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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
April 29, 2023
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Today we had an amazing discussion with Dr. Patrick Vickers.

Dr. Vickers joined us today from the Gerson Treatment in Northern Baja and it was truly a please speaking with this man.

He dispels a lot of health myths and platitudes surrounding the health food world.

We talked about salt and why salt can be dangerous especially if you’re dealing with terminal or even advanced cancers. Many people think sodium is good for you but Patrick’s take is that it’s extremely detrimental. We obviously talked about salts that you’d buy in the health food store not necessarily things like celery and items like that. He did give some useful tips about how to work with celery.

We also talked quite extensively about how cancer cells do not feed on sugar. Whenever we make statements using general words it’s CRITICAL to distinguish what we mean. By sugar he’s talking about fruit sugar not processed sugar or white sugar that’s been cooked and heavily bastardized. Fruit sugar and sugar from cooked starchy vegetables act very different in the human body than high fructose corn syrup injected with genetically modified organisms.

The way sugar feeds cancer has more to do with tissue oxygenation and the ph balance of the blood and certain organs vs the sugar itself. It gets extremely scientific especially the way Dr. Patrick Vickers breaks it down so it’s definitely worth listening to.

We also discussed how critical it is in today’s toxic world to do regular coffee enemas. Dr. Vickers does them twice per day. They are absolutely imperative if you want to detoxify the liver from heavy metals, fluke worms, parasites and other chemicals and poisons that get stored in our livers. Coffee enemas help to create bile as well as the main detoxification hormone called glutithione which are necessary for moving toxins out of the body.

Along with regular vegetable juicing the coffee enemas are a part of the foundation of the Gerson Treatment.

This show was truly fascinating and it was an honor to have Dr. Patrick Vickers on. If you found this interview with him interesting please pass this on to your friends using the buttons at the top of this post.

Kate and I would be extremely grateful if you could share it and help as many people as possible.

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Show Date: Wednesday 11/27/2013
Show Guest: Dr. Patrick Vickers
Guest Info: Dr. Patrick was born and raised outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At the age of 11 years old, after witnessing a miraculous recovery from a chiropractic adjustment, Dr. Patrick’s passion for natural medicine was born.

Giving up careers in professional Read More…

Topic: Cancer, colonics, enemas, detoxificaiton, salt, sugar
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Podcast Transcript:

Broadcasting live, four days a week worldwide, from the sunny beaches of Southern California, this is

Ty: Hey, you’re listening to Ty Bollinger of and you’re also listening to Justin and Kate with Extreme Health Radio. These guys are great. Enjoy listening to them. I always do.

Justin: Well, thank you so much, everybody, for joining us on another episode of Extreme Health Radio. We had a couple sound issues just right there. Hopefully you didn’t hear too much of that, but we had sound only coming out of one side of the speakers there. Never a good thing.

Kate: No.

Justin: Thank you, everybody, for joining us. We are so excited to have Dr. Patrick Vickers on the show today. We’ll be talking about the Gerson Therapy. We’ve got some questions on coffee enemas. And it’s just going to be a great show, so we’re really, really excited to have him on. We’ll introduce him in just a moment. It’s a beautiful day here in Southern California—a couple clouds—we’ll take it though, right, for this time of year?

Kate: Makes it feel a little Thanksgiving-ish, finally.

Justin: Yeah, Thanksgiving-ish. I like that. Yeah, it does. Thanksgiving is tomorrow so it’s going to be a great time with everybody and hopefully you’re having a good day. Hopefully you’re off work maybe today, enjoying the day. So I want to thank you for joining us and we broadcast four days a week on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday—every day except for Tuesday and that will change soon. If you’d like to follow us on Facebook, you can do so at Click the “like” button and keep up to date with all of our shows and everything we have going on. For reference, today is Wednesday…

Kate: November 27, 2013, and this is Episode 185.

Justin: 185, so if you want to go to, you’ll be able to check out the show notes and any websites or reference materials that Dr. Vickers mentions—anything like that. And also, you can make your comments on that show page too if you have any questions or comments regarding the interview that you listen to. There are a lot of different ways to join the show. We are now live, so if you want to join us on the live chat room, you can go to and you’ll be able to listen as the show is happening and interact in the chat room and ask questions. So that’s a great way to join the show. You can also send a question to

Kate: Or

Justin: And if you’d like to send in a pre-recorded voicemail from your computer, that’s always available too. You can click on the little tab on our website, on the right side, and you can record a question right from your computer. During the holiday season, if you guys do any shopping on Amazon, all of our shows are free and we don’t charge anything for any of our shows and there are over 185 shows—there will be today—and so if you guys want to support our work and help to keep everything free, you can do so by shopping on Amazon through our link.

Kate: Yes, that would be very helpful.

Justin: Yes, and you can go to and you can make your purchases. It doesn’t have to be health-related. You can buy anything. You can buy unhealthy things if you like. That would still support it, so we appreciate that and all of you who have been doing that—we really appreciate that. Today we have Dr. Patrick Vickers and this is going to be a great show because he’s with the Gerson Treatment Center in northern Baja and he’s the head of that and he got his Doctorate of Chiropractic Medicine in 1997 in New York and has been intently following the Gerson Treatment as a result of befriending Charlotte Gerson back in college. So it’s really an honor to have him on. So thank you so much, Dr. Vickers, for being on the show today.

Patrick: Yeah, thank you for having me.

Justin: You’re so welcome. So you had said on your website you befriended Charlotte Gerson back when you were in college. Is that right?

Patrick: Yeah. I wanted to be a chiropractor ever since I was 11 years old and I had a year left in school at New York Chiropractic College and Charlotte came and spoke at our school for the weekend and the moment she opened her mouth, I knew that’s what I would spend the rest of my life doing.

Justin: Wow.

Kate: Wow.

Patrick: The last year of chiropractic school was very hard to get through because I couldn’t get my eyes out of the Gerson books. So once I graduated, I actually lived at the Gerson Clinic when they had one in Sedona. I lived there for five months, shadowing the two doctors at the time. And then in 1998, Charlotte asked me to come live at her home where she has all her father’s handwritten files stored in her garage and she asked me to come there and go through those files and try to find active patients that were still alive that Dr. Gerson himself treated.

Justin: Oh my gosh. So during the time that you were in college, I mean you were going for chiropractic medicine. Were you open-minded to alternative healing modalities at that time already and that’s why you kind of resonated with Charlotte?

Patrick: Well, I’ve always despised conventional medicine, ever since I was a young boy. When I was 11 years old, I saw an absolute miracle with one chiropractic adjustment and that’s what pretty much set my course, in terms of my belief systems of medicine and natural medicine. And so yeah, you could say that I was already privy towards natural medicine, though if you would have told me that the cure for cancer existed at that point, I probably would have told you you were crazy and certainly that if there was something available at that time that they’d be shouting it from the rooftops. So when Charlotte opened her mouth and started talking about her father, there was something instinctively in me that knew immediately that what she was saying was true. And like Ashley, let’s say, that turned my work upside down and like I said, I knew that’s what I would do the rest of my life. And so since I graduated, that’s essentially what I dedicated my life to. 

Justin: Wow. That’s amazing. So are there any Gerson Treatment Centers in the United States? Because you mentioned on, I think you said, in Arizona?

Patrick: Well, there was one. The Institute had one in Arizona back in 1998 but that has since shut down. Now with that said, a good friend of mine named Ryan Korchoff [sp], he has a clinic in Sedona, Arizona, but his hands are tied as to what he can legally do. So I wouldn’t call it an official Gerson Clinic per se, but he’s carrying out many of the Gerson principles there and one thing he certainly isn’t able to do are the advanced protocols that we’ve added to the Gerson Therapy, which are increasing our clinical outcome exponentially.

