et al. Jpn J Cancer Res. 1998 Feb:89 (2):124-30. Calcium, magnesium, and nitrate in drinking water and gastric cancer mortality.)

“Among other effects, magnesium improves the internal production of defensive substances, such as antibodies and considerably improves the operational effect of white, granulozytic blood cells (shown by Delbert with magnesium chloride), and contributes to many other functions that ensure the integrity of cellular metabolism.

“In 1961. Dr Hans A. Nieper, introduced cardiac therapy based on magnesium aspartate. He was surprised to observe that hardly any new cancer occurrences appear in the group of patients so treated. The rate of new cancerous diseases with long-term magnesium therapy was reported to be less than 20% of the frequency otherwise expected.

“In an uncontrolled trail, researchers in the UK found that intravenous magnesium relieves neuropathy pain in patients with cancer. (Reuters Health, Feb. 10, 2000 AND the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Jan. 2000;19:35-39) . Magnesium acts as a non-competitive antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartat e receptor, which has been implicated in the transmission of pain, according to Dr Vincent Crosby and colleagues at Nottingham City Hospital.

“It is known that carcinogenisis induces magnesium distribution disturbances, which cause magnesium mobilization through blood cells and magnesium depletion in non-neoplastic tissues. Magnesium deficiency seems to be carcinogenic, and in cases of solid tumours, a high level of magnesium inhibits carcinogenesis. (Durlach J, Bara M, Guiet-Bara A, Collery P, Relationship between magnesium, cancer and carcinogenic or anit-cancer metals. Anticancer Res. 1986 Nov-Dec;6(6) ;1353-61. ) Both carcinogenesis and magnesium deficiency increase the plasma membrane permeability and fluidity.

I hope this clarifies the matter a little.

Transdermal Magnesium is a great way to raise magnesium levels back to optimum for those whose skin absorption is functioning well. (The skin may not absorb the good stuff well if it has previously been exposed to things like mineral oil, which the body cannot use. In this example, the body’s response over time will be to slow down skin permeability & transport to limit the absorption of a harmful product. The body creates a natural response that repels the mineral oil. The skin then becomes conditioned to repel everything. Trandermal Magnesium will take longer to work in this case and one would need to stop the use of mineral oil based products

Magnesium has been consistently depleted in our soils. It has been further depleted in plants by the use of potassium and phosphorus-laden fertilizers which alter the plant’s ability to uptake magnesium. Water from deep wells supplies additional magnesium not found in food, but surface water, our common source of supply, lacks magnesium. Food processing removes magnesium. Broiling, steaming and boiling remove magnesium into the water or drippings. High carbohydrate and high fat diets increase the need for magnesium as does physical and mental stress. Diuretic medications and insulin further deplete total body magnesium.

As we age, magnesium uptake may be impaired. Dieting reduces intake of already low levels of magnesium intake. As you go through this list you will be amazed, as I was, at how many conditions and diseases are clinically tied to magnesium deficiency. Blood tests for magnesium deficiency are irrelevant and unusable. These levels do not reflect total body magnesium (TBM). Magnesium levels of bone and intracellular levels of magnesium are what tell the true status of TBM. Doing your own research on Medline will bring fruitful results. Try a search like ‘magnesium and osteoporosis’ or ‘magnesium and sleep’ or ‘magnesium and anxiety or stress’. Magnesium is a critical element in 325+ biochemical reactions in the human body.

Research in France and several other European countries gives a clue concerning the role of magnesium plays in the transmission of hormones (such as insulin, thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, etc.), neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, catecholamines, serotonin, GABA, etc.), and minerals and mineral electrolytes. This research concludes that it is magnesium status that controls cell membrane potential and through this means controls uptake and release of many hormones, nutrients and neurotransmitters. It is magnesium that controls the fate of potassium and calcium in the body. If magnesium is insufficient, potassium and calcium will be lost in the urine and calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain, etc.) Magnesium protects the cell from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel.

Evidence is mounting that low levels of magnesium contribute to the heavy metal deposition in the brain that precedes Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s. It is probable that low total body magnesium contributes to heavy metal toxicity in children and is a participant in the etiology of learning disorders. Deficiency (from low dietary intake or excess loss) is clinically associated with: ADD/ADHD Alzheimer’s Angina Anxiety disorders Arrhythmia Arthritis- Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis Asthma Autism Auto immune disorders- all types Cavities Cerebral Palsy- in children from magnesium deficient mothers Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Congestive Heart Disease Constipation Crooked teeth- narrow jaw- in children from magnesium deficient mothers Depression Diabetes- Type I and II Eating disorders- Bulimia, Anorexia Fibromyalgia Gut disorders- including peptic ulcer, Crohn’s disease, colitis, food allergy Heart Disease- Arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, high triglycerides Heart Disease- in infants born to magnesium deficient mothers High Blood Pressure Hypoglycemia Impaired athletic performance Infantile Seizure- in children from magnesium deficient mothers Insomnia Kidney Stones Lou Gehrig’s Disease Migraines- including cluster type Mitral Valve Prolapse Multiple Sclerosis Muscle cramps Muscle weakness, fatigue Myopia- in children from magnesium deficient mothers Obesity- especially obesity associated with high carbohydrate diets Osteoporosis- just adding magnesium reversed bone loss Parkinson’s Disease PMS- including menstrual pain and irregularities PPH- Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Raynaud’s SIDS- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Stroke Syndrome X- insulin resistance Thyroid disorders- low, high and auto-immune; low magnesium reduces T4 Other conditions are also associated with chronic and acute low magnesium intake and further research is continuing to confirm relationships. The following substances and conditions reduce total body magnesium: Alcohol- all forms cause significant losses Amphetamines/Cocaine Burns- with large surface area Calcium- high levels block magnesium absorption Carbohydrates- especially white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flour Chronic pain- any cause Coffee- significant losses Cyclosporin- extra magnesium can protect from side-effects Diabetes- magnesium spills with sugar in the urine Diarrhea- any cause Dieting- stress plus lowered intake Diuretics- even potassium sparing diuretics do not spare magnesium Insulin- whether from using insulin or from hyperinsulinemia Over-training- extreme athletic physical conditioning/training Phentermine / Fenfluramine Sodas- especially cola type sodas, both diet and regular Sodium- high salt intake Stress- physical and mental- anything that gets your fight or flight reaction Surgery Sweat If your stool becomes loose it does not mean you have adequate magnesium. You may need to do a series of experiments with different types, timing (with and without food; 2,3 or 4 times a day) and/or amounts (100-200 mg. per dose, try the higher first and the lower if you encounter a problem.) You may need more than the daily requirement initially to get expected results. Try to keep all doses at not more than 300-400 mg. each. 100-200 mg at a time work more efficiently. Some clients have experienced sleep difficulties when taking magnesium late in the day as magnesium can contribute to energy. If this happens to you confine your supplementation to earlier hours. Is it worth the hassle? I am sorry if this seems too difficult. It is worth the energy. In a recent study analyzing the diet of 564 adult Americans, both male and female, the average intake of magnesium was less than two-thirds of the RDA for men and less than 50% of the RDA for women. This means that men, on average, are getting under 200 mg. magnesium daily and women get under 150 mg. per day. When you take into consideration the current RDA is less than half of the probable adequate amount of magnesium you begin to see the scope of the deficiency problem [info is from]

Last week, my publisher said to me: “I wonder if you’re writing too many magnesium stories in your blog. After all, many readers probably found your site through your magnesium book. They must be saturated with magnesium information.” “Nonetheless,” he admitted,”every time we do a post about magnesium, readership goes up 200%.” “It’s like watching ads for something you already own.” I told him. “It reinforces how smart you are to have purchased that product.” Then, last weekend, my publisher said in passing, “My left wrist is really hurting. Too much work on the keyboard, I guess.” “Don’t forget to put Magnesium Oil on it,” I automatically replied. “It’ll help stop the muscles from cramping.” “I hadn’t even thought of that,” he said. “I guess we still need more magnesium stories after all.” Even though you may know enough about magnesium to write your own book, are you using it for all the possibilities? A client sent me one of the best “Top Ten Lists” of symptoms relieved by magnesium I’ve ever seen. After three months on magnesium my client experienced: – Less knee pain – Carbohydrate/sugar cravings down from 90 to 5 – on a scale of 100 (most) to 0 (none) – Wrinkles and crevices in her face diminishing – Dramatic reduction in “migraines” – Menstrual period went from dark to bright red and from severe clots to minimal clots – Able to exercise intensely for the first time in years without being exhausted for at least three days after – Sleep has improved from “minimal” to “poor and restless” all night (a huge improvement for her) – Able to “keep going” (to some extent) past 6:30pm at night. – Less sound sensitivity/hypersensitivity – Better able to concentrate when someone is speaking to her if there is any background noise I have a list of 100 factors that can contribute to magnesium deficiency and magnesium deficiency symptoms in my book, The Magnesium Miracle. Often, it’s not until you read something about your specific problem that you put two and two together. Think of Jeff and his throat spasm (from last Tuesday’s message.) Who would have known that he was choking due to muscle spasms around his esophagus/stomach junction? Yet many of you wrote in and gave that answer. (Of course, any muscle or nerve problem can be caused or worsened by a magnesium deficiency.) And who knew (per my client’s top ten list) that you can diminish your carb cravings, reduce wrinkling or help sound sensitivity with magnesium in only three months. So, keep taking magnesium and keep sending in your stories so others can benefit. Aloha, Carolyn Dean MD ND The Doctor of the Future

Most of our members are familiar with Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of The Magnesium Miracle, among other books. She is also the doctor interviewed on our free Magnesium CD.

