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Tahoe-FacebookKate talked on this weeks show about the stool test she’s doing from Dr. Steven Hines (link below) and what that requires. She had to off all supplments for 4 full days prior to doing the test.

Once she did the test she also had to give a saliva sample as well that we joked about during the show. This test should show lots of what’s going on in Kate’s body in terms of parasites, worms and other wiggly wormies.

It was particularly challenging for her because there were a lot of moving parts to this particular stool sample that Dr. Hines wants. If you don’t follow the protocol exactly you’re essentially wasting your money because most likely you’ll have to go through it a second time.

There were a couple times where Kate wanted to take a liquid B-12 supplement or even a squirt of fulvic acid. I thought since these items are simply liquid, they’d be okay but in the end we both agreed that it’s best to do the test right.

At the moment we have a house guest Bo Wong from MyOrganicLife visiting us. She and Kate are doing some things together and it’s been a lot of fun to have her here. She’s a listener who found us 6 or 8 months ago and emailed us out of the blue to connect and it’s been this incredible ride ever since! Thanks Bo for turning us on the that fulvic acid. 🙂

Also during the show we talked about Kate’s dreams. She tends to dream a lot where as if I do, I rarely remember them. Her dream involved Arnold Schwarzenegger and cleaning mold out of our bathroom. I’m not really sure what that was about. For all those who interpret dreams, I’d love to know your thoughts!

We also had some really great conversations about Ayahuasca and DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). Actually we joked about doing substances like that in passing. But we did talk about the Dr. Jennifer Daniels episode (link below) on turpentine and whether or not it’s efficacious for our health or not. She uses it for candida and yeast infections. Also people have used turpentine for getting rid of parasites and worms.

We also discussed Ken Presner and his Ultimate Zapper show. What do you think about Ken Presner and how he overcame multiple sclerosis and crohn’s disease? He got rid of mercury in his teeth and cleansed his body of toxins by zapping and sweating. He has a pretty amazing story and I’d encourage all of you to listen to it (see the link below).

We also answered a lot of listener questions and generally had a great time chatting and talking about all things related to health and natural healing.

We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did like this show would you consider doing us a favor and sharing it with your friends? Kate and I would be so appreciative. 🙂

Thanks everybody!

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Show Date:

Friday 3/28/2014

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Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

Kate’s stool test for parasites, dreams, turpentine, the ultimate zapper, parasites

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Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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  • Hey guys! Good news, I’m not dead, it’s all safe. I started taking turpentine last week (1tsp/1Tbsp)and have taken it twice so far. I haven’t felt any negative effects whatsoever… Except for the weird tasting burps. If love to hear your results. I get like it is working and I’m getting cleaner.

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