Justin: Wow. So his hands are tied to some degree, not only with what he can do, but what he can say as well, right?

Patrick: Yeah, absolutely. So it’s disguised as a wellness center, but he is applying the principles of the Gerson Therapy, but really not in their entirety and like I said, not the advanced protocols, which are becoming more and more vital as the environment becomes more and more toxic.

Justin: Just really briefly, what are a couple of the advanced protocols that he wouldn’t be able to do? Can you say?

Patrick: Yeah, absolutely. First of all, if you read in Dr. Gerson’s book on Page 128, he mentions William Colley and he was specifically talking about the Colley Therapy. He wanted to do the Colley Therapy when he was alive but he never got the chance because he died. Well, the Colley Therapy… Dr. William Colley was a Harvard Medical Doctor and he recognized that when his patients came down with staph or strep infections, their cancers would go away or get significantly better, but then when the infection was over, they would come back. So what he did was he began to culture the bacterial toxins that staph and strep bacteria make and he began to inject those regularly into his patients and he would get the same response. The tumors would eventually go away and he was able to receive a permanent cure from time to time, but not remotely as close as what we can get on the Gerson Therapy.

So Gerson theorized that if you could do the Colley Therapy while on the Gerson Therapy—because that’s what Colley overlooked. He overlooked boosting up the immune system under the principles of something like the Gerson Therapy. So essentially, all Colley was doing was artificially stimulating the immune response, which if you don’t replenish it with the proper nutrients and juices and enemas, you’re actually going to deplete the immune system over time and that’s why he wasn’t able to achieve permanent cures like we can with the Gerson Therapy and Colley’s together. So Gerson theorized that if he could do Colley’s while on the Gerson Therapy, he could send his results through the roof and he was right. And unfortunately, he never got that opportunity because by the time he discovered it, it was too late and he never had the opportunity to try it.

So we’re doing that. We’re also doing Laetrile, Vitamin B-17, but we’re only doing it intravenously because contrary to what you may hear, you can apricot kernel seeds until the cows come home; you’re not going to get enough Laetrile out of those apricot seeds to make a difference. And not only that, an advanced terminal patient, if they’re eating apricot kernel seeds all day, that’s an incredible stress on their immune system and their digestive tract, so really the only therapeutic form of Laetrile that’s viable for a cancer patient and successful is intravenous. And so we’re doing that intravenously, which if I’m not mistaken it’s illegal in the United States still. So that’s the other thing we’re doing.

One other therapy is dendritic cell therapy. Dendritic cells are like generals in your body. They go around the body seeking out threats to the system and they do that because they’re able to detect and pick up antigens that are produced by cancer cells, viruses, bacteria and they take those antigens and they present it to the immune system and then it’s the immune system that rallies the defense. So those are our three major therapies that we’re doing here at the Gerson Clinic and we’re also going to begin doing something called PNC27. PNC27 is a new protein that’s been discovered. You can Google it. It’s a new therapy that’s been discovered that’s now starting to show incredible promise, specifically in pancreatic cancer, but not limited to that. And what it’s doing is it’s breaking down the cell membranes of cancer cells, literally eating them away and the immune system can then recognize the cancer cell and immediately destroy it. So we’re going to begin utilizing that as well. So Colley’s, Laetrile and PNC27 right now, those are the advanced protocols that are really powerful with the Gerson Therapy.

Kate: Dr. Vickers, Stella from New York just was in our chat room and she said, “What about intravenous Vitamin C?”

Patrick: Yeah, we also apply intravenous Vitamin C and chelation at our clinic as well.

Kate: Okay.

Patrick: So yeah, those are both therapies that you get as part of the package when you come down here.

Justin: You know what, Dr. Vickers, is really amazing about Max Gerson is that he was always willing to seemingly change up his protocols and really be like a scientist in terms of he’s always looking to enhance his existing protocols and things and that’s what’s so cool about what you guys are doing is that somehow he’s passed on that ideology that you’re not stuck to one particular thing. You’re always adding on these adjuncts that kind of sit on the outside and add to the foundational protocols that you guys use.

Patrick: Well, that’s exactly right. Gerson was the consummate scientist and he was constantly searching the literature, looking for things that could help and propel his therapy to a greater level. Up until 1952, Gerson’s entire juicing protocol was just citrus—was just grapefruit, oranges and lemons—and then in 1952 things started to come out in the literature about beta-carotene and all these vegetables and stuff and he completely revamped his juicing protocol. And so today if Gerson was alive, I think the foundations of the diet would still look very similar, but I guarantee you he would have been using these immunotherapies that we’re now utilizing at our clinic. And not to talk ill willed about Charlotte Gerson, but to this day, Charlotte has refused to change her father’s therapy in the very exact way that he wanted to, specifically Colley’s. She’s kept the therapy as-is, from the day her father died, and that’s one of the biggest reasons why we had to leave the Institute, because our hands would have been tied by the Institute had we signed up to be officially recognized by them. We would not be able to do the things we’re doing if we continued to be allied with the Gerson Institute.

Justin: Interesting. Yeah, I was going to ask you about that because you’re with the Northern Baja Center and that is different than the… Is that different than the main Gerson…?

Patrick: Oh yes, absolutely. We’re two totally different entities. We’re not affiliated with the Gerson Institute for these very reasons.

Justin: I see.

Patrick: And other reasons as well that I don’t need to go into, but no. We are separate from the Institute and my doctors have been practicing the Gerson Therapy for 15-20 years and they’ve been doing the advanced protocols since their inception.

Justin: Interesting. Now going back really quickly, I just have one little quick question about what you said about Vitamin B-17 in people that actually have cancer. A lot of people take those little tablets or they’ll just eat the kernels as a preventative when they’re not sick. Is that something that’s beneficial, do you think?

Patrick: I don’t know. The amount of B-17 that the body’s got to try to extract from a raw seed like that, I just don’t think it can be of much benefit. Now maybe the tablets or the capsules could be of some benefit, but keep in mind when we do Laetrile, our patients are getting nine grams of pure B-17 in each IV. So I think the capsules, if I’m not mistaken, come in 500-milligram tablets, so you would probably have to take 50 capsules to get the same bioavailable amount of B-17 that we inject intravenously. It’s just not cost-effective, I don’t believe. But now again, maybe the capsules for preventative measures could be of some benefit, but for a cancer patient, it’s not going to be of great benefit.

Justin: That makes a lot of sense because also with what you guys are doing, it’s coming in liquid form and it’s right into the bloodstream, so it’s really highly bioavailable, right?

Patrick: It’s pure B-17, straight into the bloodstream.

Justin: How do they get…? That’s just so crazy. How do they get B-17…? Where do they get it from in such high amounts like that?

Patrick: Well, probably the same way you extract flax oil out of flaxseeds, probably some kind of a cold press mechanism or a crushing mechanism that’s able to just squeeze the oil or the pure B-17 out of the product. I mean that’s the only thing I can imagine.

Justin: I know you get this question a lot and we only have a couple minutes before the break here that we have to take, but one of the objections a lot of people say is the amount of sugar. And I know I’ve heard you talk about this a lot, but just for those people who have been listening and they’ve heard about the Gerson Treatment and they’re concerned about the sugar, can you just talk for a couple minutes on that subject?

Patrick: Well, it would take more than a couple minutes, but we can start. Anyway, yeah, why is it that we’re the only ones in medical history to have a peer-reviewed study proving the ability to reverse advanced terminal cancer? Nobody’s reversing advanced terminal cancer with the rates that the Gerson Therapy is. But how can that be when the patients are getting 6,000 calories a day of fruit and vegetable sugars? The whole premise that sugar feeds cancer is a false premise and nothing could be further from the truth when and only when the cellular environment inside the cell is set up properly to break down sugar into ATP, ATP being the energy molecule that the body produces. You need ATP to eat, sleep, drink, walk, talk. You need it to maintain a healthy immune system. And you most certainly need it to cure a sick and dying one.

