How Working From Home Has Changed My Life & Made Me Healthier – Extreme Health Radio

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How Working From Home Has Changed My Life & Made Me Healthier

teletrabalhoThis is a subject about which I am very passionate. It’s interesting because when you get into “health” you don’t realize how many aspects of life “health” really affects.

If you follow the rabbit trail (like I’m accustomed to doing) you’ll quickly find out that health affects every area of life. You’ll start to see how everything is connected in a very holistic way. Finances are connected to health, money is connected to politics and government which are in turn very much related to health.

In my opinion there are no borders and divisions. That’s more of a Western mindset. We’re so laser targeted and blinded by our own singularly focused disciplines that we have “foot” doctors and “knee” doctors or “heart specialists”.

As if one part of the body is somehow disconnected from every other part of the body. For those of you that know from Chinese Medicine, each tooth corresponds to particular organs. Each part of your intestinal tract corresponds to different areas of your body. Mark Rothkranz in his book Heal Your Face talks about how each area of the face is connected to key organs that directly affect how you look.


Our western minded way of medicine is a great way of making money because everything is specialized. The Chinese have a way of looking at the body that is truly holistic. They realize that nothing is isolated and everything in the body is connected.

Perhaps that’s why Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for over 5,000 years. Maybe they’re onto something?

In the same way all of life is connected, health, the planet, energy, finances, abundance, politics, war, poverty and everything in between. It’s all one in reality.

When you really start opening your mind and learning about the interconnectedness of all it really starts to blow you away.

I say all that because when people think of health they think of what they eat or maybe what exercise they do on a daily basis.

When I first started this radio show back in late August 2012 I’ve been working from home. We built out a great little studio, bought some equipment like a couple of microphones, a soundboard and other items and really got things rolling.

Even though the show isn’t quite supporting us yet, the ability to work from home has been one of the biggest components in my life that’s enabled me to pursue healthy living.

It might be the biggest factor in living healthy actually.

When you don’t have to get up to an alarm clock and you can do the work you love, it’s a wonderful thing. I encourage you to seriously consider doing what you can to move in this direction.

If you’re working at a corporate job right now consider asking the boss if you can work from home 2 to 3 days a week. If that’s too much perhaps you can ask if he’ll let you work from home on Fridays.

If you think you’ll be more productive let him know that. If you think the quality of your work will improve let him know that as well. Think of what his objections will be and come up with creative answers to all of them.

And make sure to answer his questions without him even having to ask them.

Do what you can to sell him on the benefits to the company if you can work from home.

Why Do I Love Working From Home So Much?

Well it allows me to control my time. Time is all we have. We can make as much money as we want but we can NEVER go back and reclaim lost time. You can never get your days back once they are lost.

We’re giving the best years of our life away in return for debt instruments (FRNs – federal reserve notes) that are increasingly becoming worth less and less. And for what?

By working from home I’m able to have my morning routine which usually consists of sitting in the sauna for 30 minutes, taking Maggie for a walk, making my morning green smoothie and setting my intention for the day.

It’s not that hard to stay self disciplined either as long as you’re focused. I get so much more done than if I were in an office all day working with people who were always asking me for things.

Around lunch time I’m able to walk to the gym and go for a workout and make my entire schedule up based on what comes up.

I can’t imagine how hard it would be to eat the way I do, prepare my food and do my daily disciplines each day if I had to be at an office each day for 8 hours or more.

If you consider the drive to and from work and a lunch break, you’re looking at roughly 12 hours away from your wife and kids each day.

You’ll never get these years back.

Not only are you losing out on that precious time (the best years of your life), but you’re exposed to a stressful work environment and possibly toxic work conditions depending on your job. If you add those two components to the fact that your work situation makes it more difficult to take care of yourself and eat properly, it’s a tripple whammy.

If you were to figure out a way to work from home you’ll notice how much more you love life and how much healthier you can be.

What can you do to make this happen?

That’s the question.

I say start by asking the boss if you can work from home 3 days a week and let the chips fall where they may.

What can you lose?

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