[as you can see there are an endless array of Drs that are sooo in love with Magnesium Oil]

Magnesium . . . I started using the Magnesium Oil and Magnesium Gel products three years ago. When I first started using them, I could only use the oil in a footbath because my skin would become red and irritated for several days if I put the oil or gel directly on my skin. It took me six months to work up to being able to use the gel directly on my skin without any irritation. But I did this slowly and over time because I could feel a difference with this topical magnesium product that I had never experienced with all the magnesium supplements I took. I should mention that I have had Lyme Disease for over twenty years and every time I tried to detox, I went into such a healing crisis that I ended up in bed for weeks and had to stop the detox process. No one could ever figure out the missing link. Somehow, I knew this miraculous Magnesium Oil and Gel were the keys to what I needed. It is now three years later. I am now to the point where I can use Magnesium Oil or Gel every day with no sensitivity except for the sense of well-being that I get from it. In the last year, I have finally been able to detox successfully without the awful healing crises and Herxheimer reactions that I used to continually get. I know the Magnesium Oil and Gel were the keys that I needed that no doctor or practitioner was able to figure out. I now do a footbath with two ounces of Magnesium Oil or use Magnesium Gel all over for twenty minutes before taking a shower at least four to five times a week. Yes, there are other things that I have done, but none of them would have been achievable if I had not been able to raise the magnesium levels in my body through the use of these two products. I will continue to use these topical magnesium products the rest of my life. G.C., Georgia (one of our contest runners up) Magnesium . . . When I work in the yard cutting trees down, then cutting them up for fire wood and hauling all the branches to the burn pile, I am tired and sore at the end of the day because I found some muscles I did not know I had. So I take a bath with Magnesium Oil, Bath Flakes and Miracle II Soap. I soak there for 30 min, and 1/2 hour after that I am ready to go to work again, because that is how good I feel after the bath. The next day I do not have a sore muscle and am ready to go to work. I am not a young girl as I am 67 years old. Here my story gets better. I broke my right leg and had to go to the ER and was there for 5 hours, and they asked me if it hurt and would I like a pain killer. They told me I’d have to see a bone doctor, and the doctor came with a lot of papers to sign. I asked for what because nothing had been done. I looked at the papers and saw a prescription for a pain killer and an antibiotic, so I asked about birth control pills since he was pushing so many pills. The doctor just looked at me, but the rest of the ER staff laughed. I tore the prescriptions up while the doctor just looked at me, and I told them goodby and went home with a walker and only able to use one leg. My leg was burning when I got home, so I rubbed magnesium oil on my leg and belly. My home has 3 levels, and walkers don’t work on stairs, so I crawled around the house. I rubbed Magnesium Oil on my body and slept well with no pain. On the 5th day, a cast was put on my leg, and I was able to walk and cut the grass. Now comes the best part! After 34 days, the doctor cut the cast off and took an x-ray. The doctor just stood there, very quiet, and looked at the x-ray. hen he asked my age, and I told him 67. He told me I am healed and can go home. I walked out of there free of the cast and feeling happy. So, you see how wonderful your Magnesium Oil is for pain and for healing bones in 34 days! That’s why I have a gallon of it. When I got home, I took a bath with the Magnesium Oil, the Magnesium Bath Flakes and Miracle II Soap to get the dry flakes from the cast off my leg. Everything I have gotten from you works just great. I use your Prill Beads every day and just love them. -Vibeke Holm, Kansas (one of our contest runners-up)

Magnesium . . . I love your Magnesium Oil! It was recommended to me by my Aunt JoAnne, known as the Herb Lady in Mineral Wells, Texas.

I have had problems with my feet for years, mostly the right foot. Recently I was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis and told it would take months to heal and to walk as little as possible. This was hard, because walking is my main form of exercise, I usually walk my dog for an hour every day.

I started using the Magnesium Oil on my right foot, and the pain and inflammation went away within a week. I could go on my regular walks again!

Then I tripped over my dog and sprained my left foot. So I put Magnesium Oil on both feet. The pain in my newly sprained left foot went away the next day. It was amazing. Now I rub Magnesium Oil onto both my feet before bed. No pain, and I can keep up my walking. My dog and I both thank you! This is a wonderful natural remedy that works, and I never had to take any of the pills prescribed by my doctor.

I will always have a bottle of Magnesium Oil on hand. P.J.M., Texas [testimonials from]

Magnesium Boosts Energy, Benefits Athletes . il v57, Better Nutrition for Today’s Living, July 1995, p28(1). Gabe Mirkin, M.D., a nutrition expert and runner, and coauthor of the Sportsmedicine Book, reported that exercisers who feel weak and tired may be suffering from “the mineral blues,” which is characterized as a deficiency of potassium and magnesium inside muscle cells, according to The Complete Book of Vitamins and Minerals for Health. “A loss of magnesium through sweat can bring fatigue and muscle cramps because of the role the mineral plays in controlling muscle contraction and regulating the conversion of carbohydrates to energy,” the publication stated. In foods, potassium and magnesium can be found in nuts, soybeans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Athletes, body builders, runners and those who perform strenuous exercise or physical work are advised to make sure their cellular magnesium levels are up to par, reported Eberhard Kronhausen, Ed.D., et al., in Formula for Life: The Antioxidant, Free-Radical Detoxification Program. “Magnesium is responsible–together with calcium–for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), our most important high-energy phosphate compound,” the authors added. “In addition, good magnesium levels are needed for optimal muscle contraction and to sustain the high oxygen consumption necessary for athletic performance. Research indicates that magnesium facilitates oxygen delivery to working muscle tissue…” In addition to its contribution to multiple enzyme systems, including ATP metabolism in the production of energy, magnesium plays a role in protecting us against ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure, asthma, preeclampsia and alcohol withdrawal, according to Robert M. McLean, M.D., of the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., in the January 1994 issue of The American Journal of Medicine. He went on to say that the amount of magnesium in the blood does not necessarily correlate with the amount of the mineral stored in the body, making a magnesium deficiency difficult to pinpoint. Low magnesium levels are rather common problems found in about 65 percent of intensive care patients and about 11 percent of the general patient population, he said. Magnesium levels can be depleted by such drugs as amphotericin B, cyclosporine, cisplatin, digojcin, ethanol, gentamicin, loop diuretics and pentamidine, he added. A combination of magnesium and malic acid (extracted from apples and other foods) has been useful in treating some patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, reported the Spring 1993 issue of Health Watch, a publication of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research Foundation in Santa Barbara, Calif. Daniel Peterson, M.D., said that the combination of the mineral and malic acid benefits up to 40 percent of the patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Malic acid should be included in the therapy for these patients, added Jay Goldstein, M.D. The researchers indicate that fibromyalgia (associated with muscle and bone aches, pins-and-needles feelings, fatigue, tension headaches, insomnia, etc.) may not respond to the magnesium-malic supplement for 48 hours. For chronic fatigue syndrome, this therapy may take two weeks, they said. In addition to contributing to ATP production, malic acid is important in the Krebs cycle, in which fats and sugar are converted into energy, the researchers continued. The therapeutic dose that they recommend for patients is six to 12 tablets/day of malic acid and magnesium hydroxide. The supplement is to be taken with food and water. “Those who exercise strenuously need magnesium because it helps deliver oxygen to the muscles for peak performance,” according to Rita Aero and Stephanie Rick in Vitamin Power. Magnesium is vital for converting glycogen into glucose for use as the body’s fuel.” Health food stores carry a variety of magnesium supplements, and some stores may have the magnesium malate supplement. REFERENCES Aero, Rita, and Rick, Stephanie. Vitamin Power. New York: Harmony Books, 1987, p. 159. “A Follow-up on Malic Acid: CFIDS Buyers Club,” Health Watch 3(1):1,3, Spring 1993. The Complete Book of Vitamins and Minerals for Health, Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale Pres, 1988, p. 450. Kronhausen, Eberhard, Ed.D., et al. Formula for Life: The Antioxidant, Free-Radical, Detoxification Program. New York: William Morrow Co., Inc., 1989, p. 168. McLean, Robert M., M.D. “Magnesium and Its Therapeutic Uses: A Review”, The American Journal of Medcine 96:63-76, January 1994.

