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Welcome To Synergistic Nutrition - Operated by Nutripath, Stephen Heuer
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Name One Superfood that can...

  • Give you more energy
  • Build and maintain muscle
  • Help you lose fat
  • Detoxify your entire body
  • Protect you from viruses and other pathogens
...oh...and doesn't taste like grass
Kale or berries can’t do all that…actually no ONE fruit or vegetable can. 
How about the green vegetables or green grass blends? 
Nope… they can’t do all that either.
Hmm…what else is there?
I’m going to tell you about a simple, one ingredient superfood that is thousands of years old.
Human beings may have been using this superfood for that long but the first recorded history of its use was in the 1800s.

Back in 1749, a man living in Zurich Switzerland had fallen ill and the doctors did not give him much time to live.

The local people told him he needed to go to a particular dairy farm and start to consume the fresh liquid whey they produced daily as a byproduct of making cheese.

He traveled to a mountain village in Gais and was allowed to consume the fresh liquid whey. Due to the short shelf that fresh liquid whey has, he had to consume it before 11 a.m. to ensure its therapeutic effects. Daily he would consume this fresh liquid whey and within a short time he was completely recovered from his illness.

People in the village and those that knew him in Zurich, were amazed at his recovery and started to flock to the dairy in Gais. Within time a spa was set up near the dairy, where people could come and live. The sick and aged would come and live for weeks at a time, drinking the fresh liquid whey.


The sick would recover and the aged would become rejuvenated.

Throughout the 1800’s there were 160 spas set up throughout Germany, Switzerland and Austria to dispense this medicinal fresh liquid whey. People came from all over to stay at these spas and recover their health.

So, you see historically fresh liquid whey was the first life giving superfood ever used by humans. It was right from the cow, living and raw.

So, you may be thinking... ok great, where can I get some fresh liquid whey to drink?

Fortunately a genius scientist was able to convert this precious liquid whey into a dry powder, that not only retains the benefits of fresh liquid whey, but exceeds them.

Before I introduce you to the product, I want to do a quick introduction of myself.


Hi, my name is Stephen Heuer, and I’m a Degreed Nutritionist, called a Nutripath. Nutri means nutrition and path means pathology. Nutripathy is the science of using nutrients to heal from any pathology. I’ve been in full time practice now for over 31 years.

I got into this field because I was poisoned by mercury fillings when I was a teenager. My parents took me to the doctor but they did not know what had happened or how to fix it.

My entire digestive system shut down and it affected every area of my life, literally overnight. I was totally on my own at age 15 to figure this out.

I began a long and often painful journey of learning, discovery and trial and error application of what I'd learned. Some things helped and some didn't.

In 1976 there was no internet and nor was I even aware of the topic of holistic practitioners back then as a 16 year old. My progress was slow and steady, but I did learn everything I needed to totally heal my gut issues and now I know what to do to help others.

In my last 31 years in private practice, I've helped people overcome and heal from so many chronic and acute health conditions...cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, degenerated discs, arthritis, just to name a few.

I use a combination of effective potent nutritional supplements and medicinal foods and supefoods.

I'm going to introduce you to the world's oldest superfood...but in a new form...with the same life giving and healing properties as what was used in Europe in the 1800s.

In late 2010 I was introduced to a scientist with impressive credentials. He has a doctorate in nuclear physics; a master’s in molecular biology, a masters in biochemistry and speaks four languages. He also has a track record of making supplements that have a major impact on people’s health. He and I had a conversation and he told me he was working on a new whey protein powder that came from an Amish Farmer’s high-quality milk supply. He said that the whey was processed in a proprietary manner that protected the amino acid and protein so that they retained the original shapes that nature gave them. It also protected all of the immune properties.

You see the issue with all other whey protein powders on the market today is that they undergo one to two heat sterilization/pasteurization steps. With most whey protein powders they are first heat sterilized/pasteurized at 161 degrees for 15 seconds as milk. Then the milk is fermented into cheese and the liquid whey is separated from the cheese curd. This liquid whey is then heat sterilized/pasteurized again at 161 degrees for 15 seconds.

Then if the manufacturer is creating whey protein concentrate, the liquid whey undergoes several processing steps to remove 99% of the fat and most of the lactose, so that achieves an 80% protein concentration. If the manufacturer is producing a whey protein isolate, additional processing steps are taken to remove more lactose and other valuable proteins to achieve a 90% protein concentration.

These processing steps vary but do rely on denaturation. Whey protein isolates are the least beneficial because the additional high pressure processing steps subjects the whey to further denaturing and the removal of valuable immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins from cows’ milk can transfer into the human body to dramatically support overall immunity and the ability to deal with infections in a more competent manner.