When you see somebody who is sick and/or dying, what’s one of the first things you notice? They’re lethargic. Why are they lethargic? Because they’ve lost the capacity to produce energy on a cellular level and the only way you can—well, not the only way—but the primary way the body creates energy is through the breakdown of sugars. And it’s when the environment inside the cell is optimal for the breakdown of sugars that sugars actually help fight disease rather than cause it. And the whole principle—the whole secret to that—is proper oxygen utilization by the body, and we can go into that more after the break, I suppose. But it has nothing to do with the consumptions of sugar. It has everything to do with the proper cellular environment to break it down and create energy and that all happens in the mitochondria and the two things that are required to produce energy on a cellular level or sugars, oxygen and a myriad of nutrients that the mitochondria need to run its energy cycles.

Justin: I love it because what you’re saying is so true and a lot of times, especially as you know in the alternative health fields, you get a lot of platitudes and you get a lot of general statements. So it’s nice to get some concrete information that’s based on cellular biology about this kind of subject. So this is really good. We’re with Dr. Patrick Vickers and don’t forget to check out his website. It’s and you can find all kinds of great information there and set up a consultation and learn more about the Gerson Treatment Center that he’s working with in northern Baja, Mexico. We’ll be right back after this break.


Justin: Kate and I have had our sauna for about a year now, I’d say, when we first got it from Phil Wilson. It’s an incredible machine. We use ours about every single day. Kate sits in about 20 minutes and I sit in there for about a half hour, usually watch a documentary, and it’s extremely relaxing. It’s a really, really incredible machine. And if you go to, you can learn all about it. We did an entire hour interview with Phil Wilson. You can check that out. You can look at the pictures of us with it. Then you can watch videos on that page. It helps you to sleep really, really well. You can lose a lot of weight with it. You can burn, I think, around 600 calories in about 20 minutes or so. It improves your skin, increases circulation all over the body and circulation is critical for your health. You can prevent and reverse diseases with it. If you have a cold or a flu, it’s incredible; it heats you down to the core. It heats four to six inches inside your body, so it’s really incredible. A lot of people use it for cancer as well, so if you have any kind of “incurable” disease, you can use it for that. And Dr. Shade is the foremost authority on detoxification and listen to what he says about it.

Shade: How do I detoxify from plastics? I mean you guys are using a sauna and what does a sauna do for us? A sauna is great. It’s moving a number of different toxins. Remember we talked about the mice that if you put PCBs in there, then that made the mercury all that much worse? And sweating moves out a lot of plastics, volatiles, fat-based toxins. It’s really good at moving those out, sweating those out. So that’s how you’re getting those out and those are contributing to this synergistic soup inside the body, and so that’s why they’re good is they’re taking out a bunch of the different things in the soup.

Justin: And Daniel Vitalis, one of our favorite guests, what do you have to say about the sauna?

Daniel: When you go into the sauna, like a far-infrared sauna like you discuss, your body goes into a deep relaxation mode and your sympathetic nervous system shuts down and your parasympathetic nervous system turns on. And when that’s active, that’s the nervous system—part of your nervous system—that’s active when you meditate. That becomes active and your detoxification pathways open up wide. Why is this important? It’s important because when you go running and you sweat, you’re not necessarily eliminating very much toxicity from your body. But when you sweat in the sauna, you eliminate a lot of toxicity from your body. So sweating in a relaxed state is how we eliminate. The other thing is that what’s wonderful about the sauna is that it puts you in a parasympathetic nervous system response as if you were meditating. So it’s almost a hack. It’s like a trick to get yourself into a meditative, relaxed state, to decompress stress, to reverse the effects of stress, and to get your body eliminating deep, deep toxicity that’s stored in your body fat because it can come out in the oils of your skin. So I think sauna is one of the most crucial detoxification… really health practices that we can take on, especially in this era of heavy toxicity, particularly fat-soluble toxins.

Justin: This sauna is really, really great. They offer payment plans because if you buy it through PayPal, it’s 100% secure; you don’t even need a PayPal account. I think you can do a payment plan through PayPal. It’s got low EMF electromagnetic fields coming off it. It’s portable, so that means you don’t have to knock down a wall in your house. You can just move it from room to room. It sets up in about two to five minutes. It’s super easy to clean. All you’ve got to do is wipe it down when you’re done and wipe the neck down. It produces energy and heat inside, very, very evenly throughout the whole machine. All you have to do is sit in there for about 15 minutes a day. And the great thing I like about it too is it requires zero preheating. So you turn it on and you’re starting to get warm and you’re starting to detoxify with that far-infrared light almost immediately. So it’s really great. It comes with a one-year warranty. It’s about $990 plus $25 shipping and that’s really, really a good deal because if you look at most of the regular saunas out there, they are in the $2,000-4,000 range, so this is really, really a good deal so check it out at


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Justin: Well, I just got done jumping on the rebounder, kind of wake up a little bit, right?

Kate: Just a little. Got to catch your breath.

Justin: We’re having a great talk here with Dr. Patrick Vickers and this is really, really an informative talk and hopefully you guys are getting a lot of good information. I love the fact that he has such an open mind and is such a great guy in terms of incorporating all these different modalities into his treatment and his foundational protocols. We could go on for hours just on the sugar thing, and perhaps we can get back to that a little bit too. I want to ask a couple questions because we’ve had a lot of people asking about the coffee enemas and things like that. So the coffee enemas, Dr. Vickers, are part of the foundation—that and the juicing—of your entire protocol, isn’t it?

Patrick: Coffee enemas… We would not be able to cure cancer without the coffee enemas. In fact, Gerson’s success rates were not that good. In fact, he lost his first several patients when he started treating cancer or started treating advanced disease because he was detoxifying them so heavily with the juicing and the supplement protocol that they were going into chemotoxic shock. So the coffee enema is an absolute vital portion of the Gerson Therapy. Without it we would not have the success that we have.

Justin: And how are they different from colonics? They’re very different from colonics, but tell people how they are different.

Patrick: Well, for starters, the coffee enema is only a quart, whereas a colonic, four to five gallons of water is being circulated through you. And typically, they might add some herbal things to it or might add vitamin C or garlic, but the colonic… essentially that’s just to clean out your colon. That’s what the principle of the colonic is. The coffee enema is a completely different therapy. The coffee enema is specifically to detoxify the liver and a colonic simply can’t do that. A colonic just cleans the colon. A coffee enema detoxifies the liver and there’s absolutely nothing in the literature that can compare to the detoxification power of a coffee enema.

Justin: That’s so fascinating. And you have been doing them every day for quite a few years, haven’t you?

Patrick: Yeah, I’ve been doing one or two every day for the last… well, essentially 15 years, since I started the Therapy. Charlotte Gerson herself, she does one or two a day for the last 65 years. So you hear that these things are addictive, that if you do them for too long they become harmful. Well, I think we’re living proof at this point that that simply isn’t the case, especially when it’s done—and it has to be done—in conjunction with this regime. If you do coffee enemas without doing it inside of this regime, potentially you could cause some harm to the body.

Justin: I see. I see. Because you need the juicing to go along with it and along with everything else that you guys do. And a lot of people say that you lose electrolytes if you do them every day. That’s not… Is that true?

Patrick: Well, that would be the danger if you weren’t doing it in this regime.

Justin: I see. Okay.

