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Feel Good Project day 43

As I continue to tell my clients about my upcoming plan to retire from 15 years in the hair styling world, I gain more and more confidence that what I am moving toward is exactly what is asked of me.

There are just clients, and then there are those who have become sweet editions to my life throughout the years and I have grown to love a few of them deeply.

Today was a full Saturday of work and was such a sweet day reminiscing with friends about the events that have taken place over the years, reminding me of my investment into people, and them into me.

I received a few heartfelt Christmas cards telling me of my importance in their lives, as well as a few surprise gifts that truly touched my heart on a soul level.

I left feeling good today. I realized in a new way the importance of feeling good, and the impact we have been entrusted with to leave others feeling good as well. I was able to view everyone I came in contact with today as an opportunity to love.

This has not been the case for so long as I have been so beyond burned out at this job, that I lost sight at times of how to return to a place of love.

It’s funny how when you lose something, or choose to step away from it even, just how precious certain people and feelings can become.

This time of year fosters that change in such a peaceful and joyous way. I need to remind myself to treasure this time up in my heart and attempt to view those around me with more love throughout the rest of the year as well. I believe removing myself from my ‘old’ life will enable this change in the way I want to experience.

I am finding that I am actually looking forward to these next few weeks of work, which is something I have honestly not felt in years. Super grateful to wrap up this season on such a positive note. It’s almost like a kind of a high that I am on since I made this decision. My world view has shifted.

Today was all about giving and receiving love that I forgot was there, and reminded me of the days when I first started my career with freshness for all it had to offer and me to give back to it.

FEEL GOOD MOMENT OF THE DAY: The crisp weather that lasted all day today. Rain blew through the past few days, leaving today BRIGHT, blue and brand new. Washed all the old, stagnant away and made new for new, refreshed spaces. Kind of like my life today. Felt like the two aligned perfectly today! 🙂


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Feel Good Project

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