For both whey protein concentrates and isolates, the two heat sterilization steps and the several processing steps cause various degrees of deformation aka denaturing of the amino acids and protein structures, which renders them not only useless to the body, but actually makes them toxic...requiring your kidneys and liver to work overtime to excrete them. When denatured whey proteins are in your human digestive tract and your body lacks the enzymes to break down the denatured proteins...then the protein undergoes putrefaction, which causes gas, bloating and constipation.

It is the in-digestibility of the denatured proteins that is the main reason why so many people report gas, bloating and constipation after consuming whey protein powders. Temperatures of 118 degrees Fahrenheit or higher is the point at which amino acids and proteins start to become deformed and damaged. This damaged state is called denatured. When amino acids retain the shape that nature gave them, it is called renatured or non-denatured.

As an health conscious person or exercise or body building enthusiast, you are wasting some or all of your money buying inferior whey or casein protein powders because they are burdening your digestive system with denatured amino acids and proteins.

The reason that so many of you do seem to derive some benefit from your whey or casein protein powder is because you have been blessed with the genetic make-up to utilize dairy and a strong constitution. Your strong constitution enables your liver and kidneys to do the job of detoxifying the denatured amino acids, while making use of the few non-denatured amino acids in the protein powder. For most people your body will do this detoxification efficiently up until around the age of 40. After this, your body falls behind on this detoxification, which will cause more inflammation (and the pain that comes with it), acidification, lowered oxygen levels and slower healing.

All whey protein powders that say non-denatured are lying. They all have heat sterilized their whey protein powder usually twice at 161 degrees. Remember, 118 degrees is the point at which amino acids begin to deform, which destroys the enzymes, beneficial bacteria, immunoglobulins, body building branched chain amino acids, etc. This makes the protein less digestible to indigestible and toxic to your body.

The body can only use amino acids and proteins that have retained the shape that nature gave them. All biological life has as its organizing principle geometric shapes at the molecular level. These geometric shapes can be called Sacred Geometry. Sacred because they are the building blocks of life.

Most of us can see this majesty with our eyes when we look at a snowflake, each one unique in its geometric expression... or a flower, with its perfect petal pattern, unique to that flower. At the molecular level each amino acid has its own sacred geometrical shape. If you heat it, you damage it.

The scientist told me he had developed a proprietary means of producing whey protein powder concentrate, that would retain the medicinal properties of fresh liquid whey. While the creation of our Whey Protein Powder is a multi-step process, the inventor communicated to me that he never uses any chemicals and uses membrane filtration to separate the liquid whey from the milk curd. I learned that our whey is made with the world’s first all-natural cold formulation TruCool™ process for maximum nutrient retention to support your cellular regeneration, lean muscle development and your immune system.

The inventor achieves the elimination of the naturally occurring bacteria as required by law, without damaging the whey with heat. His patented TruCool™ process produces whey that leaves the proteins, and amino acids in their natural configuration, resulting in bioactive proteins, amino acids and immunoglobulins.

He offered to send me some samples, which I accepted. However, due to my lousy experience with whey protein in the past, I was still not excited or expecting anything to happen. The samples arrived and I mixed up a serving in some water and drank it down. It tasted really good and digested easily, then within an hour or so, it kicked in. I had a 5-hour high of a joyful mood and tons of energy. I got so much more done and every interaction with my customers was effortless and overflowing. At the end of the workday, I went outside and dug a hole to plant a fruit tree that normally I would not have had the energy to do.

THE CONSPIRACY To learn about the conspiracy between pasturised vs. raw milk, click here...


As I opened my mind again to exploring whey, I began to learn of the corruption within the entire mainstream dairy industry. Prior to the 1930’s everyone consumed only raw milk, raw cheese, raw butter, raw cream and raw buttermilk. For thousands of years, human beings only consumed raw dairy products, with the results being robust bodies, perfect health, wide jawbones with no crowded teeth, beautiful facial development, ideal skeletal development, higher IQ’s and happy dispositions.

In fact, did you know that wisdom teeth are meant to grow in as part of a full set of teeth? The only reason that the majority of people have wisdom teeth that come in crooked or don’t have room for them is due to the underdevelopment of the jawbone. This underdevelopment is in large part because people stopped consuming raw dairy from grass-fed cows.

Now, here’s where the conspiracy comes in...At the end of World War II, thousands of small farms throughout the country still sold raw milk directly to consumers and through local distribution channels, a situation that would change drastically under relentless official pressure for compulsory pasteurization. The issue was that in the summer months mothers did not need to get up early to see their kids off to school. Few women worked outside the home in those days. The Knudsen Dairy Company would deliver raw milk to the porch. This milk would sit in the morning sun causing the cream to separate and rise to the top.

While the milk would rarely sour, the women would call Knudsen to complain that the milk “appeared” to be soured. Rather than instructing the women to shake the bottle a few times to mix the cream back into the milk, Knudsen thought it better to replace these bottles of milk, to avoid offending their customer. This happened for years apparently and resulted in significant losses to the Knudsen Dairy company.