Patrick: Yeah. See, the secret to the coffee enema is this. Your liver produces an enzyme called glutathione S-transferase. It’s the most potent detoxifying enzyme in the body. It literally goes through the body soaking up free radicals, toxins and eliminating them through the kidneys and the intestines. Well, the liver produces that enzyme and it uses palmitic acid as the chemical base of creating that enzyme. Well, properly roasted, organic coffee is loaded with palmitic acid and study after study on coffee enemas has shown—and yes, they have been studied extensively—that the production of glutathione transferase by the body goes up 700% greater than normal with just one enema. So you multiply that by five, which is what the Gerson patients get on a daily basis—they get five enemas per day—you have very, very powerful detoxification of the body. Now the problem with doing the coffee enemas outside this regime is when you stimulate that pathway—that glutathione S-transferase pathway—that pathway requires all your B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin C. All those nutrients are required to run that pathway. So if you’re sick, which means your body’s already severely depleted, and you start doing the coffee enemas, you’re going to get a response. But over time, you’re depleting your body more if you’re not replenishing those nutrients with the juices and the foods, which come with the Gerson Therapy, which is 20 pounds per day.

Justin: Interesting. So as with the colonics, a lot of people say that you can lose good, beneficial gut bacteria with the colonics or become dehydrated from colonics. Does this happen with enemas?

Patrick: No, because a lot of the beneficial bacteria—or most of them—are in the ascending and one half of the transverse colon.

Justin: Okay.

Patrick: Essentially, the descending colon is nothing but eliminative. It really doesn’t have the bacterial content that the rest of the colon has. Not only that. When you do an enema, it really doesn’t go beyond the transverse flexure, beyond the sigmoid colon, the descending portion of the colon. It probably occupies the last half of the descending colon, whereas a colonic, that goes through the entire colon, all the way to the ileocecal valve. And there is a lot of beneficial bacteria, especially in the ascending colon. So people who say that you can throw off the probiotic organisms, the natural bacteria in your colon with coffee enemas, they really don’t understand what they’re talking about.

Justin: I see. I see.

Kate: We have a question in the chat room asking about the difference with raw coffee beans or roasted, and is there one, and are people supposed to be using raw coffee?

Patrick: Okay. That’s the proverbial question. I haven’t listened to Charlotte, but apparently she’s put something out on how she doesn’t like the green coffee beans. I know one of the Gerson Clinics, they use green coffee and apparently they’ve been using it successfully. I can’t say. I don’t know for sure. But Charlotte, from what I’ve heard, talks vehemently against green coffee. I can imagine she has good reason because there are products out there called “green coffee extract” and we know that green coffee extract prohibits the methylation pathway of the liver. It inhibits it. So like I said, I haven’t heard her speak about it, but I imagine that it has something to revolve around that. Now how much a green coffee enema would affect the methylation pathways, I don’t know. We’re talking about green coffee extract, a highly concentrated form of the green coffee bean.

Justin: I see.

Patrick: So I really couldn’t say whether or not they’re not beneficial. We’ve been using light to medium roast coffee for decades successfully. Here at my clinic, I have coffee roasted especially for my clinic and I roast it in between the green coffee and in between the light to medium roast that another company uses or makes for us in the United States for the Gerson Therapy. So the coffee we use here at the clinic is the middle of the road, so to speak, between the two coffees.

Justin: Is there a link, do you think, on your website, for people if they are interested in getting the highest quality coffee for their enemas?

Patrick: I don’t have links up on our site for the coffee, but I can tell you right now here that the green coffee you get from SA Wilsons in Canada, and then the light to medium roasted coffee. A company specifically roasts it for us in Oregon and they use a basic bean, basic meaning not as acidic. So the bean that they use is a very high basic bean and they roast it specifically for us and that’s Royal Blue Organics in Oregon and their phone number is 1-888-CAFÉ-MAM.

Justin: Okay. Okay, this is good.

Kate: Wow, that’s great information.

Patrick: When you call them, you have to ask for the Gerson Therapy Roast and ask for it in the bean form. You want it in the bean form because you want to grind it as you use it, because once you grind it, you expose all the acids to the elements and the coffee is going to break down much faster.

Justin: Ah, okay.

Kate: Gotcha.

Justin: So you want it in bean form and it’s important to not use a coffee maker. Isn’t that correct?

Patrick: That is correct. You do not use a coffee maker to make coffee enemas. You have to boil the coffee and you have to strain it out with a cheesecloth. That’s how you release the palmitates. Using a coffee maker, the filter will prevent the palmitates from making it into the coffee.

Justin: Interesting. Now some people do water enemas. I know that for curing cancer, I mean coffee is huge because of the palmitic acid, like you talked about, and the caffeine and things.

Patrick: That’s right.

Justin: But people, like on a maintenance level, will do water enemas. Kate, you do water enemas as well as coffee.

Kate: Mm-hmm.

Justin: Are those beneficial, do you think, or as beneficial?

Patrick: No. Not even close. No. Again, the water enemas aren’t going to do anything other than clean the colon.

Justin: Okay.

Patrick: That’s really the only thing they’re going to do. So the only thing really that is going to detoxify the body as a diseased patient needs is the coffee enema. There simply is nothing that can promote that kind of detoxification. Nothing.

Justin: I love it. Okay, that’s good. And so what about positions? A lot of people lay on their right side when they do coffee enemas, for the liver, I guess.

Kate: That’s a good question.

Justin: Some people, I’ve heard, they… I like to lay on my right side. I’ve heard of people laying on their left side, even, and I’ve read in different books and things where people will kind of be on all fours with their butt up in the air. Is there any difference in terms of position?

Patrick: Well, yeah. Okay, I just had visions of all that, but anyway…

Justin: Sorry about that.

Patrick: Gerson officially stated that he wanted it done on the right side because that’s where the liver is. And so if there was any chance of there being better absorption through the colon or whatever into the liver, that’s how he wanted it. And also the hemorrhoidal veins. So people ask, “Well, how does the coffee get from the colon to the liver?” and the answer is simple. When the coffee goes into the rectum, what’s sitting right there? The hemorrhoidal veins. And the hemorrhoidal veins, they dump into something called the “portal system” and anything that dumps into the hemorrhoidal veins and into the portal system gets carried straight to the liver because the portal system ends right in the liver. So that’s how the coffee gets to the liver is through the hemorrhoidal veins. And for whatever reason, Gerson stated that it was on the right side that the best absorption was available, according to him.

Justin: Now how long is it…? I’ve heard you’ve talked about it before how the blood—the entire amount of the blood—gets filtered through the liver, I think, twice every 15 minutes or something? I may be wrong on that, but how long should people be holding in total? Because we do our enemas… What are they, about 24 ounces?

Kate: Mm-hmm.

Justin: And I usually do them in three different segments. How long should people try to hold the enemas?

Patrick: The official answer to that is once everything is drained into you, Gerson wanted it to be held for 12 to 15 minutes and then eliminated.

Justin: Okay, so it doesn’t matter if you do it in three different rounds, I guess?

Patrick: No, that sounds quite lengthy.

Justin: Yeah.

Kate: Oh, you mean like five minutes each, if you’re trying to hold all that liquid?

Justin: Well, yeah, because what I’ll do is I’ll do an enema and I’ll have 24 ounces of liquid and I’ll try to hold each round for 15 minutes.

Kate: Oh.

Justin: But maybe that’s too long.

Patrick: Yeah, you’d be better off just holding it for 15 and holding it all in there because Gerson wanted it all in there for 15 minutes to increase the maximum absorption of the palmitates that he could get.

Justin: I see. Okay. So how much liquid would someone be able to hold, do you think, for that long?

Patrick: Well, the coffee enema under our regime is a 32-ounce regime.

Justin: Oh my gosh. Wow.

