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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
July 26, 2023
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Fitness expert and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson and author of The Fat Loss Code ebook and video program joined us to talk about how to lose weight in a way that supports your body.

As you can imagine I get sent products all the time to try out and test and I really take a long hard look at them before we promote them to our listeners. I will not compromise your trust of us by promoting just anything. Having met with Shawn in person a while back Kate and I got to know him personally. I could tell right away that his entire mission in life is to help people. I love meeting people like that.

After having gone through The Fat Loss Code I have to say I was VERY impressed with all the information. Shawn really knows his stuff and talk alot about things you’ll never hear about online or in the mainstream media.

I often wonder when I’ve watched shows like Celebrity Fit Club and The Biggest Loser about how basic they are. They don’t talk at all about organ health, thyroid health, liver health, hormone levels or anything. They completely ignore xeno estrogens (which can cause weight gain, and some think even cancer) or exposures to chemicals and how to rid the body of these things so that our hormone levels work right which in turn creates a faster metabolism.

You can’t expect to lose weight with organs that don’t work properly. On the other hand I guess you could if you work out hard enough and have good looking trainers scream and yell at you to create “made for tv” drama.

It’s all backwards in our society with just about everything. So when I saw Shawn Stevenson’s Fat Loss Code Problem focusing on training and education about how the different body systems work, I was really happy to see that. It’s pretty entertaining also.

During the show we talked about the liver and how having a properly functioning liver can help aid in fat loss tremendously. Most people overlook that. We also spoke about his story of having degenerative disc disease (he had the discs of an 80 year old man!) and how he overcame that with diet and targeted nutrition.

Another interesting topic we spoke briefly about was this idea of having a “story”. You see everybody has a story as to why they are where they are in life. But once we realize that it’s just a ‘story’ and it’s not in fact ‘us’ then we can move beyond that and start living life the way we want to.

Shawn Stevenson is really a great guy doing amazing work helping lots and lots of people. If you think you resonate with what he has to say in this interview you might want to check out what he has to offer in The Fat Loss Code.

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • How to overcome your story and start getting resulst
  • How to take care of and clean your liver
  • His “story” of how he got involved in health & started thinking outside the box
  • Pre-Post workout tips and tricks
  • Foods that raise metabolism
  • How to master food cravings
  • The flaw of the “calories in vs calories out” theory for weight loss
  • And so much more!

Shawn Stevenson gives some unique information about how to lose weight and build muscle. Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Wednesday 8/7/2012
Show Guest: Shawn Stevenson
Guest Info: Shawn Stevenson is a Professional Nutritionist specializing in biochemistry and kinesiology. He is the author of two books on Health & Fitness, and a featured contributor to FOX News, Clear Channel Radio, and several other media channels. He’s the President and CEO of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a successful company that provides Wellness Services for individuals and businesses all over the world.

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Topic: Weight loss, hormones, and organ health
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Justin Stellman

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Shawn Stevenson

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