So, Knudsen decided to hire two doctors to write an article about the health dangers of raw milk, with the goal of making raw milk illegal. Additionally, A series of articles in popular magazines in 1944, 1945 and 1946 served to frighten the public into support of efforts to pasteurize milk. The Ladies’ Home Journal began the campaign in 1944 with the article “Undulant Fever,” claiming—without any accurate documentation—that tens of thousands of people in the U.S. suffered from fever and illness because of exposure to raw milk. The next year, Coronet magazine followed up with “Raw Milk Can Kill You,” by Robert Harris, MD. Similar articles appearing in the Progressive and the Reader’s Digest the following year repeated these out right lies.

The author of the Coronet article represented as fact a town and an epidemic, both of which were complete fabrications: “Crossroads, U.S.A., is in one of those states in the Midwest area called the breadbasket and milk bowl of America…What happened to Crossroads might happen to your town-- to your city—might happen almost anywhere in America.” The author then gives a lurid account of a frightful undulant fever epidemic allegedly caused by raw milk, an epidemic that “spread rapidly…it struck one out of every four persons in Crossroads. Despite the efforts of the two doctors and the State health department, one out of every four patients died.

”But there was no Crossroads, and no epidemic! Author Harris admitted the fabrication in a subsequent interview with J. Howard Brown of Johns Hopkins University. The outbreak was fictitious and represented no actual occurrence. So, you see Fake News has been happening for decades now!

The dairy companies wanted to increase their profits. If they heat sterilized their milk, then the shelf life would increase giving the product a longer time on the shelf to sell. Corporate money, paying off doctors, journalists and congressmen succeeded in convincing the majority of people that raw milk was a danger to their health and for their own protection, it must be pasteurized…but it was solely to protect and increase their profits.

By requiring all small family farms to convert over to pasteurization of their milk, they forced many of these farms to go out of business. The expense of buying pasteurization equipment and other fees involved was more than they could bear. Only the corporate giants could afford this, and this is the reason why only large corporations produce the milk supply for the USA today.

In an effort to continue to increase their profits, in time the dairy industry started to use confined animal feeding operations, where cows live on dirt instead of grass and are confined to living in yards, instead of grazing on pastures. This is standard practice today… the cows have no access to fresh grass, their natural diet, and instead they are fed a diet of grains, agricultural waste products like beet pulp, grape skins, cottonseed meal, citrus peel cake, bakery wastes, the crop residue from making corn or other crops into ethanol, GMO soy and corn with toxic glyphosate in the feed.

This results in cows becoming sick and producing infected milk, high in pus and bacterial counts. But the dairy industry no longer has to be concerned with the quality of the diet or health of their cows, because even if the milk is high in potentially pathogenic bacteria and pus, people will never know, because the milk is heat sterilized, killing all the bad and good bacteria… and the life-giving properties in the milk.

This is why when you drive by a feed lot, the stench of their putrid manure can be smelled for miles away. The cows are not designed to eat a high protein/starch diet, as it disturbs their digestion, causing purification of their manure, hence the atrocious smell and the need for antibiotics.

It is sad to see how unhappy these cows are, sometimes with engorged udders such that they can hardly walk. For you vegans this is no doubt one of the reasons you do not consume modern day dairy products. You have compassion for animals and are remorseful at the thought of their suffering.

If you could pick up a fresh cow pie from an exclusively grass-fed cow, you’ll find out it smells like sweet grass and is not offensive at all.


You may have a concern about having an allergy to any dairy product. This is a large topic, but in short, the portion of milk to which people have a high tendency to be allergic to is the casein portion, not the whey portion. Casein is a large globular difficult to digest protein that many do have an allergic reaction to. Whey is a much smaller protein closer in size to human breast milk, making it much easier to digest.

Additionally, when a cow is grass fed as opposed to exclusively grain fed, this changes the milk composition and reduces the allergic tendency. Additionally, when milk is heat sterilized/pasteurized this deforms and makes more difficult to digest the casein and whey proteins. Since our product is not heated, most people digest it with ease. Some people ask me if the cows used to supply the milk that our whey is made from are genetically an A1 or an A2 cow. This is referring to the casein portion of the milk proteins not the whey portion. A1 cows produce an abnormal casein protein that breaks down to produce a morphine like molecule called casomorphin.

This has constipating and depressive effects on the body. But again, this is referring to the casein portion of the cow’s milk, not the whey portion. An A2 cow produces a casein protein free of this issue. So, our whey protein comes from grass pastured cows and since there is no casein in our whey, there is no issue with the casomorphin protein.


The dairy industry, the government, regulatory agencies, media and modern medicine are all telling you the same lie… that raw dairy in unsafe and must always be pasteurized. For generations we have all been raised with the warning; “raw milk contains bacteria that may cause illness”. Regulatory agencies and media have broadcast the message of salmonella poisoning from raw milk for decades, even though it has been proven false.