Kate: Wow. Does that take a long time for people to build up to that?

Patrick: No. Not at all. Usually within a day or two of doing the enema protocols, there is no problem with that whatsoever.

Kate: Wow. That’s great.

Patrick: Then it takes three minutes to get it all in—not that long.

Kate: Is it important in your protocol how slow the liquid actually goes in?

Patrick: No.

Justin: And with the coffee enemas, is it okay to massage the stomach while you’re eliminating on the toilet or massage your stomach while you’re laying there? Is that something that’s beneficial, do you think?

Patrick: Well, I find that if my nutrient status is up that my colon eliminates it very easily, but if I’m depleted or I’m stressed and I’m having a problem eliminating it, sometimes I will massage my belly to get it moving better. So yeah, it could be beneficial for people who are finding problems eliminating the enema.

Justin: Okay. We’ve got a couple more questions on this and then we’ll take a break and end the show with some… Maybe we’ll go back to the sugar issues because that was really interesting. A couple other questions before we take a break on the coffee enema. Is there a beneficial time to do it? We’ve had other guests on our show that say the liver time is 1:00-3:30 am, but no one’s going to do it at that time. Are there different times during the day that it is more beneficial for a coffee enema?

Patrick: We recommend that if you’re going to do them for maintenance that you do it first thing in the morning when you wake up to help the liver eliminate any toxins that it’s held overnight from that time period that you mentioned. So as soon as I wake up, it’s the first thing I do every day.

Kate: So if you do two sometimes, like you said, a day, when are you doing your other one?

Patrick: Late afternoon because I’m doing a lot of juicing and when you juice, you actually create toxicity in the body. I don’t know if you’re aware of that.

Kate: Hm-mm.

Patrick: Juices have the capacity to literally draw toxins out of the cells, back into the bloodstream. Not only that, the enzymes in the juice and the nutrients in the juice are destroying disease tissue, rebuilding new tissue, destroying cancer cells, tumors. All of those are toxic processes. So if you’re doing any kind of juicing, you’ve got to do enemas to counterbalance that. So if I’m doing six, seven, eight juices a day, by the time 2:00 or 3:00 rolls around, I’m ready for an enema.

Kate: Can I ask you how many juices you do as maintenance a day?

Patrick: Well, because I live right next door to the clinic, you wouldn’t see the difference between me and one of my cancer patients. On a regular basis I might be doing five or six a day.

Kate: Wow.

Justin: That’s incredible.

Kate: That’s amazing.

Justin: And you guys use that fancy Norwalk juicer, don’t you?

Patrick: Well, up until last week we weren’t. We were using a Champion with a separate press. It gets the same results as the Norwalk. It’s just a little more physical. It’s a little more laborious. But we do now have a Norwalk that we’re utilizing for the juices.

Justin: And with coffee enemas, Kate… This might be a little bit gross for some people, but Kate, you’ve had worms come out, right?

Kate: Yeah, I’ve had all kinds of stuff.

Patrick: Oh yeah, for sure.

Kate: It’s pretty amazing. Is that pretty typical for an average person like me doing them as maintenance?

Patrick: Oh, absolutely. Listen, we’re all so toxic. I mean we’re breathing in things that we can’t even see. And so by the end of the day the environments that we’re living in, especially if we’re city dwellers, the amount of toxicity we’re generating is horrific. So yeah, I mean the things that come out of people when they start doing the coffee enemas goes beyond mention here.

Kate: So it is safe to say that you would recommend them for people as maintenance, as long as they know what they’re doing?

Patrick: It’s absolutely vital. People accuse me of being… “Well, aren’t you being a little extreme, doing one or two a day?” And I’m like, “Well, look, if I lived back in 1900 and I was doing one and two coffee enemas a day, that would be ridiculous.” But with this environment that we live in today, it’s absolutely imperative that you do at least one enema a day. No ifs. No ands. No buts.

Justin: I like that. Wow.

Kate: I love it.

Justin: Wow, fascinating. This is good stuff. We’re going to take a short break and we’ll be back with Dr. Patrick Vickers. Don’t forget to check out his website, This is just great stuff. Perhaps in the next segment we can get into some of the sugar issues. I know he’s got to be leaving right at 10:00 so we’re going to be making sure he gets out of here on time. But this is just a fascinating show with Dr. Patrick Vickers and we’ll be right back after this break.


Justin: I have to say I have been absolutely loving this product by Tristan Truscott and Peter Ragnar called Good Morning Good Evening Qigong. If you want to listen to the interview we did with Tristan, you can go to And Qigong is a great way to distress the body and as you know, there is a huge component to disease caused by stress and stress is a huge factor in how we live our lives and the amount of energy we have and the amount of vitality we have. And so Dr. Shade, what do you think about Qigong?

Shade: People come to me and they’re really thick and they’ve got this blown-out neurological system and all this toxicity and I tell them “You need to do Qigong Tai Chi. You need to do these things that settle down and restore your neurology because it puts together all the parts. It puts you back into that state where you can start to detoxify. And so I highly, highly recommend all that.

Justin: And what about you, Kit Campbell? What do you think about Qigong? Do you like it as well?

Kit: Qigong is amazing and the reason that I believe it to be amazing is everything here is energy. That is a scientific fact if there ever is one. So when you’re practicing Qigong, you’re actually drawing energy into your body. Your intention—whatever your intention is behind any action—will determine the level of energy… type of energy… that you absorb into your body. So your intention behind you is very important, just like thought. So when you’re practicing Qigong, you’re actually bringing energy in and you’re bringing out the stuff that might be a bit stale. With Tai Chi it’s totally different. The energy runs underneath the skin because it’s more of a—this is a Chinese understanding, by the way—it’s more of a martial art. So Qigong is very, very good for bringing that energy into the body and just fantastic.

Justin: If you’re interested in picking up this Qigong course by Tristan Truscott and Peter Ragnar, go to and you can learn more about it. There is a great video on that page and you can learn more about it on that page and I highly, highly recommend this product. I love it myself, so go ahead and check that out at


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Justin: All right. Well, thank you, everybody, for joining us on this episode of Extreme Health Radio. We are at Episode 184…

Kate: 5.

Justin: Is it 185?

Kate: Yep.

Justin: Are you sure?

Kate: I’m sure.

Justin: Okay, 185. Cool. Okay, so if you have any questions about this show, you can go to and if you have any questions about the sauna that we ran the ad for or the qigong course, please let me know and I can answer any questions that you might have about this particular items there. I think you’re really going to love those. Don’t forget to check out for more on Patrick Vickers and his whole entire center there in northern Baja, Mexico. Before we get into the final bit of this show, Dr. Vickers, one last thing on the coffee enemas. Is there a book or some information online or something like that that you could reference to teach people how to do the coffee enemas?

Patrick: Actually, no I don’t. I simply don’t have anything available to explain the coffee enemas and how to apply them.

Justin: Okay, no problem. People can do searches online and figure that out.

Patrick: Yeah, they’re all over the place, I’m sure. But I mean I’ve seen some of them that are out there and they’re certainly not the same regimen as we apply them, so everybody’s got an opinion.

Kate: That’s for sure.

Justin: So going back a little bit to the cellular science of the sugar that people will talk about. They’ll say, like you said earlier in the show, how cancer feeds on sugar and things like that. It really does have a lot to do with the oxygen utilization of the cell, doesn’t it? Isn’t that what you were saying?

Patrick: That is the entire principle of proper utilization of sugar. How does the body create energy on a cellular level? There is something called the “Krebs cycle.” The Krebs cycle is what takes place inside the cell in the mitochondria. So sugar is supposed to enter the cells and go through the Krebs cycle. But it will only do that—to its final production of energy on a cellular level—it will only do that if oxygen is present and available. If you can’t get oxygen into that cell, into that mitochondria, you’re not going to produce energy on a cellular level. So under what principles would it be true that sugar feeds cancer? Well, you hear it floated around all the time that acidity causes disease, right? You’ve heard that constantly.