Re: Transdermal Magnesium Therapy « Reply #1 on Nov 27, 2006, 12:25pm »

From a member:

Hi Elder

Just wanted to tell you what a wonderful product the transdermal Magnesium has been for me.

I was recently hospitalized in ICU for fluid buildup in my lungs (due to chemo toxicity) that resulted in congestive heart failure. I put on 20 pounds of fluid and the diuretics took off only 10 of that by the time I was discharged. I had about 5 pounds of fluid in my lungs which they tapped, and the other 5 pounds I lost in the hospital.

So I came home 10 pounds heavier. The diuretics took off about 1 or maybe 2 pounds per day. On my second night home I had my partner rub the magnesium oil on my back and sides where there was fluid “puffiness” and the next morning I lost a whopping 5 pounds of fluid all at once. I returned to normal weight very quickly with the help of the oil.

The next few nights after that I rubbed it on my arm which has had lymphedema for a year, and the next morning my arm would have less fluid in it. It is almost normal size now, from being about twice as big as normal. I consider the magnesium oil to be a miracle and highly recommend this safe and natural product to everyone.

I gave some to my mother to use on her swollen arthritic knee and it helped reduce swelling and pain, and it did the same for a friend’s arthritic hand as well. So this oil is indeed a special gift. Thanks so much for sending it to me!

Many Blessings, Linda Cortellesi

Thought I’d throw in a note of the unusual form called intraveneous solution of Magnesium from Whitaker Wellness Intravenous Magnesium Therapy

Esp good in midst of heart attack or right after one I’m told by Whitaker Wellness Institute,, 800-488-1500

IV drip of this can hault Migraine instantly and GREATTT for preeclampsia (pregnancy related hypertension)

Smoothes out arrythmias and improves outcomes in patients undergoing angioplasty with stent placement, great for heart disease and etc along the heart lines…

Explaining Jeff’s Back Alley Magnesium Miracle Carolyn Dean MD ND | August 3, 2009

I have a winner from the contest I announced last week to see who could explain the Magnesium Miracle Story. For those who missed the story: A man named Jeff ended up with a clamped passage between his esophagus and his stomach. Choking, vomiting and gagging on his spit in the back alley of a restaurant for 35 minutes he was finally saved by holding a magnesium citrate drink in his mouth. If you missed the story, you can still read it here… Part 1: Part 2: I asked people to explain why they thought magnesium provided such an instantaneous cure for Jeff’s severe condition. We received 23 very intelligent submissions. Here were the three I thought provided the best answers. Teshuvah wins the contest because her answer went a step further, explaining what farmers and ranchers know about magnesium… “Magnesium relaxes the involuntary muscles including the bowel (which is why overdosing causes diarrhea) and magnesium deficiency could block the esophagus. “Holding Magnesium in the mouth will cause it to be absorbed sublingually. Magnesium Chloride would be absorbed faster, but tastes bad. Mag-O will work in water and is tasteless. “Further, sheep farmers give sheep magnesium blocks. Animals that are Magnesium deficient become aggressive and hard to handle, just like over active kids. Kids should have magnesium, not Ritalin. “Race horses get a shaking disease if they are deficient in magnesium. The answer is to add magnesium, not meds.” She wins a soft cover copy of Seeds of Deception – the international bestselling 266 page book by Jeffrey M. Smith exposing the industry and government lies over genetically modified food. Notable mention goes to Debi who offered a psychological explanation in tandem with the obvious physical affects… “I would guess that Jeff was also having anxiety about the situation – the magnesium also calmed his nerves.” You guys know more than most doctors about this subject – don’t let it go to your heads! If I may add my 2 milligrams worth… Most fascinating was how Jeff saw fast results simply from holding the magnesium drink in his mouth. When your body needs something, it knows how to get it. (Magnesium citrate is not the easiest form of magnesium to absorb, either.) It must have absorbed through the pores of his tongue and the interior of his mouth. The bloodstream transported the desperately needed mineral straight down to his esophagus. Once absorbed into the muscle cells, the gastro-esophageal junction could relax. Still, possibly, Jeff’s esophagus wasn’t as severely deficient as the situation suggests. Calcium causes muscles to contract. Possibly his body was trying to protect itself from getting any more calcium until… Jeff consumed some magnesium. The body does much better with uniform deficiency. In other words, it prefers being equally low in everything, versus high in one thing and low in another. Of course, as you know, it’s very difficult to get enough magnesium from our food supply. Soil depletion has taken its toll. Unless you’re juicing lots of magnesium-rich vegetables, you need mineral supplementation like I explain in my book the Magnesium Miracle. This isn’t some “supplement hype” it’s just basic biology. Find out everything the average persons needs to know to benefit from magnesium in Module 4 of Future Health Now… I hope this “magnesium miracle” inspired you to make sure you’re getting enough magnesium each day. Please share the story with anyone who suffers from problems with choking on food. It could be a life saver! Aloha, Carolyn Dean MD ND The Doctor of the Future P.S. You can view a video explaining the cellular action of magnesium and calcium at the website of The Nutritional Magnesium Association (where I am the medical director). It’s called Balancing Calcium and Magnesium: A Look Inside the Cell. Click the following link to view it…

Magnesium Chloride In Acute And Chronic Diseases – Share The Wealth… 1 of 5 25/10/2005 16:24 Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta Self-Sufficiency Is The Key To Empowerment And Freedom September 15, 2005 Magnesium Chloride In Acute And Chronic Diseases Categories Control tactics ( Health through Nutrition ( Practical Health ( …”The opposition was total: Professors of Medicine, Medical Peer-Reviews, the Academy itself, all were against the two doctors. “Official Medicine” saw in Magnesium Chloride Therapy a threat to its new and growing business: vaccinations.”… See also: Magnesium: Research Misconduct? ( Here is another under used mineral. Like Vitamin C ( , it to is nearly miraculous for the depth and scope of it’s application. The comparison between to two is uncanny imagine what they could do combined? Both these supplements were (and are) able to cure polio but ran up against the vaccine racket. Some other benefits are: …”Many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be overcome with high magnesium supplementation…. …In a trial with 30 epileptics 450 mg of magnesium supplied daily successfully controlled seizures. Another study found that the lower the magnesium blood levels the more severe was the epilepsy. In most cases magnesium works best in combination with vitamin B6 and zinc… ….Countries with the highest calcium to magnesium ratios (high calcium and low magnesium levels) in soil and water have the highest incidence of cardiovascular disease. At the top of the list is Australia…. See also: Orthomolecular Solutions to Heart Disease ( …In an American study the death rate due to diabetes was four times higher in areas with low magnesium water levels as compared to areas with high levels of magnesium in the water…. …In a New Zealand study it was found that caries-resistant teeth had on average twice the amount of magnesium as caries-prone teeth…. ….Many studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water. In Egypt the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America. In the rural fellah it was practically non-existent. The main difference was an extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5 to 3 g in these cancer-free populations, ten times more than in most western countries. See also: Magnesium Chloride – Effective In Treating Urinary Troubles Of Prostate ( Recent Research Shows Intravenous C Can be Effective Against Some Cancers ( () Why Magnesium Chloride? ….”both magnesium as well as chloride have other important functions in keeping us young and healthy. Chloride, of course, is required to produce a large quantity of gastric acid each day and is also needed to stimulate starch-digesting enzymes. Magnesium is the mineral of rejuvenation and prevents the calcification of our organs and tissues that is characteristic of the old-age related degeneration of our body. Using other magnesium salts is less advantageous because these have to be converted into chlorides in the body anyway. We may use magnesium as oxide or carbonate but then we need to produce additional hydrochloric acid to absorb them. Many aging individuals, especially with chronic diseases who desperately need more magnesium cannot produce sufficient hydrochloric acid and then cannot absorb the oxide or carbonate. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate. It is soluble but not well absorbed and acts mainly as a laxative. Chelated magnesium is well absorbed but much more expensive and lacks the beneficial contribution of the chloride ions. Orotates are good but very expensive for the amount of magnesium that they provide and both orotates and chelates seem to lack the infection-fighting potential of the magnesium chloride.”…. Magnesium Chloride In Acute And Chronic Diseases – Share The Wealth… 2 of 5 25/10/2005 16:24 See Walter Last’s MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE for Health & Rejuvenation ( for much expanded review of this miracle mineral. Unfortunately, a more detailed book, on how to exploit magnesiumÂ’s properties to prevent and treat various condition, CURARSI CON IL MAGNESIO ( (HOW TO CURE WITH MAGNESIUM) by R. Vergini is only available in Italian, French and Spanish. If there is a reader who should like to translate this in English they can go to the foreign translations and rights page here ( with email address of the woman managing them. Chris Gupta ———————— .