In 2004, University of California at Davis, Agricultural Department experimented with spiking raw milk with various pathogens to see if raw milk truly exhibited antibacterial activity. The experiments proved absolutely, conclusively that healthy raw milk in this case, from Organic Pastures, inhibited pathogenic bacteria from breeding in it.

Raw milk contains lactic acid producing bacteria, bacteriocins, enzymes and antibodies that inhibit or kills pathogenic organisms. Additionally raw milk contains the enzyme phosphatase that activates the creation of hard tissue, like bone. It contains the enzyme lipase for fat digestion. Raw milk is a complete protein, many of the amino acids that make up these proteins are denatured by pasteurization. Also, raw milk contains fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, that pasteurization alters by up to 66%; and water-soluble vitamins C, Biotin and K2 that pasteurization alters by 38-80%.

So, this scientist was making a new whey protein powder from raw grass-fed milk that came from one particular Amish farmer. Before choosing this one Amish Farmer's Raw Milk supply, he had specimens of grass sent to him from several Amish grass based raw dairy farms. He examined them under a microscope. This one Amish farmer’s grass was the highest in chloroplast content, making it the most nutrient dense grass. This means the soil upon which this grass was growing, was the most fertile. These nutrients are passed into the milk of the cow and therefore the whey and finally into your body.

This scientist’s whey protein powder is the first and only whey protein powder that has not only retained the medicinal properties of fresh liquid whey just like it was used in the 1800’s, in the whey spas in Europe, but exceeded them! The reason for this is later in this report.

So now you see, the big lie in the health, body building, and exercise industry is….“That it does not matter if your whey or casein protein powder is from grass pastured cows or if it is pasteurized or not.”

But now you know the truth. They are all the same denatured and to some degree toxic whey or casein protein powders...compromised in their ability to build or repair your muscles or other tissues and they cannot help with detoxification at all. In fact they are toxic and are a burden to your entire body...your liver and kidneys have to work over time to excrete them.

For you vegans, pea protein powder isolate is deficient in the essential amino acids’ methionine and or tryptophan. Rice protein powder is deficient in the essential amino acid lysine and is subject to having toxic levels of tungsten in it. Soy protein powders are high in phyto estrogens, which may not be good for your endocrine system. For men this may suppress your testosterone production.

In order for a protein to work to build muscle or repair tissue, it must put your body into a positive nitrogen balance. To do this the protein source must not only have all 9 of the essential amino acids, but it must have them in high enough amounts. Plant based proteins are considered to fall short in this area. However, truly non-denatured Whey Protein Concentrate will easily achieve this.

If you care about yourself and your body, why would you use denatured whey or casein protein powders or inferior plant based protein powders...regardless of the low price. Your health and body pay the price...


The real enemy is misinformation. This misinformation is coming from schools, universities, the medical profession, the veterinarian profession, mainstream media, dieticians, etc. THEY are the ones leading you in the wrong direction. For example, when have you ever heard a news broadcaster, doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional, tell you that raw milk is superior to pasteurized milk? These mouthpieces of authority are the ones giving you incorrect information from childhood to adulthood, that have programmed your mind to believe that a lie is the truth, and that the truth is a lie.

It took me getting sick at the age of 15 to be forced to seek out new information. This took me way beyond understanding what a healthy diet is. I’ve researched soil fertility and understood that a high mineral sugar content can transform food into medicine, unlike food today. I know why it’s life transforming to drink pure structured water, vs. unstructured water (the water everybody drinks). I understand the history of ideal human diets and the health, beauty, bigger brain development and the superior reproductive health they conferred.

Did you know that the greatest number of beauty queens come from Texas? Did you know that in Deaf Smith County Texas in World War II, that 98% of the men passed the physical exam compared to the national average of 68%? This is because in Deaf Smith County Texas there is a calcite mineral layer in the soil rich in calcium and other elements. It is this soil fertility that was transferred into the plant and animal foods that these people ate.

Beauty or handsomeness is not just the result of genes expressing...but because prior to conception the father and mother consumed nutrient dense foods and even supplements and mom continued this diet through gestation and lactation. When this is done, then the child will be physically handsome or beautiful, have well developed bone structure, a wide jawbone with room for every tooth to grow and grow in straight...and have a larger brain, resulting in higher intelligence with a calm and joyful disposition. 

If you had a choice, would you choose this type of body?


Back in 2012 a 50 something year old lady came to me with a tumor on her neck. She had been following the Gerson diet for three years dealing with this cancer. The Gerson diet is a vegan diet and so many people are prone to losing a lot of muscle mass on this diet. This lady’s normal weight was 125 lbs. but when she saw me, she was down to 89 lbs. I got her onto the whey protein and in two weeks she gained 5 lbs. of muscle and the tumor continued to shrink.