Justin: Right. Right.

Patrick: That disease can’t survive in a highly oxygenated environment. Well, great. But what does that mean? What does that mean on a cellular level? Well, when we’re talking about acidity, what are we talking about? We’re talking about pH—the pH balance. Well, pH means potential Hydrogen. So acidity, by definition, is the build-up of Hydrogen ions in the body and the more build-up you have of Hydrogen ions in the cells, the less oxygen you can utilize because once a cell is positively charged with Hydrogen, as oxygen approaches that cell for entry, it will literally get repelled away. So that’s truly the reason why acidity is so deadly to the body, because if sugar enters the Krebs cycle without any oxygen available, it’s not going to get broken down to energy. It’s going to get broken down to lactic acid. That’s called “anaerobic”—without oxygen—“anaerobic glycolysis.” And the breakdown of sugar without oxygen forms lactic acid and lactic acid is food for cancer. It feeds on lactic acid.

Justin: You know, it’s funny, when you you’re talking about that, the only thing that comes to mind is endurance athletes or bodybuilders or these people that are doing intense exercise and they’re building up all this lactic acid in their body and then what are they doing to energize themselves? They’re taking those Gatorade gel packs full of carbohydrate sugars, and that just is a recipe for cancer. Wouldn’t you think?

Patrick: Well, if you’re not properly oxygenating your tissues it would be. But I mean I would never touch Gatorade just because there’s a bunch of garbage in it anyway. But the point being is that when you create the proper cellular environment, release the acidity by drinking 20 pounds of fruits and vegetables every day, that neutralizes the acidity, creates an alkaline environment. Oxygen can properly be utilized by the body. Then you bombard the body with all the nutrients available in the juices because the mitochondria also need those nutrients to run their cycles. They need oxygen, sugar, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc—all of those things—to run the energy cycles.

And finally, the primary principle of the Gerson Therapy is absolutely no sodium—added sodium—on the Gerson Diet, and bombarding the body with potassium. Why? Because sodium causes the build-up of edema or water in the cells and the mitochondria cannot function in that environment. So on the Gerson Therapy, you will get absolutely no added sodium, other than what naturally occurs in fruits and vegetables, and we bombard the body with potassium and what happens in all of our patients—and it would happen in you, in me—is that a load of sodium and water over a five to seven day period—and actually over months—but in large amounts over a five to seven day period… large amounts of sodium and water rush out of the cell and the cell’s integrity begins to restructure itself so that the mitochondria can function properly. So it’s those principles that make sugar absolutely vital in the cure of cancer and if you don’t eliminate those variables that I mentioned, sugar can feed cancer, but not the sugar—it’s the lactic acid that sugar is broken down into.

Justin: Wow, that’s so interesting. And you guys… Do you do any celery? Because you said the sodium… But that would be naturally occurring too.

Patrick: We do not concentrate celery juice on our therapy. Gerson eliminated celery from the diet, other than a little bit of celery in a special soup that we make, and the reason why is because celery is one of the highest concentrations of sodium you can get out of any vegetable. In fact, it is the highest concentration of sodium you can get out of any vegetable. And if you juice celery if you have cancer, you’re concentrating high amounts of sodium in a body that I guarantee is already overloaded with sodium and water in the cellular tissue. So you’ve got to eliminate sodium on the Gerson Therapy.

Justin: And you also have a special Gerson potassium powder that you implement into your protocol, don’t you?

Patrick: Gerson came up with a special potassium compound powder through 300 different experiments that he did. It took him 300 experiments to come up with the one that he concocted. It’s a powder that we dilute in a quart of water and then our patients get four teaspoons of that diluted potassium in ever juice.

Justin: Oh wow.

Kate: Wow.

Justin: That is fascinating. Well, I know that you’re a busy man and you have to be out by 10:00 am sharp, so as kind of a last question here, what kinds of things are you guys working on? I know that you just got that new juicer and I know you travel all around the world giving lectures and things. What kinds of things are coming up for you?

Patrick: In terms of just my logistical life or the therapy?

Justin: Either one.

Patrick: Yeah. Well, our clinic is like doubling every three months. It’s unbelievable the amount of exposure and popularity that our clinic is getting. So for now, I’m bound to the clinic. I believe in February, March and April, there will be a few venues. I think in April I’m going to be in Missouri. I think in March or February I’m going to be in Cleveland and I may be in Nashville in February or March as well. But as of right now, I’m staying put here. We just opened this clinic within the last year and before I can turn it over and have it run so that I can free up my life a little more, I’m staying put here for now.

Kate: Wow.

Justin: Wow. Well, amazing work and thank you for being on the show today. We really appreciate that so much, Doctor.

Patrick: Yeah, thank you. We can do it again. We could talk for hours about the things that we’re doing here.

Justin: I know. I have a thousand more questions but I know that you’ve got to go.

Kate: Thank you.

Justin: I appreciate it so much.

Patrick: Yeah, my pleasure. Thank you very much and it was a pleasure meeting you and talking with you too.

Kate: You too. Happy Thanksgiving.

Patrick: Thank you.

Kate: Bye-bye.

Justin: All right. Well, there you have it.

Kate: Well, there you have it.

Justin: Dr. Patrick Vickers. What do you think about what he said?

Kate: Oh, wow. For those of you who don’t know, he referenced Ashley at the beginning of this show and Ashley is one of our faithful listeners and she’s amazing and she had written me an email… I think maybe to you too, Justin?

Justin: Uh-huh, yeah that’s right.

Kate: Talking about how Dr. Vickers had actually worked it out to send her down to his clinic. She was very interested in all the healing modalities and things that he’s into and she’s pursuing that field of alternative health. And she just wrote me an email and said, “Oh, you’re going to love having him on. He’s a firecracker. He’s so passionate about what he does.” I am so glad that we were able to really see that come through. He must be that person all the time. You can tell. He lives, eats and breathes it and he’s an amazing man.

Justin: Yeah, he’s a fascinating guy. He was saying about how doing the coffee enema once a day just for maintenance is critical. That’s crazy.

Kate: Well, and Stella, we had her in the chat room and she says, “Oh gosh. It’s so true, with the big city, all those taxis.” I mean like he said, especially referencing a big city. You’re just getting bombarded. We feel like in our little town—our little village town here—we can’t step outside without breathing tar and fumes. But gosh, big cities, it’s just escalated to a whole different animal.

Justin: Oh, I know, right?

Kate: But it’s important on all levels, for all of us, and I think about me daily with all those toxins I have to breathe at the hair salon and hopefully not one of these days, but until then, I think it’s super imperative that I be doing these.

Justin: At some point we thought about how we weren’t really sure if you should be doing them every day, but he said he’s been doing two a day for 15 years?

Kate: 15 years.

Justin: And Charlotte’s been doing two a day for 60 years?

Kate: Yeah. He’s right. They are living proof that it won’t kill you. It can only help you.

Justin: Yeah, because a lot of people talk about how you’ll lose electrolytes, you’ll inflame your colon, you’ll become dependent on them to go to the bathroom. But it just doesn’t appear to be true.

Kate: It doesn’t appear to be true. I’m going to continue on my path because I feel… The proof is in the pudding. What you see come out of you is a little frightening. Like he was saying, everybody has worms and everybody has staph and… Blah! It’s just so good. I’ve talked to people and I get so excited talking about the coffee enemas, when they’re all “Gosh. I’d rather not know. I’d rather just not know what’s in there.”

Justin: Do people say that to you?

