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If you have a child with autism or know somebody that does, this interview will help you tremendously. Dr. Renee Tocco has been working for many years helping children overcome autism, asperger’s syndrome, adhd, add and more. She had so much to say and was really fun to have on our show.

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We discuss the following and so much more:

  • What the real definition of autism is
  • Why so many kids are getting this disease
  • How to prevent yourself from having a child come down with this
  • What to do to help heal your child from autism
  • The role of vaccines, birth traumas, bacteria, diet and nutrition play in autism
  • Some great detoxification protocols to help bring your child back
  • Easy inexpensive things you can do to make immediate improvements

Dr. Renee Tocco explains why the autism rate went from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 50! Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Monday 11/12/2012
Show Guest: Dr. Renee Tocco
Guest Info: Dr. Renee Tocco is the founder of Hope For Autism.  Her career has been greatly influenced by her father, Dr. Sam Tocco, a successful chiropractor in Michigan and her mother, Mary Tocco, a renowned independent vaccine researcher and public speaker.  She started her distinguished career at Sherman College where she earned her doctorate degree. 

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Topic: Autism, Vaccinations
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Items Mentioned: Illness Explained
Talk About Curing Autism
Heart For Autism
Autism And Vaccines (video)
Russell Blaylock
Boyd Haley OSR (video)

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Duration/Size: 00:57:59 / 54.7 MB
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Coming soon. Thanks for your patience!

Justin Stellman

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Renee Tocco

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