In another example a friend of mine named Andrea, was taking care of a friend’s 90-year-old mother named Mary, who was semi-bedridden and in hospice care. She would only get up once or twice in a day to use the restroom and that was it. She had been put on a pea and whole milk protein shake and that was all she was eating. As soon as Andrea got there, she put Mary on this powerful whey protein with raw milk, because that is what she was drinking. She gave Mary, two to three whey drinks per day. On the very first day, Mary was up and came into the kitchen. She started cooking and made chicken soup. She was on her feet for many, many hours.

When the hospice nurse came in two days later, she could not believe how alert, awake and coherent Mary was. When she weighed her, Mary had gained 2.5 pounds of healthy weight in the three days that Andrea was there. Andrea told me that she literally watched this 90-year-old woman come back to life on this whey protein shake, and it was an incredible thing to see.

Jay Has His Colitis Go Away In 30 Days!

My name is Jay, I’m 26 years of age, and I just want to thank the makers of, the One World Whey protein powder. After having chronic abdominal pain and pressure for months, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. The medical doctor told me there was nothing I could do to treat it, other than taking pain and nausea medication. Then, I came across an ad for One World Whey on the radio and read the claims that it can help with all types of inflammation. I took the One World Whey protein powder, every day, for a month, and the chronic pain and pressure sensations went away completely! And I never took the pain or nausea meds. To this day my intestines are free of pain.

Hidden Benefits In Whey

One of the main reasons that fresh liquid whey generated so many health benefits that 160 spas were set up in Europe in the 18 & 1900’s, had to do with the dramatically effective support whey has for detoxification through glutathione production. Truly non-denatured whey has as its number one hidden benefit, the ability to support glutathione production, better than any other food or supplement known.

Detoxification Is At The Heart Of Healing

Most all-chronic degenerative disease has at its roots toxicity. Resurrecting the body’s production of glutathione is a dynamic key to cellular and whole-body detoxification. Using undamaged Whey Protein Powder, delivers high amounts of the two key peptides gamma-glutamyl-cysteine and cystine. Once these peptides are absorbed through the intestines and into your cells, they fuel glutathione production.

Glutathione then goes to work to eliminate mercury, heavy metals and virtually all toxins. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals, thereby stopping cell damage and inflammation. This makes every other and tissue of the body function more youthfully, which can help you to look and feel younger.

Glutathione also helps increase endurance for your mind and muscles. The optimal level of intracellular glutathione is 10%. But due to toxicity and aging this is not happening. With undamaged whey protein powder, you supply your body with the highest dietary source of the building blocks for glutathione production.

This makes our whey protein powder a powerful Superfood in a category by itself. No fruit, vegetable, grass, algae or blends of their whole powders or juices can hold a candle to the immense therapeutic benefits of non-denatured whey protein concentrate.

The magical properties of whey are not so much in the fresh liquid but in the ability of the amino acids in the dry powder, to fuel repair and of the peptides gamma-glutamyl-cysteine and cystine to fuel the production of glutathione. It is the awesome detoxification power of glutathione that gives unheated Whey Protein Powder, from Grass Pastured Cows, much of its power. Properly prepared whey is a superfood and deserves front stage attention by all people wanting to create or maintain health in our very toxic world.

On top of all this, One World Whey is infused with a Tesla like frequency, designed to activate cells of your body to produce more protein and energy. This means that your cells will repair at a faster rate. After exercise your recovery will be faster with less soreness. This is not a weak frequency that can dissipate over time. Once encoded into the whey, it will be there for the next 100 years and beyond. This translates into you feeling uplifted and a better mood. People already in relatively good health, consistently report improvements in energy & mood that lasts up to six hours.

This Cold Sterilized, Non-Denatured, Tesla-like Frequency Encoded, Whey Protein Concentrate From Grass Pastured Cows, is well worth $300.00 per container. The reason being that when you are trying to detoxify mercury or other toxins from the body, to do it successfully, you will have to buy one of the high-quality heavy metal detoxification packages. This kind of mercury detox package can cost you $300 up front.

Because natural chelators operate in a slow and inefficient manner, you will have to take them for four or more years to achieve maybe 80% detoxification. This means you have to repeatedly buy these products over a 4-year time period, resulting in an approximate expense of $4800.00. Whereas with my Whey Protein Powder, empirical results indicate you can achieve a 90% or better detoxification of heavy metals, drug deposits or other toxins in 3 to 10 months. This means your overall expense would be significantly less.

With this whey, you are feeding the body a food that puts you into a positive nitrogen balance. This means that you now have enough amino acids to cause tissue repair or protein synthesis, rather than convert the amino acids into glucose/sugar. Now that you are in a positive nitrogen balance your body will use the gamma-glutamyl-cysteine in the whey to fuel glutathione production within the intestines and body. As the intestines are nourished by this food, they increase their glutathione production. This enables the intestinal tissues to detoxify and reduce or eliminate their inflammation.