Kate: Oh, all the time.

Justin: Really?

Kate: “I would rather it just stay up there and not know.” And to me, I’m like, “How could you even say that? When you see what comes out of you, you’d rather have that hanging out in your digestive system or your liver?” Ugh.

Justin: I know, right? I mean it’s almost a foregone conclusion that these things are in us and so it’s not a matter of not knowing because you know they’re there.

Kate: Yeah. Once you know they’re there. Once they’re aware, it blows my mind that they still react to that that way.

Justin: Right. Oh my gosh.

Kate: Yeah.

Justin: A couple other things I wanted to ask him too was a lot of people use wheatgrass and they’ll do oxygen.

Kate: Oh, see? I know.

Justin: You know? There are other substances that people will use. Some people will put a little bit of salt or baking soda or all kinds of different substances in the enemas.

Kate: I’ve heard that throughout the years too. See, again, we need him back on. We barely got to scratch the surface. You think, “How long could a person talk about enemas?” but we could talk for two hours just on that without exhausting it.

Justin: Oh yeah. It’s interesting how he explained how the coffee goes up through the hemorrhoidal veins to the liver—that’s how it gets there.

Kate: I actually didn’t know that.

Justin: Yeah, that’s interesting. And I want to know how come we can’t hold it? Certain times you can hold it…

Kate: I can hold it for 15—the whole thing sometimes—and other times I can’t hold anything in for more than two minutes. Stella was saying that in the chat room too. She can’t hold it very long either.

Justin: Yeah, I can’t figure out how people are able to hold 32 ounces at once. Is that what he’s saying? In one go?

Kate: Yeah, he is. Uh-huh. And that people can take it within one or two days there. They’ll be used to that and be able to hold it. That blows my mind. But maybe at their treatment center, they’re… I don’t know. Maybe they’re doing everything else that enables their body to… Because I figure I think the ability for me to hold them for different amounts of times on different days really depends around what I’m eating and when I’m eating and when I’m doing the enemas.

Justin: I wanted to ask him too… I should have asked him about… I had it on my list but you can’t get to every question. But I wanted to ask him about whether or not they’re okay to do after a big meal because he said…

Kate: First thing in the morning.

Justin: First thing in the morning. Obviously you’re doing it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, but let’s say you have lunch. Let’s say you just eat a regular lunch, like a turkey sandwich or something. Yeah, and would it be beneficial to do right after or would it be more beneficial to wait three or four hours after that before your next meal?

Kate: I would love to know his opinion because I’ve done some research on that online and there are always mixed opinions about everything. But I think it was a little bit overriding the people that said it was better to do after a big meal, like to do it within that hour.

Justin: Oh really?

Kate: I don’t know why. But people have said they’ve had better experiences and they tend to feel better and get more out of them.

Justin: Interesting.

Kate: I have no idea. I mean I think he knows a little bit more than most people online just randomly blogging and talking about their experiences.

Justin: I thought it was interesting too how he talked about how as long as he’s mineralized, he can expel it all because you know how sometimes you’ll expel it but you feel like you haven’t got all of it out?

Kate: Right, and then like 20 minutes later you’re like, “Oh, it’s still up there. I’ve got to go again.”

Justin: Yeah. Right, but if he’s… Like he said, because he was so mineralized or he is so mineralized from the juicing he does, it helps him to expel it all.

Kate: Yes.

Justin: Because it’s interesting because they talk about the liver being involved with anger, you know? And I had on my list of questions to ask him too, but about I wonder if it would be beneficial to do maybe some forgiveness or…

Kate: Emotional work?

Justin: Emotional work while you’re doing the enema.

Kate: I think that could only help, in my humble opinion. I mean I think it all is so much more interconnected than we know. So I truly believe that would only make your experience and your treatments and your healing even more powerful. I have to think.

Justin: Yeah. Yeah, because they say the liver, in Chinese Medicine, correlates to the emotion of anger and so if you have that, then it would be… I would imagine, on an energetic level, to enhance the benefits of the enema, to do some emotional work while you’re doing the enema.

Kate: I first heard that when I was getting my first colonic and she said… She was feeling around and she was in there—the therapist—like really rubbing around my organs while the water was flowing in and she was talking to me and she was pressing on my liver and she said, “You must be a really angry person.” She goes, “You’re the nicest angry person I’ve ever met.” I said, “What does that mean?” and that’s when she explained to me that we hold the anger in our liver and she said my liver just felt different and I had two acupuncturists tell me that before too. And I thought, “Gosh.” You start paying attention. When one person says it, you’re like, “Oh, whatever” and then when two people or three people start saying, “Your liver feels a little off. You might have anger issues…” And I had to look into that though and I realized, you know, I’ve had dreams where I’m just lashing out, yelling at people in my dreams because I don’t do that in real life.

Justin: Because you probably hold it in.

Kate: I hold it all in. So I think that’s what’s caused a lot of my liver issues, you know? That’s where I carry my stress and anger and I’ve really worked on that and I’ve come a long way. So yeah, I think maybe having that serenity and that emotional work while you’re holding the coffee enema could only benefit you. I find it really interesting.

Justin: I wonder if he does colonics as well. I mean talked about how they’re different.

Kate: There are so many questions. I know.

Justin: But I would suspect… I mean if you read the book, Colon Health, by… What’s his name?

Kate: Not Marshall, is it?

Justin: No, it’s… He lived until he was like 117, the story goes.

Kate: We have that.

Justin: Yeah, we have a book. It’s called Colon Health. It’s written by a doctor and he swears by doing colonics. Let’s see. He does a series of six colonics twice a year for maintenance and that’s kind of what he was talking about in that book, Colon Health. Oh, Dr. Norman Walker.

Kate: That’s right. I was looking for it.

Justin: That’s who it was. Dr. Norman Walker. And he recommends doing colonics, like I said, as a round of two of them six times per year. So I imagine that would look like maybe in June you would go—during the month of June—to do two colonics one week, two colonics the next week, two colonics the third week, and then in January, you’d do the same thing. But I wonder… I know they’re different than enemas, but I imagine… I mean I’ve heard people say they’re bad and things and I’ve heard people say they’re the best thing ever, but…

Kate: Yeah, I don’t know as far as the cycles of things because I’ve also heard that the cycles of coffee enemas are good and then to lay off of them. I mean I think it’s kind of anybody’s guess. Do your research and make your own opinion because I mean I don’t think doing a colonic every day would probably be…

Justin: No.

Kate: It is a little bit more aggressive. I mean it doesn’t feel aggressive, but I think you’re getting farther up in there and you do need probably a little bit more bacteria and you don’t want to wipe out your whole colony. But I don’t know.

Justin: Yeah, so, so interesting. I want to start doing them more often, I think.

Kate: I think you should. But you know how passionate I get about them.

Justin: Are you going to still do the water ones?

Kate: I think I will. I was chatting in the chat room a little bit with Stella about that as well.

Justin: Like doing them in the evening or something?

Kate: I think so. Still, even though he said they’re probably not worth much, I’ve still had some pretty strange experiences with things coming out, so I know that again, I’d still rather have it out of my body than being in my body. And to be honest, it just feels good, as long as I’m not dependent on them. It just feels really clean and just like really warm. It just feels like it cleanses me out.

Justin: And you know what’s great about enemas is we didn’t even talk about this, but we’re talking about cancer and chronic degenerative diseases with people, but enemas are just incredible for your skin, for your hair, for your eyes, for your eyesight, for your nails—for all these external…

Kate: Your weight.

Justin: Your weight.

Kate: Everything. Yeah, I’ve had little… I don’t know if they’re called liver spots… that start to get dark on your face. People get them all over, but ever since I’ve been doing the enemas and doing more juices, they have completely lightened. They’re not completely gone, but they have lightened a lot, like many, many shades.