Magnesium supplementation is actually crucial for everyone today but we have to pay special attention to the method of supplementation because this is critical in terms of effective body utilization. “Magnesium is poorly absorbed orally. That is why I start off with injections. By injecting magnesium I can guarantee 100% to bring the levels up. I cannot guarantee to do this with oral magnesium,” says Dr. Sarah Myhill. Dr. Garry Gordon could not agree with her more. What Dr. Myhill did not know when she said this was the discovery of a natural form of magnesium chloride that comes from sea water. Called Magnesium Oil, it is a natural substance that can be applied to the skin or poured into ones’ bath like Epsom salts. Magnesium chloride, applied transdermally is the ideal magnesium delivery system with medical benefits unequalled in the entire world of medicine. Yet one does not need a doctor to prescribe or administer it. One can relax in a medicinal bath, without a doctor’s prescription or simply put it on the skin and have someone massage you for sublime effect. Transdermal delivery of medicines is generally considered safer, more efficient, convenient and less painful than injections or IV’s. Most doctors and patients think of magnesium chloride as a medicine that can be injected while you are having a heart attack and it does save the day for both heart and stroke patients if used quickly enough. I first introduced “Magnesium Oil” in my book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy and have been astonished from the beginning of what a wonderful thing this substance is and how it has benefited so many people. What I have found is that magnesium chloride, applied transdermally, is the ideal magnesium delivery system – with health benefits unequalled in the entire world of medicine. Nothing short of a miracle is to be expected with increases in the cellular levels of magnesium if those levels have been depleted. There is no wonder drug that can claim, in the clear, what magnesium chloride can do. Most people will show dramatic improvements in the state of their health when they replete their magnesium levels in an effective manner. When we first started talking about the magnesium I was dying. I knew it inside. I am no longer dying. I feel life in me. I am so happy. With magnesium oil, the concentrate can simply be applied to the skin or poured into bath water, and in an instant we have a powerful medical treatment. Intensive transdermal and oral magnesium therapy can be safely applied day in and day out for consistent health benefits. Magnesium oil is nothing short of a miracle to a person deficient in magnesium. So clear and observable are the effects that there is no mistake, no mysticism, no false claim made. There are not too many medicinal substances or medicines that can make this claim. It should be noted that pain management with magnesium employs magnesium oil applied transdermally to the skin. Dr. Linda Rapson, who specializes in treating chronic pain, believes that about 70 per cent of her patients who complain of muscle pain, cramps and fatigue are showing signs of magnesium deficiency. “Virtually all of them improve when I put them on magnesium,” says Rapson, who runs a busy Toronto pain clinic. “It may sound too good to be true, but it’s a fact.” She’s seen the mineral work in those with fibromyalgia, migraines and constipation. “The scientific community should take a good hard look at this.”[1] Daniel Reid, author of Tao of Detox says, “Using magnesium oil is the quickest and most convenient way to transmit magnesium chloride into the cells and tissues through the skin. 2-3 sprays under each armpit function as a highly effective deodorant, while at the same time transporting magnesium swiftly through the thin skin into the glands, lymph channels, and bloodstream, for distribution throughout the body. Spray it onto the back of the hand or the top of the feet any time of day or night for continuous magnesium absorption. Regardless of where you apply the spray on the body, once it penetrates the surface of the skin, the body transports it to whichever tissues need magnesium most.” Magnesium Oil and Sports Medicine

Magnesium Oil can be applied directly to inflamed areas. Transdermal magnesium therapy offers an exciting breakthrough in sports medicine. Coaches can now treat injuries, prevent them, and increase athletic performance all at the same time. Magnesium Oil enhances recovery from athletic activity or injuries. It reduces pain and inflammation while propagating quicker regeneration of tissues. Topical application of magnesium chloride increases flexibility, which helps avoid injury. It also increases strength and endurance. Transdermal Magnesium Therapy is a boon for athletes, coaches and doctors who practice sports medicine. Dr. Jeff Schutt says that hamstring injuries can be avoided through nutritional support because contraction and relaxation is dependent on adequate cellular levels of magnesium. “A shortened hamstring is a result of lack of available magnesium,” he says. Liquid magnesium chloride can be simply sprayed and rubbed into a sore Achilles tendon to decrease swelling. And soaking the feet in a magnesium chloride footbath is the single best thing – apart from stretching – that you can do for yourself to protect from, or recover from hamstring and other injuries. Magnesium Massage

One of the most luxurious medical treatments on earth is to receive magnesium massages with magnesium oil on a consistent basis. Having an ounce of magnesium oil rubbed over one’s body by either a trained or massage therapist or by a loved one is heavenly. There are many ways to calm a person, many healing and medical treatments that can reduce stress, reduce sensory overload, slow the heart and help a person center and nothing does this better than touch. The most beautiful forms of touch are healing techniques and this is what professional massage therapists’ true aim is, to heal through touch. The skin provides the best avenue into the body for many medicinals. When it comes to magnesium we have a method in our hands that is similar in effect to intravenous magnesium treatments that are used to save peoples’ lives in emergency rooms. We simply use the magnesium oil like we would massage oils, or create a special blend mixing essential oil or other massage oils together with the magnesium chloride, which is quite slippery even though there is no oil in the ‘magnesium oil.’ Massage therapists should be introducing their clients to the tremendous benefits of a magnesium massage and it is they who should suggest to their clients to start using it at home. Transdermal application of magnesium is superior to the commonly recommended oral magnesium supplements where absorption is typically poor. In magnesium chloride oil we have a potent natural substance that penetrates the cells with stunning result on cell biochemistry and when loving touch is added to the mix the results are heartwarming to say the least. In general, for a large adult, spraying an ounce or more of magnesium oil a day all over the body is recommended for six months to recover cellular levels, with that dosage adjusted downward for children depending on their age and size. This coupled with oral intake, especially for adults, is necessary to get the maximum effect out of magnesium. When magnesium levels are at extremely low levels intravenous application is an option and is necessary in emergency situations. Very strong therapeutic magnesium baths yield another level of effect. Such baths compete with intravenous applications but they are no substitute for in emergency situations. Magnesium Oil and Relief of Pain

Pain relief and muscle relaxation for people with arthritis and muscle cramping is an important and significant benefit of magnesium oil. Magnesium applied directly to the skin alleviates chronic pain, muscle cramps, and in general makes our job of opening up and softening muscles and connective tissue much easier. Magnesium is a potent vasodilator, and smooth muscle relaxant. The Purest Magnesium Oil For the very purest magnesium oil we now have to turn to Europe. Deep underground is a 250 million old inactive sea of magnesium chloride oil that has never been touched by modern day pollution and there is enough of it down there to last humanity hundreds of years. It is so pure that I use it diluted as a mouthwash and then swallow what is in my mouth for oral supplementation. It is ideal not only for oral intake but also seems to be better tolerated by the skin, even when used at full strength. This magnesium oil is called Ancient Minerals. Personally I have just had two cataract operations and I used magnesium chloride eye drops that I made up myself using this pure magnesium oil diluted 15 parts distilled water to one part magnesium. The surgery was a success and my recovery was quick. This same magnesium can be put in a nebulizer and can be used at home by patients both before and after surgery both orally and transdermally to great effect. Surgeons need to become familiar with the transdermal approach for then they can start their patients off with heavy application weeks before surgery and for weeks after since this method of application can easily be done at home by patients. For use with a nebulizer again I recommend only the purest magnesium available. Even the pharmaceutical grades have heavy metal contamination so are not suitable. Testimony I’ve just started using the magnesium oil on my 7yr old ASD son. He’s always tested very low in magnesium and I don’t believe oral supplementation is doing that much. I put a few tablespoons of the oil in his bath water, and I also spray it onto my hands & rub it into his skin (tops of his feet & elbows). The reason I chose his elbows was because he’s had this rash (large, bumpy, flesh colored) for quite some time. The magnesium stung at first when I rubbed it on, but after just a few nights, the rash is gone from one elbow and fading from the other! Rose Langford Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Director International Medical Veritas Association

