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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
May 28, 2023

FFAF-Show-New2Kate and I had a great time on this particular show. It’s so interesting because although we have an idea of topics we’d like to discuss, along with sometimes listener questions we rarely have an agenda.

We like to keep it conversational and 100% free flow.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

This show in particular was a lot of fun because Kate and I got to flush out a topic that we think a lot of people deal with.

You see on our show we talk a lot about strategies for building better health. Most of the time these are simple strategies that any body can learn and do. These health building strategies most often times don’t cost a thing to do either.

I use “most of the time” loosely here but you know what I mean.

But what do you do when you know you should take better care of yourself but you don’t even want to because you’re depressed or unhappy? This is a big question because if you can’t even begin in square one how can you progress?

In this episode Kate and I talk about depression and how to get out of that downward spiral of feeling bad, beating yourself up and depression and where to go from there.

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Show Date:

Friday 9/19/2014

Show Guest:

Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

motivation, green juicing, inspiration, healthy living, nuts, seeds, digestion

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Justin Stellman

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Eating Slow, Juicing, Motivation, Nuts, Seeds

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