Justin: You could probably prevent liver spots and aging on your skin.

Kate: I bet you could.

Justin: I think also too, why don’t they have enemas as part of the healing protocol and modalities of people doing an emotional work, like going to therapies and things? Because if your liver stores anger and you’re energetically doing emotional work and you’re doing enemas and things like that, what an amazing way to open yourself up to have more of an open mind, to release toxicity in the form of emotional toxicity as you’re releasing physical toxicity. It’s almost as if people that go to therapists and things like that are missing a part of it, a healing component.

Kate: Yeah. No, I couldn’t agree more.

Justin: And for the Gerson Therapy, this entire thing is the foundation of their approach. So I would suspect that doing some emotional work along with it would be great. But the other thing that I thought was cool too was it kind of makes you understand how important it is to juice if you’re going to do the enemas.

Kate: Yeah, which we do, but maybe we need to up the ante a little bit on that.

Justin: Yeah, we juice probably about… what, five days a week, I’d say?

Kate: Yeah. We used to do it every day for a while there, but…

Justin: But it would be beneficial if you’re going to do enemas to make sure you juice, which is awesome because juicing is great for your skin, cancer prevention and it’s great for all these other reasons. But it just kind of forces you to do something else.

Kate: Yeah, it gets you into a second good habit.

Justin: Exactly.

Kate: Yeah. I’m with you.

Justin: Dr. Patrick Vickers.

Kate: Oh, that was great.

Justin: He is an amazing individual. Northern Baja Gerson Treatment Center.

Kate: Do you know where?

Justin: He’s in Rosarito.

Kate: Oh, okay. We’ve been there.

Justin: Yeah, so he’s not too far from us. I think he’s about 30 minutes south of the border at Tijuana.

Kate: That’s not bad.

Justin: And he told me before the show that, I think, four times a week he’s got to go up to San Diego to get produce. So he had to leave right at 10:00 because he’s…

Kate: Got to go get his goods.

Justin: Yeah, I mean the whole foundation of his… If he doesn’t get that produce, people don’t heal.

Kate: Nobody’s getting healed, right? Yeah, you could tell he’s very passionate about what he does and he only does the best of the best.

Justin: Yeah, so check out If you know of anyone with cancer, you really should look into his protocols and don’t forget to check out our show with Kari Gray that we did yesterday on cancer… Not on cancer. Well, she had cancer, but we did a show, Episode 184, and if you look into the Gerson Treatment and find out you can’t afford it or it’s too expensive, there is a really interesting new insurance option called and this is really fascinating because it is basically catastrophic insurance for life-threatening diseases and diagnoses, but they cover…

Kate: Any kind of alternative treatment center you… or whatever treatments you wish to do.

Justin: Yeah. So this is something huge.

Kate: Check that out.

Justin: I have no idea how much it costs, but if you’ve heard it costs too much—because I’m sure it’s expensive because it costs a lot to do all this stuff—but listen to our show, Episode 184, and listen to our show with Kari Gray because that might open up some options for you, in terms of the Gerson Treatment.

Kate: Yes. Check it out.

Justin: Good stuff. All right, everybody. Thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it so much. If you have any questions about the show, you can go to and make your comments at the bottom of that show page and you can also email the questions to me or Kate,

Kate: Or

Justin: And if you want to share the benefits of coffee enemas with all your Facebook friends—I’m sure they’re going to love it—please pass this show on if you can, to anyone you know via Facebook, Twitter or just by email. That would be very, very helpful to us and it will be amazing for everybody.

Kate: And we’ll be back for another show.

Justin: That’s right—shortly.

Kate: Yep. So anybody live listening, we’ll be back at 11:00 our time.

Justin: 11:00 Pacific, in 45 minutes, to talk about rebounding.

Kate: Awesome.

Justin: That’ll be good stuff. All right, everybody. Thank you so much for joining us and we’ll catch you on the next episode.


Thank you for listening to this episode. It’s time to go for now, but our mission does not end with this show. Justin and Kate will be back with another interview, packed full of ideas, discoveries and unique ways to regain your health. Head on over to and instantly download our free gift to you that contains cutting edge strategies to start making healthy lifestyle changes today.


No material on this blog is intended to suggest that you should not seek professional medical care. Always work with qualified medical professionals, even as you educate yourself in the field of life through nutrition and alternative medicine. I’m not a doctor, nor am I offering readers or listeners medical advice of any kind. None of the information offered here should be interpreted as a diagnosis of any disease, nor an attempt to treat or prevent any disease or condition. While information in this blog and during this podcast is discussed in the context of numerous conditions, it can be dangerous to take action based on any of the information on this podcast or in this blog or to start any health program without first consulting a health professional. The content found here is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended as medical advice, as a substitute for medical counseling or as a treatment or cure for any disease or health condition and nor should it be construed as such. Always work with a qualified health practitioner or professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities. The information is provided as-is and the reader or listener assumes all risks from the use, non-use or misuse of this information.

Justin Stellman

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Patrick Vickers

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  • I wonder who woke up one day and decided.. you know what.. I won’t have my morning coffee by mouth today.. this morning, I think I’ll just try putting it in my anus and see what happens… ?

    And then for some reason.. noticed that it actually was beneficial in some way.. that they somehow noticed that it moved his/her liver, that more gallstones or toxic junk were passed. It’s just an odd thing to think about putting in that side of the body.. although I’m sure people put all sorts of things in that area lol.. but when I first learnt about Gerson therapy and heard the recommendation about coffee.. my first thoughts was.. “and how did they figure that one out exactly..?”

    Anyway, I’m glad Tina bought up herbs.. wondering if that might be a better way to ingest Dandelion .. which I haven’t yet taken in either direction 🙂

    • Penny I know what you mean. Have you done any coffee enemas yet? I HIGHLY recommend them. I love dandelion but I don’t like how they make our green juices taste!! 🙂

      • Awaiting enema kit in the mail.. absolutely no place in this city seems to sell them, and they have a nice smirk or look of “deer in headlights” when I ask them about it lol.. so yeah, have to wait for the universe to send me the kit.. been waiting a week, but that’s ok, preparing my body for the first.. want to start my liver cleanse at the same time .. hoping tomorrow it will arrive.. but I haven’t bought coffee for it.. assuming you have to use special stuff, I’ll start off with water to begin with I think… baby steps 🙂 It’s taken years to get my head around it to even give it a try.. so hopefully water does something beneficial too?

        • From what I hear water enemas don’t do much for cleansing, although I’ve heard of people having lots of success with them so it’s a bit contradictory. I personally think the coffee enemas are the way to go. Congrats on the motivation to do them. Keep us posted!

  • This was a great show! I found this episode very informative as I’ve just begun doing enemas and have seen remarkable results with managing my detox effects from the cleanses I’ve been doing. If you ever have him on again, or anyone else who has a vast knowledge of enemas, I would be interested to know if herbal enemas would be beneficial. For instance, red raspberry leaf is high in iron and is supposed to be good for female problems, burdock root is good for skin afflictions, catnip is good for energy, and yarrow is good for opening up the pores to help someone sweat and is also good for colds and flu. Would getting them into the body via enema be better as opposed to the digestion? Thanks so much for your show. I’ve learned so much and you’re both so positive and that has had a huge influence on me. Love you guys 🙂

    • Hi Tina!

      We would love to have Patrick on again to talk further. It’s interesting because that topic you brought up (herbs in enemas) was actually in my notes of subjects to get to. I also wanted to ask him further about oxygen and baking soda along with wheatgrass in enemas. This might be a good question to ask in our forum in case you haven’t joined yet! So glad you enjoyed the show!

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