The Miracle of Magnesium Subscribe to Dr. Hotze’s Newsletter Bottom of Form THE MIRACLE OF MAGNESIUM Every day I hear another magnesium success story. My editor for the UK edition of The Miracle of Magnesium told me that as soon as she read my manuscript she gave magnesium to a friend who had severe muscle cramps. Her friend had visited several doctors and nobody could diagnosis her condition or offer her relief. Magnesium helped her immediately. My book agent’s brother can’t believe how much his energy has improved on magnesium and his wife’s menopausal symptoms are lifting since she began taking supplements. And every day I also hear distressing stories about magnesium deficiency. Just today walking along the beach near my home I met an 80-year old gentleman who asked me to sit and talk. Julius said he used to walk up and down the beach like me but now his arthritis prevented him. But he said he only began having symptoms of arthritis after taking medication for slightly elevated cholesterol. Instead of a diet and magnesium, his doctor immediately put him on a cholesterol-lowering drug. When he began developing pain, which was obviously from the drug, instead of stopping the drug and giving magnesium to lower cholesterol, to help detoxify the drug, and also lessen muscle cramps, his doctor gave him a strong pain medication. And then his ankles began to swell and Julius said his doctor gave him a diuretic! And so the story goes, one drug causing symptoms that demand another drug. That’s what doctors learn about in medical school: drugs. They don’t learn about diet and nutrients, so it seems that all they know how to do is prescribe drugs. Julius said he was going to tell his doctor to change his cholesterol medication, which, by the way, in several years had only dropped his cholesterol of 205 to 185. I told him to go on a cholesterol-lowering diet and take magnesium. Even though Julius said he was mad about having to take the drugs and he wished he had been given a diet in the first place, Julius said he would have to ask his doctor before taking the magnesium. And my heart sank, because his doctor probably didn’t learn about magnesium supplementation in medical school and would probably say it’s unnecessary. Doctors know potassium deficiency is a danger for people on diuretics but they don’t acknowledge that magnesium is also flushed out in equal measure. Magnesium deficiency goes undiagnosed and unrecognized because until recently there was no accurate blood test for magnesium*. Patients are warned to take potassium supplements or eat oranges and bananas, but no advice is given about magnesium. Magnesium is not as readily available as potassium; it’s deficient in the soil and most fertilizers don’t contain magnesium, so most foods are lacking. Also cooking and processing foods depletes magnesium. It’s found in whole grains, greens, nuts and seeds, but most people don’t eat much, if any, of those foods. And yet, for some reason doctors think that we get all our nutrients in our very SAD, Standard American Diet and they don’t recognize the need for nutrient supplementation. It all stems back to a medical education that is funded by drug companies that have no vested interest in promoting nutrients. Vitamins and minerals can’t be patented and are relatively inexpensive. My research for The Miracle of Magnesium reminded me that all the metabolic processes in the body, ALL OF THEM, depend on vitamins and minerals, which act as necessary co-factors. Magnesium itself is a co-factor and responsible for the function of 325 enzymes; is an absolute requirement for calcium to be incorporated into bone; keeps toxic chemicals out of the brain; dances with calcium to create nerve impulses and muscle impulses; keeps muscles relaxed, including the heart and blood vessels, and triggers dozens of health conditions if it is deficient. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is between 350 and 400 milligrams per day, which is just enough to ward off outright deficiency. But for optimal health and for the twenty-two conditions that are triggered by magnesium deficiency, perhaps twice as much magnesium is needed. One of the highest sources of magnesium is kelp, but one tsp. only has about 30 milligrams. One tablespoon of almonds has 33 milligrams. Because we probably don’t get nearly enough magnesium from out diet we have to investigate magnesium supplements. I use several types of magnesium. However, I stopped using magnesium oxide in 2005 when I read a study that showed only 4 percent of the oxide form of magnesium is absorbed. That’s why magnesium oxide is a great laxative but if you want to stock up on magnesium you need to use other forms. I use magnesium citrate and magnesium taurate and also spray on magnesium oil after a shower. Magnesium oil is supersaturated magnesium chloride and because it’s used topically it doesn’t cause a laxative effect. And I find it really does work. I seem to have a very high requirement for magnesium and to get enough by mouth I can have a laxative reaction—but if I use magnesium oil, I only need to take half the amount of magnesium by mouth and therefore avoid loose stools. You also have read labels when you buy magnesium products. For example a label may say magnesium taurate, or magnesium citrate, or magnesium glycinate, 500 milligrams, but when you look at the fine print on the back of the bottle you will notice the actual amount of magnesium is much less. The actual amount of magnesium in 500 mg of magnesium glycinate is 50 mg. Companies that make chelated minerals like magnesium glycinate and magnesium taurate claim that chelates are more readily absorbed. That may be the case, but how you tell is if they have less of a laxative effect. The best way to tell if you are getting enough magnesium is the “bowel test”. You know when you have too much magnesium when your stools become loose. This, in fact, may be a blessing for people with constipation and is one of the many ways magnesium deficiency manifests. But, if you are like me and still get a Charlie horse or a heart palpitation when you don’t have enough magnesium, then reach for the magnesium oil. The only contraindications to magnesium are caused in people with outright kidney failure, bowel obstruction, Myasthenia gravis, or heart block. Also, if you have a heart condition you may find that taking magnesium can lessen the need for heart medication and you should be under doctor’s supervision to guide this process. The following 22 medical areas that magnesium deficiency triggers or causes have all been scientifically proven. However, since the publication of The Miracle of Magnesium, people have sent me magnesium stories that go beyond the following list. I’ve been told that magnesium had caused skin to become smooth, gums to heal, and improvements in sexual response. If you are only able to take one supplement–make sure it’s magnesuim! Magnesium deficiency triggers or causes the following conditions: Anxiety and Panic attacks- Magnesium (Mg) normally keeps adrenal stress hormones under control. Asthma- Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with Mg deficiency. Blood clots- Mg has an important role to play in preventing blood clots and keeping the blood thin-much like aspirin but without the side effects. Bowel disease- Mg deficiency slows down the bowel causing constipation, which could lead to toxicity and malabsorption of nutrients, as well as colitis. Cystitis- Bladder spasms are worsened by Mg deficiency. Depression-Serotonin, which elevates moods, is dependent on Mg. A Mg-deficient brain is also more susceptible to allergens, foreign substances that can cause symptoms similar to mental illness. Detoxification- Mg is crucial for the removal of toxic substances and heavy metals such as aluminum and lead. Diabetes- Mg enhances insulin secretion, facilitating sugar metabolism. Without Mg insulin is not able to transfer glucose into cells. Glucose and insulin build up in the blood causing various types of tissue damage. Fatigue- Mg-deficient patients commonly experience fatigue because dozens of enzyme systems are under-functioning. An early symptom of Mg deficiency is frequently fatigue. Heart disease- Mg deficiency is common in people with heart disease. Mg is administered in hospitals for acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmia. Like any other muscle, the heart muscle requires Mg. Mg is also used to treat angina, or chest pain. Hypertension- With insufficient Mg, spasm of blood vessels and high cholesterol occur, both of which lead to blood pressure problems. Hypoglycemia- Mg keeps insulin under control; without Mg episodes of low blood sugar can result. Insomnia- Sleep-regulating melatonin production is disturbed without sufficient Mg. Kidney Disease- Mg deficiency contributes to atherosclerotic kidney failure. Mg deficiency creates abnormal lipid levels and worsening blood sugar control in kidney transplant patients. Liver Disease leading to liver failure- Mg deficiency commonly occurs during liver transplantation. Migraine- Serotonin balance is Mg-dependent. Deficiency of serotonin can result in migraine headaches and depression. Musculoskeletal conditions- Fibrositis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, eye twitches, cramps and chronic neck and back pain may be caused by Mg deficiency and can be relieved with Mg supplements. Nerve problems- Mg alleviates peripheral nerve disturbances throughout the whole body, such as migraines, muscle contractions, gastrointestinal spasms, and calf, foot and toe cramps. It is also used in treating central nervous symptoms of vertigo and confusion. Obstetrics and Gynecology- Mg prevents Premenstrual Syndrome; prevents dysmenorrhea (cramping pain during menses); is important in the treatment of infertility; and alleviates premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy. Intravenous Mg is given in obstetrical wards for pregnancy-induced hypertension and to lessen the risk of cerebral palsy and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Mg should be a required supplement for pregnant mothers. Osteoporosis- Use of calcium with Vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption without a balancing amount of Mg causes further Mg deficiency, which triggers a cascade of events leading to bone loss. Raynaud’s Syndrome- Mg helps relax the spastic blood vessels that cause pain and numbness of the fingers. Tooth decay- Mg deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of phosphorus and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth. Material excerpted from Dean, Carolyn. The Miracle of Magnesium (2003 Ballantine Books: New York, NY), 2003. pp. 5-7. A test for cellular magnesium called EXATEST is available at This updated article was originally printed in Total Health Magazine November, 2003. Dr. Carolyn Dean is an acknowledged authority in both conventional and alternative medicine. As the well-known author of The Miracle of Magnesium, she is an expert in recognizing and treating the dozens of conditions caused by magnesium deficiency. Dr. Dean currently offers private telephone wellness consultations through her website at Dr. Dean is also an authority in the treatment of bowel disease, hormone imbalance, and yeast overgrowth as evidenced by the 2005 publication of three of her ten books, IBS for DUMMIES, Hormone Balance: A Woman’s Guide to Restoring Health and Vitality, and The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health. Dr. Dean is the medical advisor to She has researched and treated this condition for three decades. You can reach Dr. Dean for wellness consultations on all types of health concerns or autographed copies of her books through her website or by emailing

