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Author: Justin Stellman
Date: September 12, 2024

susan-smith-jones-bio-picSusan Smith Jones is a real fireball. She’s filled with energy, passion and enthusiasm for life.

She’s an amazing person that is so into what she’s doing you can tell it oozes out of her pores. Today we had a fun show talking about all kinds of subjects regarding health.

We talked about a handful of tips that will help people avoid putting on weight during the holiday season or any time in life really. I didn’t realize this but the average person puts on roughly 7 to 12 pounds during the holiday season.

Isn’t that crazy?

And guess what they do after that?

They are the ones who come up with these New Year resolutions talking all about how they’re going to lose a ton of weight. Mostly they’re doing this to psychologically put a band aid on the wound they’ve created by putting on so much weight.

What’s even worse is that some people even will tell themselves they’ll have a New Years resolution (before the binge on holiday food) as some sort of justification for eating that much food.

We humans are strange people aren’t we?

Here’s a brief rundown of of some of what we talked about:

  1. Eat frequently and don’t skip meals.
  2. Bring healthy snacks while out shopping or in the car.
  3. Eat something before you go out, especially a holiday party/big dinner.
  4. Don’t hang out near the food.
  5. Don’t just eat to be “social”.
  6. Watch out for processed carbs.
  7. Plan ahead. (Any superfoods or super-nutrients to prevent overeating?)
  8. Make sleep a top priority in your life and set the tone for the day.
  9. Fiber and the right kind of water are your secret weapons.
  10. Eat slowly – (Two parts to this response and one of the #1 tips of the interview)
  11. Keep your body hydrated.
  12. When all else fails, portion control can help.
  13. Calorie density is the key.
  14. Fill up on salad.
  15. This is not about being perfect; it is about doing the best you can.
  16. This is NOT a diet!
  17. Visualize yourself as a healthy, positive person.

We also discussed ways to prevent and cure a hangover. Drinking too much alcohol during holiday parties can be extremely taxing not only to your liver but also to your kidneys, blood sugar and more. It causes internal inflammation and raises cortisol levels which cause the breakdown of all the major organs and systems in the body.

We talk about proper hydration, increasing alkalinity in the body along with the b vitamins and so much more. There’s so much to being healthy it truly is a life long journey of self love.

We ended the show talking about a story of Kate getting drunk a few years ago and how she learned from her experience. Get this, she did 8 shots (different shots I might add) and mixed that with a few glasses of wine all within a two hour period during her 34th birthday where she went line dancing!

How she danced after all that I’ll never know. But we joked about that at the end of the show and shared some valuable information regarding this interview with Susan Smith Jones.

I hope you liked the show. If you did, please share it! 🙂

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Show Date:

Thursday 9/18/2014

Show Guest:

Susan Smith Jones

Guest Info:

Internationally Renowned Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Columnist, Holistic Wellness Consultant, and Pulitzer Nominated Author. Internationally Renowned Motivational Speaker, Award-Winning Columnist, Holistic Wellness Consultant, and Pulitzer Nominated Author

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Motivation, inspiration, life change

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Justin Stellman

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Food Addictions, Hangovers, Susan Smith Jones

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