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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
June 7, 2024

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Today we had a really fun talk with Tristan Truscott about the ancient practice of Qigong and how he used Qigong to heal from a devastating back injury and completely transform his life.

We talked about how Qigong is really just “energy work”. We talked about what Qi (pronounced “chi”) is and how the ancients worked with it to heal their bodies, gain more energy and live for very very long without the chronic degenerative diseases we see in our culture today.

Qi is life force. It’s just energy. As we’ve been learning lately we are all vibratory energy systems housed in a corporeal form in order to live here on earth. When you get down to the quantum level, everything is vibrating at certain energetic frequencies and there’s a way to cultivate the energy it takes for your atoms to vibrate the way they do.

It’s called working with your Qi. Think of Qi as a battery of energy that we get at birth. Every single day we’re depleting our batteries. This energy or battery is what allows us to heal from disease. It’s what allows us to have enough energy to live the life we want.

Without energy we can’t accomplish much in this world. Every time we get stressed out, don’t sleep enough, eat the wrong foods, don’t move the body enough, get involved in other people’s drama we’re depleting our Qi or life force energy.

Getting a good sleep is one way to help prevent the Qi from being depleted. But Qigong goes one step further and actually allows us to rebuild the Qi we have squandered throughout our lives to this point.

It’s almost like a time machine in the sense that you can rebuild lost energy from days gone by. It’s similar to Tai Chi, yoga, meditation and other yin arts.

If you’re interested in learning more about The Good Morning Good Evening Qigong course please click that link to watch the videos we talked about during the show!

His Programs

  • Good Morning Good Evening Qigong
  • The Art of Mushin Meditation
  • Quantum Transformation Course – Digital Visionboards
  • The Pro Youthing Summit
  • Martial Yoga Movement Medicine
  • The Awakened Living Club
  • Unlock Your Purpose

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

  • Foods that block Qi
  • Scars blocking Qi
  • The 3 Treasures: Qi, Shen, Jing
  • How does stress affect Qi
  • Yin Practices (Meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, ???)
  • Chinese herbs?
  • The many benefits of Qigong
  • How does Qi circulate in the body?
  • Magentic thunderballs
  • And so much more!

Tristan Truscott used Qigong to heal his body from a crippling back injury. Learn how he did it! Listen now – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date: Wednesday 7/10/2013
Show Guest: Tristan Truscott
Guest Info: As a young man Tristan became involved in the Martial Arts where he began his study of the mind-body-spirit connection. After many years of dedicated training Tristan was granted the coveted level of Black Belt and went on to build a thriving Martial Arts academy with over 300 students.

In the year 2000 Tristan was forced to end his career, due to a crippling back injury. Even after 5 years of intense pain, $10,000 worth of alternative healing treatments, and an unsuccessful $90,000 surgery, Tristan was still unable to walk properly, let alone teach again…Read More…

Topic: Qigong, Energy Medicine
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Items Mentioned: Dr. Richard Schulze
Gary Craig emotional freedom technique (EFT)
What the *bleep* do we know? movie

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Duration/Size: 01:13:10 / 68.6 MB
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Justin Stellman

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Tristan Truscott

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