In a study done by the Nestle Company, it was shown that when inflammation exists in the intestinal tissues, the body signals itself to reduce glutathione production. This down-regulation of glutathione production results in toxins become trapped in the tissues.

The Nestle study also showed that when inflammation in the intestines was eliminated, the body up-regulates its production of intracellular glutathione. This study proved that eliminating inflammation in the intestines is central to achieving the cellular or systemic detoxification that leads to health and long life.

This whey supplies the body with the non-denatured proteins and sulfur amino acid Cysteine needed to help eliminate first, intestinal inflammation, and then cause whole body intracellular glutathione production, which causes the most effective detoxification of mercury, heavy metals and all other toxins in the shortest time possible. This means that the fabled "healing crisis" people in holistic circles talk about is avoided because toxins safely exit the body through the liver. A healing crisis only occurs when toxins exit the body faster than the liver can handle. With enough glutathione produced in the liver and body, these unwanted detox symptoms can be avoided. So poop your toxins away, without feeling down for a day!

Heavy Metal Detox Success Stories:

My name is Lesley, I had depression since I was child; I have been on Prozac for 20 years. I got onto One World Whey and my need for Prozac was reduced by 50% within 6 months. Now after less than one year I am completely off of Prozac. I learned that mercury is a toxin that causes brain damage and the depression that it would bring. By taking this amazing whey I know that I’ve detoxified my brain of mercury and excess glutamate and I’m now functioning with this dramatic improvement in my mood.

I had been taking care of my elderly parents for several years.

My mother was on a drug called lithium sulfate. I had done her hair mineral analysis 5 times over 2 years and each time the results showed toxic levels of mercury, lead, arsenic and off the chart high levels of lithium. I put my mother onto Stephen’s Whey product and after two months I did a 6th hair mineral analysis. The results showed almost non-detectable mercury, lead and arsenic and the lithium came down by 50%. Her symptoms improved as well. Both my mother and father’s health improved on this life-giving whey.

Willy Puricz.

My name is Doug Didero

For years I’ve had an ongoing rash with itching around my eyes. This was due to metal dust particles landing on my face in the workplace. After being on Stephen’s Whey for 2 weeks, I began to have a severe rash and itching around my eyes. This rash and itching lasted for 5 weeks and is now 100% gone. Additionally, without extra exercise I’ve also increased my muscle size.

Parents, would you like to have a convenient food that you can mix into your child’s favorite drink, that is both nourishing to every aspect of their health and help’s alleviate sugar and junk food cravings? Over many years’ time, we’ve had parents report how improved their children’s health has become and how much their children love the taste of a drink with this food in it.


Hello, my name is Quinn, I am a Freshman in high school. This awesome whey protein powder has helped me grow over 4 inches this past year, it’s helped me to stay healthy for basketball. This whey tastes great, vanilla is my favorite flavor. I recommend this special whey protein powder as a protein supplement and as a way to stay healthy.


My name is Angie, my son has suffered from borderline autism and constipation. I got him on the One World Whey protein powder and in 2 months his constipation is gone. He has become friendlier. He can carry on a normal conversation with me, and he has made his first friend. He is doing great and looks forward to taking Whey drink. You could offer him a present or a cake and he would prefer  a One World Whey drink.


Note the former product name One World Whey has been replaced with then name One World Whey. One World Whey has the same protein as One World Whey, minus the flavors and sweeteners. We will bring the flavored and sweetened products back, when circumstances permit


I named this life changing whey protein powder One World Whey because the cows graze on grass pasture and the soil is very fertile.

So, the cows are happy and healthy. One World Whey comes in a 5 lb. container. It is unflavored, so you get to flavor and sweeten it yourself.

Each 30-gram serving contains 24 grams of protein, less than 1% fat, less than 1% cholesterol, and 5.9 grams of naturally occurring carbohydrates.

There are 76 – servings per container, making each container a two-and one-half months’ supply at one serving per day. I am fortunate to be the exclusive nationwide distributor.


It took my inventor friend 10 years to formulate One World Whey, at a cost of $500,000


When I asked my inventor friend what motivated him to make One World Whey, here was his answer: “Food was scarce when I was a child so picking through trash cans wasn’t a strange ordeal. By doing so, I met many hungry, sick, and disheveled people doing the same thing. These people were very old and very kind. Being hungry was normal for me however watching these older people crumbling away was painful. I was small and agile with an ability to get deep into the cans to find food for many of these older people. It made them very happy which in turn, made me happy. I knew I wanted to help people from those events.”


Medical Degree
Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
MS degree in Microbiology, Chemistry, and Pharmacology


One World Whey is so easy to use. All you have to do is add the sweetener and or flavor of your choice, to either your favorite liquid or smoothie and drink. So long as the whey powder is kept dry, the shelf life is 10 years or more.