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September 15, 2005 Print this article Magnesium Chloride In Acute And Chronic Diseases Categories Control tactics Health through Nutrition Practical Health …”The opposition was total: Professors of Medicine, Medical Peer-Reviews, the Academy itself, all were against the two doctors. “Official Medicine” saw in Magnesium Chloride Therapy a threat to its new and growing business: vaccinations.”… See also: Magnesium: Research Misconduct? Here is another under used mineral. Like Vitamin C, it to is nearly miraculous for the depth and scope of it’s application. The comparison between to two is uncanny imagine what they could do combined? Both these supplements were (and are) able to cure polio but ran up against the vaccine racket. Some other benefits are: …”Many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be overcome with high magnesium supplementation…. …In a trial with 30 epileptics 450 mg of magnesium supplied daily successfully controlled seizures. Another study found that the lower the magnesium blood levels the more severe was the epilepsy. In most cases magnesium works best in combination with vitamin B6 and zinc… ….Countries with the highest calcium to magnesium ratios (high calcium and low magnesium levels) in soil and water have the highest incidence of cardiovascular disease. At the top of the list is Australia…. See also: Orthomolecular Solutions to Heart Disease …In an American study the death rate due to diabetes was four times higher in areas with low magnesium water levels as compared to areas with high levels of magnesium in the water…. …In a New Zealand study it was found that caries-resistant teeth had on average twice the amount of magnesium as caries-prone teeth…. ….Many studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water. In Egypt the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America. In the rural fellah it was practically non-existent. The main difference was an extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5 to 3 g in these cancer-free populations, ten times more than in most western countries. See also: Magnesium Chloride – Effective In Treating Urinary Troubles Of Prostate Recent Research Shows Intravenous C Can be Effective Against Some Cancers Why Magnesium Chloride? ….”both magnesium as well as chloride have other important functions in keeping us young and healthy. Chloride, of course, is required to produce a large quantity of gastric acid each day and is also needed to stimulate starch-digesting enzymes. Magnesium is the mineral of rejuvenation and prevents the calcification of our organs and tissues that is characteristic of the old-age related degeneration of our body. Using other magnesium salts is less advantageous because these have to be converted into chlorides in the body anyway. We may use magnesium as oxide or carbonate but then we need to produce additional hydrochloric acid to absorb them. Many aging individuals, especially with chronic diseases who desperately need more magnesium cannot produce sufficient hydrochloric acid and then cannot absorb the oxide or carbonate. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate. It is soluble but not well absorbed and acts mainly as a laxative. Chelated magnesium is well absorbed but much more expensive and lacks the beneficial contribution of the chloride ions. Orotates are good but very expensive for the amount of magnesium that they provide and both orotates and chelates seem to lack the infection-fighting potential of the magnesium chloride.”…. See Walter Last’s MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE for Health & Rejuvenation for much expanded review of this miracle mineral. Unfortunately, a more detailed book, on how to exploit magnesiumÂ’s properties to prevent and treat various condition, CURARSI CON IL MAGNESIO (HOW TO CURE WITH MAGNESIUM) by R. Vergini is only available in Italian, French and Spanish. If there is a reader who should like to translate this in English they can go to the foreign translations and rights page here with email address of the woman managing them. Chris Gupta ———————— MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE IN ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES

Raul Vergini,MD Back in 1915, a French surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet,MD, was looking for a solution to cleanse wounds, because he had found out that the traditional antiseptic solutions actually mortified tissues and facilitated the infection instead of preventing it. He tested several mineral solutions and discovered that a Magnesium Chloride solution was not only harmless for tissues, but it had also a great effect over leucocytic activity and phagocytosis; so it was perfect for external wounds treatment. Dr.Delbet performed a lot of “in vitro” and “in vivo” experiments with this solution and he became aware that it was good not only for external applications, but it was also a powerful immuno-stimulant if taken by injections or even by mouth. He called this effect “cytophilaxis”. In some “in vivo” experiments it was able to increase phagocytosis rate up to 300%. Dr.Delbet serendipitously discovered that this oral solution had also a tonic effect on many people and so became aware that the Magnesium Chloride had an effect on the whole organism. In a brief time, he received communications of very good therapeutics effects of this “therapy” from people that were taking Magnesium Chloride for its tonic properties and who were suffering from various ailments. Prof.Delbet began to closely study the subject and verified that the Magnesium Chloride solution was a very good therapy for a long list of diseases. He obtained very good results in: colitis, angiocholitis and cholecystitis in the digestive apparatus; Parkinson’s Disease, senile tremors and muscular cramps in the nervous system; acne, eczema, psoriasis, warts, itch of various origins and chilblains in the skin. There was a strengthening of hair and nails, a good effect on diseases typical of the aged (impotency, prostatic hypertrophy, cerebral and circulatory troubles), and on diseases of allergic origin (hay-fever, asthma, urticaria and anaphylactic reactions). Then Prof.Delbet began to investigate the relationship between Magnesium and Cancer. After a lot of clinical and experimental studies, he found that Magnesium Chloride had a very good effect on prevention of cancer and that it was able to cure several precancerous conditions: leucoplasia, hyperkeratosis, chronic mastitis, etc. Epidemiological studies confirmed Delbet’s views and demonstrated that the regions with soil more rich in magnesium had less cancer incidence, and vice versa. In experimental studies, the Magnesium Chloride solution was also able to slow down the course of cancer in laboratory animals. Prof. Delbet wrote two books, “Politique Preventive du Cancer” (1944) and “L’Agriculture et la Santé” (1945), in which he stated his ideas about cancer prevention and better living. The first is a well documented report of all his studies on Magnesium Chloride. In 1943 another French doctor, A.Neveu,MD, used the Magnesium Chloride solution in a case of diphteria to reduce the risks of anaphylactic reaction due to the anti-diphteric serum that he was ready to administer. To his great surprise, when the next day the laboratory results confirmed the diagnosis of diphteria, the little girl was completely cured, before he could use the serum. He credited the immuno-stimulant activity to the solution for this result, and he tested it in some other diphteric patients. All the patients were cured in a very short time (24-48 hours), with no after-effects. As Magnesium Chloride has no direct effect on bacteria ( is not an antibiotic ), Neveu thought that its action was aspecific, immuno-enhancing, so it could be useful, in the same manner, also against viral diseases. So he began to treat some cases of poliomyelitis, and had the same wonderful results. He was very excited and tried to divulge the therapy, but he ran into a wall of hostility and obstructionism from “Official Medicine”. Neither Neveu or Delbet (who was a member of the Academy of Medicine) was able to diffuse Neveu’s extraordinary results. The opposition was total: Professors of Medicine, Medical Peer-Reviews, the Academy itself, all were against the two doctors. “Official Medicine” saw in Magnesium Chloride Therapy a threat to its new and growing business: vaccinations. Dr. Neveu wasn’t discouraged by this and continued to test this therapy in a wide range of diseases. He obtained very good results in: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, common cold, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, “children diseases” (whooping-cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever…), alimentary and professional poisonings, gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, erysipelas, whitlow, septic pricks (wounds), puerperal fever and osteomyelitis. But the indications for Magnesium Chloride therapy don’t end here. In more recent years other physicians (and I among these) have verified many of Delbet’s and Neveu’s applications and have tried the therapy in other pathologies: asthmatic acute attack, shock, tetanus (for these the solution is administered by intravenous injection); herpes zoster, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, rheumatic diseases, many allergic diseases, spring- asthenia and Cronic Fatigue Syndrome (even in cancer it can be an useful adjuvant. The preceding lists of ailments are by no means exhaustive; maybe other illnesses can be treated with this therapy but, as this is a relatively “young” treatment, we are pioneers, and we need the help of all physicians of good will to definitely establish all the true possibilities of this wonderful therapy. From a practical standpoint, please remember that only Magnesium CHLORIDE has this “cytophilactic” activity, and no other magnesium salt; probably it’s a molecular, and not a merely ionic, matter. The solution to be used is a 2.5% Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2-6H2O) solution (i.e.: 25 grams/1 liter of water). Dosages are as follows: – Adults and children over 5 years old………………125 cc – 4 year old children…………………………………….100 cc – 3 year old children…………………………………….80 cc – 1-2 year old children………………………………….60 cc – over 6 months old children…………………………. 30 cc – under 6 months old children…………………………15 cc These doses must be administered BY MOUTH. The only controindication to Magnesium Chloride Therapy is a severe renal insufficiency*. As the magnesium chloride has a mild laxative effect, diarrhea sometimes appears on the first days of therapy, expecially when high dosages (i.e. three doses a day) are taken; but this is not a reason to stop the therapy. The taste of the solution is not very good (it has a bitter-saltish flavor) so a little fruit juice (grapefruit, orange, lemon) can be added to the solution, or it can be even used in the place of water to make the solution itself. Grapefruit juice masks the bitter taste very well (expecially if cold). For CHRONIC diseases the standard treatment is one dose morning and evening for a long period (several months at least, but it can be continued for years. In ACUTE diseases the dose is administered every 6 hours (every 3 hours the first two doses if the case is serious); then space every 8 hours and then 12 hours as improvement goes on. After recovery it’s better going on with a dose every 12 hours for some days. As a PREVENTIVE measure, and as a magnesium supplement, one dose a day can be taken indefinitely. Magnesium Chloride, even if it’s an inorganic salt, is very well absorbed and it’s a very good supplemental magnesium source. For INTRAVENOUS injection, the formula is: Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate………………….25 grams Distilled Water………………………………………….100 cc Make injections of 10-20cc (very slowly, over 10-20 minutes) once or twice a day. Of course the solution must be sterilized. This therapy gives very good results also in Veterinary Medicine, at the appropriate dosages depending upon the size and kind of animals. ———- Raul Vergini, MD – Italy – author of: “Curarsi con il Magnesio” Red Edizioni -Italy 1994 (book translated in french and spanish but not in english, sorry). *Dr. Raul Vergini says, that “this is true only for severe renal insufficiency,” where an obvious contraindication may exist; but this is also true for all minerals, that cannot be easily eliminated by a seriously impaired kidney. In all other cases, there are no risks. I never heard or read of any problem. The quantity of elemental magnesium contained in a 125 cc dose of the 2.5% solution is around 500 mg. That is not a large dose! Anyway, I think that it is a good precaution to advise people with problems to consult their physician.” Addendum: According to Raul Vergini, M.D., the 25% solution for IV injections is correct. Personally I never use it, I use only the oral way. But it was used over thirty years ago by some French doctors (5 grams in 20 ml of saline solution of distilled water) to treat tetanus and other less dangerous diseases (asthmatic attacks, choc, opthalmic herpes, herpes zoster, Quincke’s oedema, itching, etc.). It was injected very slowly (in 10-20 minutes), and the results were very good. “Moreover also the Myers’ cocktail contains 2-5 ml of a 20% solution of magnesium chloride (along with other products that may contribute to make the solution more diluted). However, I think that if there are problems of ‘burning’ with the 25% concentration, it should be possible to use, with the same results, a 2.5% solution (the same used by mouth) by dissolving 5 grams of magnesium chloride in 200 ml of distilled water. The solution must be sterilized. “The intramuscular way is not used because the solution is painful.” [In the United States, Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate can be purchased chemically pure (c.p.) from most chemical supply houses without a prescription: Ed.] A similar pdf copy is here.

Magnesium: Research Misconduct? Here is another example of how systematically – the pharmaceuticals manipulate safe and cost effective solutions and put us at risk and all the time extolling their self serving concern for the patient. Just one, of far too many, examples of this sort of thing happening time after time. Its sad to see how the researchers get sucked into these! This is an update that includes links and error corrections…. [read more] October 23, 2005 – Chris Gupta

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Mandy Mankowska on November 27, 2005 07:28 PM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Will Hof on February 7, 2006 01:57 AM

We are a leading producer of Nagari(magnesium chloride food grade).With natural raw material and Japanese technique, we have been processing high quality product for over 8years and most our product are export to Japan, U.S.A.,Korea,Germany and so on.We are trying to extand Australia market.We offer not only Nigari for person but also feed additive for cow to push milking. We are looking for agents for it and if you are interested in it,pls contact us or browse Posted by: Sendy on April 18, 2006 09:06 PM

I live in Chicago. Could you please inform me how I could order a bag of 20 p0unds of Magnesium chloride to be taken as a health suplement for myself. Many thanks in advance. Alexandre Couto Posted by: alexandre couto on December 31, 2006 01:34 AM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Sandra McFarlane on January 23, 2007 07:17 PM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Ed Pace on March 28, 2007 02:40 PM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Iftikhar Ahmad on June 3, 2007 04:43 AM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Ann Mein on June 15, 2007 09:48 AM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Eileen Fletcher on September 5, 2007 05:51 AM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: Andrew Thomas on September 19, 2007 07:09 AM

Dear Sirs Suffered insomnia for last ten years and lately back pain etc …after taking Manesium chloride started to sleep 6 to7 hours and back pains remarkably easened .( after two days use ) Please advise what the intake in mgms of magnesium by diluting MgCl2 each sachet of 20 grams secured from France(do not know if it is hexahydrate) in a one litre of water then taking 125 cc on daily basis. Many thanks for driving my attention to the benefits of Magnesium chloride Posted by: samir on October 4, 2007 04:09 AM

Magnesium Chloride cured my mother’s breast cancer, After 7 months of taking the Magnesium chloride solution, without any side affects. This is what medicine should be like. Posted by: irene on January 8, 2008 03:25 PM

I live in argentina here MgChl it´s use at 33 gr per litter of water. It is that wrong, because you advice 25 gr/litter.thanks Posted by: JUan Tapia on February 6, 2008 07:31 PM

Please sent to my e-mail information abouth Magnesium chloride if will help to low high blood pressure. Thanks. Posted by: Miguel Lasso on February 19, 2008 03:57 AM

I took magnesiun and my muscle pains are gone. I also read at and they are a excellent soyrce on autoimmune diseases. Posted by: Ron on February 19, 2008 04:41 AM

I live in Redwood City Ca. Can you tell me were I can get Magnesium Chloride in this area Thanks. Posted by: Pastor Guzman on April 12, 2008 08:03 PM

I started taking it yesterday for severe backpain and today I feel so much better I can’t believe it, I’d been taking painkillers for over a month and the pain wouldn’t go, and one day I wrote in google in spanish because i live in argentina.dolor del ciatico” and read about magnesium chloride and rushed to the chemist’s !!! a blessing!!!! Posted by: Maureen on April 19, 2008 11:54 PM


I read about magnesium chloride a few months ago and decided to give it a try. Well, my sleep apnea (with insomnia and all other consequences) got much better. My AHI (apnea index) was 22 events per hour in September. After 4 days of magnesium, in November I took another polyssonograpgy. Result? AHI = 12 events per hour. I also had legs movements, that went down from 63 to 49 (according to the same polyssonographies). I could continue forever writing about some more evidences of the importance of mg, but I’ll try to make it shorter: candidose (thrush), and chronic fatigue were solved with a combination of magnesium and some more substances. I will never quit taking magnesium! Posted by: Sergio Rotenberg on May 13, 2008 07:12 AM

Why magnesium chloride and not magnesium Oxide, most Magnesium on the market is Oxide? Thanks in advance, Bill Patterson Las Vegas, Nevada Response: The body can’t abort it – it is not water soluble. Chris Gupta Posted by: William Patterson on May 22, 2008 10:08 AM

