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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
November 14, 2022

Lloyd-Jenkins-bio-picIt was an honor and a pleasure to speak with Dr. LLoyd Jenkins from The Budwig Center in Malega Spain for healing cancer naturally.

We talked about where cancer comes from and how people can live a lifestyle that prevents cancer from showing up in the first place. We also talked about the heart and soul of the Budwig Protocol which is the combination of organic cottage cheese mixed with flax seed oil.

There’s a chemical reaction when mixed correctly that somehow enables more oxygen to transfer into the cell. And we all know how critical oxygen is for healing cancer. If you want to learn more about the importance of oxygen, you can listen to the show we did with Mr. Oxygen himself Ed McCabe.

We learned about how to make the concoction as well as why it’s so healing for the body.

We also learned how to mix it correctly so that the chemicals get released into the mixture but also so you don’t damage the food. So these two substances are at the heart and soul of the Budwig Protcol but there are a million other things they do for cancer as well like blood testing, pH balancing of the tissues, EFT or also known as tapping on meridian acupuncture points.

It’s my contention that emotions, stress, anxiety and fear are the the root cause of all cancers. How we fell is CRITICAL to our health. Oftentimes we store trapped emotions in our body’s that actually contribute to the lower frequency and vibration of cells. This in turns is one cog in the wheel of the cancer connection.

We also discussed how the Budwig Protocol affects the body if you’re on chemotherapy.

Some other notable topics of discussion were IV infusions, wheatgrass juice, coffee enemas, colonics, Rife Machines, heat therapy, the dangers of biopsies, and mammograms for breast cancer screening and so much more.

We hope you truly enjoy this show! 🙂

Please pass this show on to your friends. People need to hear this powerfully empowering information so that they can have hope.

We hope you enjoyed our interview with LLoyd Jenkins as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking “like” and “share” on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing?

Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂

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  • Carnivora Superfoods – Target & enhance your immune system with Carnivora supplements to prevent disease and feel amazing. Kate and I highly recommend checking them out! hyperlink-arrow

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Show Date:

Thursday 5/1/2014

Show Guest:

LLoyd Jenkins

Guest Info:

LLoyd Jenkins has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients. Since she was 14 years old, she knew that high quality life includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Tirelessly researching all these years, she integrates the wisdom of the ancients with the most up to date technology. She continually attends workshops, classes, and seminars to explore new ideas and technology in all aspects of the holistic health field.

Meridian greets you with a compassionate listening heart. Nothing makes her happier than seeing her clients well and achieving the health goals they set for themselves.

Her ultimate goal is to educate people about empowering their own bodies to heal themselves and to increase public awareness about the wealth of naturopathic information available. Meridian has studied for over 40 years with internationally acclaimed leaders in the following: Gut and psychology syndrome, Bio-Therapeutic drainage, Pre-Diabetis programs, homeopathic drainage, homotoxicology, classical homeopathy, Wiley Method of bio-mimetic hormone replacement, Anthroposophical medicine, Metabolic typing, Natural Medicine of Dr. Gueniot, iridology, kinesiology, microscopy, massage, psycho-spiritual counseling, neuro-linguistic programming, conscious communication techniques, detoxification programs, anatomy, energy work, meditation techniques, manual lymph drainage, hands on body therapy, color therapy, light therapy, sound therapy, Chinese medicine, organic gardening, hydrotherapy, natural cooking techniques and recipes, holographic integration breathing and Vastu Energetics.

In her early years Meridian backpacked the pacific northwest. She has a great love for nature and her time with Hopis and Navajos ignited her interest in herbology.

Currently Meridian loves traveling to India to study aryuveda and sidha medicine. She has a deep interest in spiritual matters and lived monastically. She has practiced meditation for almost 45 years. She has a deep interest in autism and how to treat and prevent it, parenting and pregnancy, and is the proud mother of a 35 year old healthy son. Food is an art form for her, and her rule is “nutritious must be delicious!” She has repeatedly been asked to write a cook book, and is slowly compiling it. She was both a singer and actress and spent one summer as a music therapist. She also was the founding teacher for 2 Waldorf schools. One school is still in operation in Eugene, Oregon. Meridian genuinely loves people. Her positive attitude and spiritual air brings hope to those in need. She is greatly loved and appreciated by her clients and employees.

Show Topic:

Family constellation therapy, the GAPS diet, digestion, cleansing, enemas, energy healing and more!

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Justin Stellman

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