For anyone in relatively good health they notice a 5-hour lift in their mood, energy and strength every time they consume One World Whey.


Muscle Growth:

The branched chain amino acids make up 40% of the daily requirements of essential amino acids. Non-denatured whey protein concentrate 80%, is nature’s richest source of the muscle building branched chain amino acids, valine, leucine and isoleucine, which comprise greater than 20% of the protein content of the whey. This is approximately 6 grams of branched chain amino acids per 30 gram serving. Human skeletal muscle composition is 17% branched chain amino acids.

Stop Colds & Flu’s:

While lactoferrin is naturally made in the human body it appears that being overweight may suppress its production and further contribute to metabolic malfunction. Supplemental lactoferrin at the dose of 300 mg per day may help correct this problem. This may also be one reason why overweight individuals tend to have compromised ability to fight the flu or other infections. Since lactoferrin is a key part of the natural immune defense. It defends the body against viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites. One World Whey supplies 300 to 600 mg of lactoferrin per scoop. This whey strongly fortifies your immune system. Taking this whey before or after a workout will help your immune system stay strong. This helps you avoid getting a cold or flu after a heavy workout.

Weight Loss Efficacy:

A study in which human subjects took 300 mg of lactoferrin each day for eight weeks showed a significant reduction in abdominal fat, body weight, body mass index, and hip circumference. Non-denatured whey protein concentrate contains 1% to 2% Lactoferrin. The subjects taking lactoferrin lost an average of 1.73 inches from their waistline, while the non-supplemented group actually gained weight.

Look and Feel Younger:

Due to glutathione’s youthening effects to the cells, it is not uncommon to look and feel younger from consuming this whey.

Benefits of Consuming Whey Before & After A Workout:

A study published in the journal, Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, found that consuming 20 grams of whey protein, 30 minutes before and immediately after training can boost your body's metabolism for as much as 24 hours after your workout. The study found that the amino acids found in high quality whey protein help with:

• Protecting against declining testosterone levels after exercise.

• Building muscle protein

• Boosting thyroid function

• Fat burning


But don't just take my word for it. Listen to some more of my client experiences:

I would have been lost without this whey. I first came upon it eight years ago when it was called One World Whey; through my dad’s Naturopathic M.D. Beginning at 90 yrs. of age my Dad used it every day. It gave him quality protein and supported his glutathione production. Something he needed as he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. The Doctor recommended this whey for my dad and my whole family started using it! This incredible product carried my dad a long way! He loved his "Whey" every morning. This beautiful pure product sustained him during the progression of his diagnosis. Even though he dropped to 85 pounds he still had incredible strength. I am so thankful for such a high-quality product that is made so close to the way our Creator intended.I am a vegetarian and taking this whey gives me a sustained energy level, all day long and I feel very strong! This wonder food, far, far surpasses any other whey protein I’ve ever tired.

- Amy

Hello, my name is Jose and I'm 38 years of age. I've been a bodybuilder, consistently since the age of 28. From then until now, I've spent 3 hours in the gym 4 days per week. Over the years I've bought and used approximately 7 different whey protein powders. None of which made a big difference in my health, energy or muscle building. Then I started to take this whey and noticed after 3 weeks I had more energy, gained muscle and my recovery after a workout was faster. Then at the suggestion of Nutripath, Stephen Heuer, I added his, virtually zero oxidation flaxseed oil to my whey shakes. The results took my health to the next level. In a month and a half, I gained 3-inches of muscle on my legs, plus an inch and a half on my arms and chest and the soreness after a workout reduced even further.

From the very first mouthful of this whey I noticed a difference. I had decided to give it a try because of the claim that they use a cold processing technique to preserve the proteins and amino acids. I wondered if this could make a difference, because anytime I’ve tired whey protein products in the past I got stomach upsets. Not so with this whey, in fact after only a month my overall sense of well-being has increased dramatically. My lifting strength is up by 50% and it seems to have corrected lingering joint and muscle pain that has been with me for years. My guess is I’m getting extra glutathione, which is reducing cellular inflammation because of glutathione’s powerful antioxidant properties. This whey is definitely a one-of-a-kind product.”  Charles Johnston

My name is Brian and I'm 80 years of age. Recently I was dealing with symptoms of a COVID infection. Initially, I had a fever with chills and a sore throat. Within a short time, the fever subsided, and the sore throat improved but still lingered. I used several different supplements without success. I then tried One World Whey and immediately my sore throat went away. I feel that One World Whey helped me defeat this COVID infection and it gives me a noticeable lift in my energy.

My name is Brad; This whey was the first of several products I took from Synergistic Nutrition. I immediately fell in love with it. It is the best tasting protein powder on the market by far. I’ve tried many whey proteins and they’ve all irritated my stomach. With this whey it does not upset my stomach at all. I was 165 lbs. now I am up to 175 lbs. with less body fat. I’ve been getting stronger and my endurance is going through the roof. This powerful combination of products has contributed to my success.