I am thinking of taking magnesium chloride and want more information Posted by: Emily Stajduhar on June 2, 2008 11:54 PM

where can i buy mag chloride in the phila. pa. area. john Posted by: john cannon on June 9, 2008 08:21 AM

Where can i buy magnesium chloride pa in south florida. thanks. Posted by: Jumar Belffi on June 23, 2008 02:36 PM

Magnesium Chloride cannot be found with the rest of the vitamins and minerals, goto your local pharmacy and ask the pharmacists for a bottle of Magnesium Chloride tablets they should have some on hand if not try another pharmacy. After years of having GAD and prescription meds I started taking Magnesium Chloride with amino acids, GNC L-Glutamine power, TwinLab Amino Fuel this is a premixed w/all B vitamins amino acid liquid along with Miracle 2000 liquid multi vitamin. I took as directed on the labels. I had results in 2 days. that ugly GAD is gone completely no more Paxil no more Lexipro. I am going to try taking the amino acids and the multi vitamins every 2 days but the Magnesium Chloride I will continue to take twice a day. Posted by: NO MORE GAD on July 2, 2008 10:56 AM

It is very difficult to obtain magnesium chloride in a powder form. There is a company that makes magnesium chloride in tablets. Would I get the same effect and benefits if I take the tablets rather than the powder mixed with water. Each tablet containes 62 mg. of elemental net magnesium chloride. Thank you for your help. Posted by: emma c egues on July 10, 2008 12:13 PM

Great read. More, more!! Posted by: joe Daigre on July 10, 2008 01:44 PM

What eeffects on Parkinsons does this have and does it conflict with Stalevo, Sinement, Mirapex ? Posted by: rick on August 8, 2008 04:58 AM

hi , i’m really interested in magnesium chloride, sounds like everyone should be taking it !! i bought a packet of nagari(magnesium chloride food grade) but it’s in flakes and i’ve just been putting a teaspoon full in a litre of water and drinking throughout the day , is that o.k to not be very precise about the dosage ? have any of you heard about colloidal silver ? Posted by: tara allaway on August 28, 2008 06:10 AM

I would like to have updates on Magnesium Chloride, it an amazing mineral. Posted by: Frank on September 3, 2008 03:54 PM

What appears to be the original article is at Magnesium Chloride solution is available from Posted by: Bill Wilson on September 4, 2008 02:42 PM

Can you please let me know if Magnesium Citrate is the same as Magnesium Chloride. I have been taking Magnesium Citrate in powder form, purchased regularly at a nearby health food store, and was told there that the two are synonomous. When reading your article I carefully looked for mention of Magnesium Citrate, but it was never listed. I will greatly appreciate your response. Iris Freelander Posted by: Iris Freelander on October 19, 2008 02:21 AM

to Bill Wilson- no, that health-science-spirit article is not the original one. It has quotes from mine. I wrote a book (in italian, not available in english) about magnesium Chloride that was published in 1994. Posted by: Raul Vergini on December 3, 2008 01:00 PM

superb good article, very functional Posted by: miguel angel on December 22, 2008 12:07 PM

I’ve trying to find magnesium chloride in Charlotte NC — al phamacists give me the funny look — anyone knows where to buy it. Thanks so much. Posted by: Annie Gillmore on January 19, 2009 12:02 PM

Amazing information! Now, can you point us to a good source of food-grade Magnesium Chloride?? One day while attending to a heart attack victim in the ER I had the thought I should be giving Mg IV to the patient. Don’t think the hospital would have liked it too much and the older I asked on duty at the time severly cautioned against it. If only….. Reaponse: Check out: See also: Magnesium: Research Misconduct? Chris Gupta Posted by: Jon Moreshead on January 19, 2009 08:01 PM

I live in Las Vegas, NV and I would like to order or buy a supply of Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2-6H2O). Please send information as to where I can buy this product. Posted by: D Gallego on January 24, 2009 05:08 PM

Hi everyone, I dilute 20gr of magnesium chloride powder into one liter of tap water previously boiled and cold of course. I keep the bottle in the fridge as the taste is awful but one gets used to it after a while – I drink half a glass 5cl every morning. Results : very good health, a cold, sneezing and crying eyes, stopped the 2nd day, a remarkable well being sensation.. This winter passed without any health problems… Furthermore, I recently give 2ml of the solution to my cat who is suffering of a feline stomatitis, terrible desease of the mouth and gums… 2nd day and he looks already better even though not cured but there is an improvement in his state. The secret is to melt powder of brewer yeast into water and add the mag. chloride (2ml) both tastes are awful but the cats do love brewer yeast (full of B vitamins)… Keep in mind that it is NOT recommended for people with kidneys problems, in this case you can use NIGARI which is a algae with 87 mag. chloride. One has to take this supplementation for 20 days and imperatively stop 10 days and start again if necessary… Wish you all a wonderfull health…from France…! Posted by: Parrison on March 25, 2009 02:02 PM

Can you please let me know if Magnesium Citrate is the same as Magnesium Chloride?? So far this has been the only solution given around here, if so, what is the dose? Thanks Chris! Ed Reponse: Magnesium Citrate is NOT the same as Magnesium Chloride. Chris Posted by: Edward on April 16, 2009 10:21 AM

I would like to point out that nigari is exactly magnesium chloride (85) and very easy to find and also very cheap ! nigari is used by japanese to produce tofu Posted by: Andrew on April 21, 2009 04:55 AM

My daughter is suffering from after effects of transverse myelitis. For years I’ve been looking for a cure and all efforts were in vain. I’ll put her on magnesium chloride and see how it goes. Your advice will be appreciated. Posted by: E Kuang Ngang on June 18, 2009 03:17 AM

we have seen fantastic results in our friends and family using Magnesoothe, magnesium oil made from the Dead Sea minerals, check it out at Posted by: dave on July 24, 2009 12:06 AM

I knew that sooner or later I was going to find something for cardiovascular disease, I believe in healing but the medication that doctors offer are far from being a cure for anything. This seems to be what I have been looking for. I have tried everything but nothing has helped. I am very exited about chloride magnesium, the only problem is that i can’t find any place that has it, could you tell me how to get it. Thank you so much! Posted by: Angie Chambers on July 29, 2009 07:26 PM

The best Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate (Magnesium Oil) that I have found is Their quality is excellent and their prices are very affordable. They have fast freindly service. They did answered all my questions and their product WORKS GREAT! I sleep better, have more energy, and I feel my over-all health has improved. Magnesium Oil is Great… Thank You, Fred Posted by: Fred on August 19, 2009 08:41 AM

I just got back from Mexico visiting a massage therapist and suggested that I take magnesium chloride (i.e. 30 grams to a liter of water). Here is his website – it is in Spanish – He has some educational information regarding the benefits of magnesium chloride. Can you please let me know where I can purchase magnesium chloride in powder in Idaho? Thank you! Posted by: Luz Moreno on September 1, 2009 03:15 PM

Can anyone please advise where I can obtain magnesium chloride hexahydrate in Idaho? The following shortcut is nonfunctionl: Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you!! Posted by: Luz Moreno on September 2, 2009 09:54 PM

Hi I am an American Ministry in the Philippins and suffer from SLE Lupus/COPD and GAD, Id love to hear more this and just what it dould possibly do for me! God bless Pastor Christen Posted by: Johnny on December 9, 2009 07:37 AM

Hi, the following site sells “Zechstein” pure Mag flakes, which you can use in a bath or make your own “Magnesium Oil”, or you can buy the oil from them. The best way to get magnesium chloride into the body is transdermally, or through the skin – either through baths or by applying the oil to the skin. But you can also take some orally at the same time. Posted by: Scott on December 12, 2009 06:21 AM

My father, A nuturopath, treated me as infant,Child & adolescent with Magnesium Chloride from 1960-70’s. I believe I still have the original pamphlets from Dr. Neveau & Dr. Delbet(written in french). What’s the difference between buying the laboratory grade versus the food(FCC) grade? They both taste exactly the same but, one is far cheaper. Posted by: Dr. gregory L. Kofman on January 25, 2010 03:35 PM

does magnesium chloride help arthritis, and does it lower blood pressure? Posted by: pastor chloe on February 8, 2010 01:05 PM

Check out for Quality and Inexpensive Pricing. The Best Magnesium Oil for a CHEAP price because it is a USA. They do not have to pay the shipping charges from Europe. It is FULL STRENGTH product and has not been watered down. It has made a BIG difference in the quality of life for me. Check it out, Fred Posted by: Fred on March 29, 2010 11:53 PM

50 pound bag on 100 Pure Magnesium Chloride Posted by: TJ on April 28, 2010 03:33 PM

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Justin Stellman

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