At 58 years of age I was experiencing a dramatic energy decline. After a 5-day work week I had to use one of my days off to rest and recover. I also had cut my gym visits down from 3 times a week to once a week. Since I began using GMW my energy level has greatly improved. I no longer have to take a day to recover. I have increased my gym visits back to 3 times a week. I'm actually more active and feeling better now than I have in the last 5 years. It's so nice to wake up in the morning feeling good and ready to go. Richard Griswell

I love the NEW whey! I drink it every morning before getting on my treadmill and it delivers the energy, I need to sustain me. I am 70 years old, and I have tried many different protein drinks and whey protein drinks over the years.... this product outranks them all. I love the pure natural unflavored whey product out there!” S. Rollins

In Closing Here Is A Summary Of The Benefits Of One World Whey

Now, while it would be impossible to show you ALL of the benefits of this whey,
I want to show you some of the things that you can experience.

  • Build lean muscle
  • Faster recovery from workouts
  • ​Less muscle soreness
  • ​​Stronger immune system (Avoid getting sick after heavy workouts)
  • ​Loss of body fat
  • ​Improved energy
  • ​Improved mood
  • ​Detoxification of heavy metals and all other toxins
  • ​Improved digestive health
  • ​Improved Liver health
  • ​Improved Lung health
  • ​Improved Blood Sugar Regulation
  • ​And more​

Let Me Ask You...

If the results you receive from using One World Whey allowed you to develop the lean chiseled frame you've been longing for, would it be worth it?

If the results you receive from using One World Whey allowed you to develop the lean chiseled frame you've been longing for, would it be worth it?

If all this did was cause you to live free of colds, flus, respiratory challenges, digestive issues, body aches and other illnesses, would it be worth it?

If you could increase your energy, mood and productivity, so that you could get twice as much done in the same amount of time and you no longer needed to take any sick days off, would it be worth it?

Of course, it would!


Now before I reveal the actual price, I want to share a price comparison with you. There are no whey protein powders on the market that can compare to One World Whey. However I do want you to see a cost comparison. All of the comparison products are heat sterilized to the point that they are denatured, whether they claim it to be non-denatured or not.

Despite many products claiming to be non-denatured, this violates the laws of physics. When you heat sterilize milk either to 145 degrees for 30 minutes (called Vat Pasteurization) or at 161 degrees for 15 seconds (called HTST Pasteurization), you are deforming amino acids causing the destruction to the enzymes and naturally beneficial bacteria in the milk. This entire process by the laws of physics is denaturing the amino acids and proteins. Every other whey in this table or any on the market are all heat pasteurized.

One World Whey Is The One And Only Whey Protein Powder
That Is Never Damaged By Heat!

This Ensures That The Amino Acids And Proteins Retain The Sacred Geometrical Shape That Nature Gave Them.

Want some even
better news?

Because of the multitude of benefits this whey protein product has on the body, it reduces the need for many other supplements, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars per month in supplement expenses. Therefore, I could charge $300.00 a container and it would be worth it. But I’m not going to charge you $300.00.

One World Whey is Priced at $145 for a 5 lb. container, which is 76 - 30 gram servings. Each serving provides 24 grams of protein. To enjoy deeper discounts see the price structure below:

Buy 2 for $137.75 each and save 5%
Buy 3 for 130.50 each and save 10%
Buy 6 for $123.25 each and save 15%


• Due to the regulatory agencies attitude and actions towards raw dairy products, we do not know how long we will be able to make this product available.

• The Amish Farmer whose milk this whey is derived from was proven to be the highest quality of the Amish Farmers tested. Since this is our only supplier of the raw milk, we have finite amount of whey to sell each month.


Hello, my name is Jose and I'm 38 years of age. I've been a bodybuilder, consistently since the age of 28. From then until now, I've spent 3 hours in the gym 4 days per week. Over the years I've bought and used approximately 7 different whey protein powders. None of which made a big difference in my health, energy or muscle building. Then I started to take this whey and noticed after 3 weeks I had more energy, gained muscle and my recovery after a workout was faster. Then at the suggestion of Nutripath, Stephen Heuer, I added his, virtually zero oxidation flaxseed oil to my whey shakes. The results took my health to the next level. In a month and a half, I gained 3-inches of muscle on my legs, plus an inch and a half on my arms and chest and the soreness after a workout reduced even further.

This is your CHANCE to get One World Whey at this AWESOME PRICE!

You can buy your first 5 lb. bag of One World Whey priced at



Or for an even bigger savings, buy 2 bags at a time for the price of

Save 5%


Or for an even bigger savings, buy 3 bags at a time for the price of

Save 10%


Or for an even bigger savings, buy 6 bags at a time for the price of

Save 15%


For any further assistance at Synergistic Nutrition

Call at: 888-988-3325 or 864-895-6250

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